Post CommentSo wait, bands get signed and then put out debuts? In Soviet Russia, cash-cow bands release YOU!
how does a band from Utah play southern rock?
"Influences: WHISKY, WEED, DOOM, RIFFS, and a pinch of straightedge.." ..... one of these things is not like the other
That's fckin queer shit if I ever heard it.
man, this chick has some pretty brutal vox
My best buds. Congrats, now go molest more 12 year old girls. Oh, and these gays are gonna take over the world. That is all.
I saw these guys open up last night for SFU. They are not that great. They just sound like everything else.
wouldn't it be cool if abacus would just continue signing bands? seems like a financially sound course of action
this band is the ugliest group of untalented gays i've ever seen. and they smell like weed, ass, and liquor.
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