Post CommentI dig Blacklisted. How are the two, um, ship bands?
where's the dates with ...of sinking ships?
good tour, will go if it hits the northeast.
sinking ships and shipwreck. Funny guys. Really fcking funny. :l
This is going to be a good show! Blacklisted and Sinking Ships? I get to see this show with Killing The Dream!!! fck YEAH!
Generic fest 06......Blacklisted sucks.......please break up and stay that way.
any show with guns up or killing the dream will be amazing, not to mention sinking ships are one of the best bands in hardcore right now.
if this tour came to philly i'd be there in a heartbeat
aimforthehead 11/27/2006 7:34:13 PM Generic fest 06......Blacklisted sucks....... heart_means_everything 11/27/2006 7:59:37 PM ^Both very incorrect. Blacklisted owns. Shipwrecks cute and all, but Blacklisted means grown up time.
grown up time? like 15 1/2 as opposed to 15...you = retard dude above me
I heard that that the dudes in Sinking Ships touch little boys no-no's. I'm just saying.. that's what I've heard. Leave the little tikes at home.
fck that would have been the sickest show to see, damn you west coast only tour
i wonder if there will be any 2 step parts...or sing-a-longs? nahhh....not at these shows...
Get fcking pissed. I'm there on the 7th, maybe.
jebus 11/28/2006 2:22:46 AM grown up time? like 15 1/2 as opposed to 15...you = retard dude above me ^Sucks mad dcks. Blacklisted is a great band you gay. Bite it.
heard that that the dudes in Sinking Ships touch little boys no-no's. I'm just saying.. that's what I've heard. Leave the little tikes at home....You're wrong. it's torsos..
sweet tour..thanks for not coming to my neck of the woods
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oh,fck yeah,now come to the east coast bitches.leave converge at home this time!!!!first post