NewsApril 27, 2006 8:04 PM ET6,488 views

Will To Live signs w/ Eulogy Recordings

Houston, TX hardcore band Will To Live has officially signed with Eulogy Recordings. Formed nearly ten years ago, the group has previously released material with Spook City Records. According to Eulogy, "they combine the influences of the golden era of hardcore and metal with the power and grace of today's heavy hitters such as Terror and Hatebreed." You can download a few of their songs here.


Post Comment

Sarcophagus 4/27/2006 5:08:50 PM


camoshorts 4/27/2006 5:09:21 PM

just downloaded ie7 cracked<dork

NoTalentAssclown 4/27/2006 5:16:52 PM

hmm... txhc

ZombieDanceParty 4/27/2006 5:45:31 PM

these dudes deserve it.

moshandroll 4/27/2006 5:54:44 PM

good for them

Mattapooh 4/27/2006 5:57:34 PM

Eulogy Records still exists?

aimforthehead 4/27/2006 6:03:47 PM


xStrikeHardx 4/27/2006 6:51:12 PM

good for them. great band.

sailor 4/27/2006 7:02:56 PM

Will To Live rules. Awesome news.

supercilious 4/27/2006 7:27:01 PM

TX Pride nigga' ...congrats dudes

sweetzombiejesus 4/27/2006 7:27:47 PM

"It's sucking my will to live!" -Garth Algar

DEATHGORE55 4/27/2006 7:47:32 PM

fck all the bitche that trash this band........i sport these guys from my home....Congrats to them they deserve it.....

DEATHGORE55 4/27/2006 7:48:34 PM

whoops.....i meant to write support..haha

thatguy 4/27/2006 8:18:15 PM

^^i think you meant to write alot of things that you didn't...

shootthehostage 4/27/2006 8:32:43 PM

youlgsareclueless 4/27/2006 9:18:39 PM

awesome guys they totally deserve this ....but they don't dress like girls so you gays on this board won't show them any respect

mickeyoneill 4/27/2006 10:44:26 PM

eulogy is on a singing spree....i seriously think that john wylie won the lotto and didnt tell anyone

sacralplexus 4/28/2006 12:58:09 AM

lol @ golden era of hardcore

blastbeatsrock 4/28/2006 8:48:45 AM

eulogy was at one time a good label. now all they do is sign shit. cmon jon you were in morning again before xuntil the endx...sign some good bands

xgabex 4/28/2006 10:12:48 AM

eh. nothing great.

cryptic_slaughter 4/28/2006 12:48:06 PM

whether these dudes dress like chicks or not, they're derivative homos..

youlgsareclueless 4/28/2006 1:08:09 PM

^^^^ that guy like most of the people on this site has no clue what hardcore is ...i would love to see you say that shit to rob's face...they are a hardworking band and have been around for a long ass time you know nothing about respect

TylerStDa 4/28/2006 2:51:03 PM

It's sucking my will to live!

TylerStDa 4/28/2006 2:51:25 PM

It seems I was beat to the punch...

penis_jerky 4/28/2006 3:28:28 PM

youlgsareclueless: rob to live is a nice guy. you need to shut your fcking gay mouth. dude doesn't care if someone trashes his band. get a clue, you fcking fruit.

strongarm 4/28/2006 4:08:17 PM

Damn solid band. All haters know nothing of what they speak of. If respect isn't your thing, thats fine, but you ignorant c*nts needs to stay away from actual hardcore if you don't like it, it was never meant for you...

jamesjoseph78 4/28/2006 6:21:32 PM

penis ...rob is a great guy and i am sure he doesn't care if people trash his band ,,, but i know he wouldn't sit there when some gay calls him a homo to his face you and clueless can get fcked

Randy305 4/29/2006 12:53:59 PM

that's good to hear, they deserve it. congrats.

xpissangelx 4/30/2006 6:44:23 PM

this band will destroy you they fcking maul

wolfpack 5/1/2006 12:06:13 PM

Yeah Rob would eat you if he heard that! haha

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