Post Comment"KEN mode are have completed" - Japan much?
awesome. i will be purchasing. they were making heavy epic shit way before it became the hip thing to do.
I prefer the term "Mammoth metallic noise rock" myself. As for the Kittens reference, it's not a reference, it's a cover. This one only took us 4 years to write...fck is that pathetic..
its about fcking time...good news nonetheless
They're really fcking full of themselves, but then again most bands are. Pretty good music, though.
"They're really fcking full of themselves, but then again most bands are. Pretty good music, though." Source? haha...but okay, sure, whatever
they actually are pretty fcking good.
I've not yet heard this band, but this does call my name. will be checking out.
Loved Mongrel, can't wait for this shit!
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massive, headsplitting, aggro-noise metal? will not be there!