Post CommentGood band, but can only handle so much of them at once. Good for them
Good pairing of this band + label. Hopefully BMA will spring for some good production.
im very excited to hear this band with better production. good band, nice guys etc etc
Hmmmm, I could see this happening. metal band that doesn't suck total balls and is like by metal blade, but can't be on Metal blade because aren't scene gays that sing so stick em on the baby label
been long awaiting this news.... im glad for you guys. hard work does pay off huh... lets hope we get 5000 views huh butler????
FutureWaves 12/9/2006 8:39:42 PM this band blows.
shit, shit band... one of the worst groups making "music" right now...
I enjoy this band. I haev their self released album around somewhere. I wonder if I could eBay it for a million dollars when they hit it big
First post... And who didn't see this coming!!?
very happy for these guys...all you haters can fck off and die. come to a danza show and meet kirby.
great band, well deserved, good luck.
I wish I could say that I didn't see this happening 2 years ago
sammyapples 12/9/2006 9:21:37 PM good band, Colonel Fernald is the man
Better production would definitely be a plus.
salute the colonel aka. The Boss aka. colonel fernald
This band is fcking cool good for them
Digsusting, take a fcking shower you gross pigs. One of the smelliest bands on earth.
i pooped on your mom last night. she is smelly now and she needs a shower ;)
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Cool shit for sure