NewsNovember 27, 2006 7:15 PM ET6,425 views

Blacklisted, Sinking Ships, Shipwreck tour

Blacklisted, Sinking Ships, and Shipwreck will tour together briefly in January. Here are the dates: 1/7 Dallas, TX @ Red Blood Club 1/8 San Antonio, TX @ Midtown 1/9 Midland, TX @ Eschaton Records 1/10 Phoenix, AZ @ The Sets w/Hour Of The Wolf 1/11 Las Vegas, NV @ Leathernecks w/Hour Of The Wolf 1/12 Anaheim, CA @ Chain Reaction w/Guns Up! 1/13 Ventura, CA @ The Alpine w/Guns Up! 1/14 San Diego, CA @ Che Cafe 1/15 San Francisco, CA @ TBA 1/16 Sacramento, CA @ VFW Hall w/Killing The Dream 1/17 Portland, OR @ TBA w/Life And Limb 1/18 Seattle, WA @ West Seattle Legion Hall


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chiz 11/27/2006 4:19:48 PM

oh,fck yeah,now come to the east coast bitches.leave converge at home this time!!!!first post

ZombieDanceParty 11/27/2006 4:22:05 PM

come to houston!

YouAreSceneAsFuck 11/27/2006 4:43:53 PM

I dig Blacklisted. How are the two, um, ship bands?

totalpandemonium 11/27/2006 4:47:45 PM

where's the dates with ...of sinking ships?

andyxplague 11/27/2006 4:51:40 PM

good tour wish it was extended

punksucksgo 11/27/2006 4:51:58 PM

good tour, will go if it hits the northeast.

Dr_Radiation 11/27/2006 5:06:18 PM

"Ships" is the new wave of "blood".

zero_x_potential 11/27/2006 5:12:25 PM

Awesome tour, why isn't this in MA?

fvckyouyoufvckingfvck 11/27/2006 5:40:46 PM

sinking ships and shipwreck. Funny guys. Really fcking funny. :l

PukeSkywalker 11/27/2006 5:52:47 PM

ship fest, ship bands, ship thread

SmellyPirateHooker 11/27/2006 6:00:07 PM

This is going to be a good show! Blacklisted and Sinking Ships? I get to see this show with Killing The Dream!!! fck YEAH!

aimforthehead 11/27/2006 7:34:13 PM

Generic fest 06......Blacklisted sucks.......please break up and stay that way.

heart_means_everything 11/27/2006 7:59:37 PM

any show with guns up or killing the dream will be amazing, not to mention sinking ships are one of the best bands in hardcore right now.

deadchinadoll 11/27/2006 8:07:15 PM

if this tour came to philly i'd be there in a heartbeat

i_wouldnt_count_on_it 11/27/2006 8:57:39 PM

oh hell yes

Konstrix 11/27/2006 10:10:14 PM

fck the west coast

watchyoudie 11/27/2006 10:54:44 PM

aimforthehead 11/27/2006 7:34:13 PM Generic fest 06......Blacklisted sucks....... heart_means_everything 11/27/2006 7:59:37 PM ^Both very incorrect. Blacklisted owns. Shipwrecks cute and all, but Blacklisted means grown up time.

jebus 11/28/2006 2:22:46 AM

grown up time? like 15 1/2 as opposed to = retard dude above me

xpoopx 11/28/2006 11:16:05 AM

I heard that that the dudes in Sinking Ships touch little boys no-no's. I'm just saying.. that's what I've heard. Leave the little tikes at home.

xpissangelx 11/28/2006 12:13:27 PM

fck that would have been the sickest show to see, damn you west coast only tour

bigego 11/28/2006 12:20:36 PM

midland, texas? WTF

prettymetal 11/29/2006 8:35:51 AM

i wonder if there will be any 2 step parts...or sing-a-longs? nahhh....not at these shows...

xvegeedgex 11/29/2006 6:49:26 PM

Get fcking pissed. I'm there on the 7th, maybe.

loki 11/30/2006 9:23:07 AM

awesome, stoked on Sneaking Chips!

watchyoudie 11/30/2006 1:09:38 PM

jebus 11/28/2006 2:22:46 AM grown up time? like 15 1/2 as opposed to = retard dude above me ^Sucks mad dcks. Blacklisted is a great band you gay. Bite it.

lucifersoffspring 11/30/2006 3:05:55 PM

heard that that the dudes in Sinking Ships touch little boys no-no's. I'm just saying.. that's what I've heard. Leave the little tikes at home....You're wrong. it's torsos..

profoundHATRED06 11/30/2006 8:20:50 PM

sweet tour..thanks for not coming to my neck of the woods

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