NewsFebruary 17, 2006 1:31 AM ET6,545 views

Caliban, Sworn Enemy, Ion Dissonance, etc. tour

Official press release (Abacus Recordings): The first ever Abacus Recordings Tour is upon us. Starting April 28th Abacus Recordings, Decibel Magazine, and are pleased to announce a full US tour featuring: Caliban, Sworn Enemy, Ion Dissonance, Embrace the End, and Bleeding Kansas. This massive tour will be hitting most major cities, so you will have no excuse not to go. With stops at both the New England Metal Fest and the Los Angeles Metal Fest, this is not a tour you'll want to miss. 4/28 Long Island, NY @ Club Ritual 4/29 Worcester, MA @ Palladium (New England Metal Fest) 4/30 Baltimore, MD @ Sonar 5/1 Virginia Beach, VA @ Peppermint Beach Club 5/2 Raleigh, NC @ The Brewery 5/3 Atlanta, GA @ Masquerade 5/4 Orlando, FL @ Island Oasis 5/5 West Palm Beach , FL @ Ray's Downtown Blues 5/6 Tampa, FL @ TBA 5/7 Tallahassee, FL @ The Beta Bar 5/8 Baton Rouge, LA @ The Darkroom 5/9 Houston, TX @ Java Jazz 5/10 San Antonio, TX @ White Rabbit 5/12 Phoenix, AZ @ TBA 5/13 San Bernardino, CA @ NOS Event Centre 5/14 Hollywood, CA @ The Whiskey 5/15 Sacramento, CA @ The Boardwalk 5/16 Boise, ID @ The Venue 5/17 Ogden, UT @ Club Boom 5/18 Denver, CO @ Bluebird Theatre 5/19 Omaha, NE @ TBA 5/20 Freeport, IL @ Freeport Convention Centre 5/21 Chicago, IL @ TBA 5/22 Detroit, MI @ TBA 5/23 Cleveland, OH @ Screwy Louie's 5/24 New York, NY @ B.B. King's 5/25 Philadelphia, PA @ TBA 5/26 Danbury, CT @ Empress Ballroom


Post Comment

pure_balls 2/16/2006 10:34:53 PM


theguyfromcameo 2/16/2006 10:39:12 PM

I love c-ck

generic_HxC_dancer 2/16/2006 10:41:32 PM

*floor punchesyour dick*

deadwithfear 2/16/2006 10:44:56 PM

ion dissonance always gets thrown on a shitty ass tour

LordofChaos 2/16/2006 10:55:21 PM

^^you must, anyways, fck this tour. Let's see how many c-cksuckers say " Ion is the only band worth seeing", a bit of advice, none of these bands are worth seeing.

elliot 2/16/2006 11:17:31 PM

ughh...when are people going to stop putting five fcking bands on a tour that will not draw many people?

hang_yourself 2/16/2006 11:28:57 PM

fuuuuck youuuu. bleeding kansas apprec!

TheLindbergBaby 2/16/2006 11:38:14 PM

LordofChaos, please disconnect your internet and hang yourself with the USB cord.

Strongarm 2/16/2006 11:50:23 PM

Embrace the End, that is all.

honkytonkcock 2/17/2006 12:03:59 AM

I hope they add Diecast to this show!!!!11

xnvb 2/17/2006 12:07:05 AM

I'd go for Ion Dissonance and Embrace The End. no care for the others. Caliban is terrible.

sammyapples 2/17/2006 12:13:31 AM

ion dissonance is fckin awesome. i will be there 5/21

captnigga 2/17/2006 1:51:21 AM

ion d loves playing with shit bands

cydrx 2/17/2006 4:04:16 AM

is glasscasket not on abacus??

foolassfool 2/17/2006 4:12:38 AM

Good tour...minus last two.

Selvin 2/17/2006 4:25:00 AM

Ion Dissoance and no Canada dates? Pffft.

Dave2112 2/17/2006 6:23:03 AM

The music end of Caliban is cool, but damn, they have the worst screamer in the history of screaming into a mic.. Ion D would be awesome to see. Tampa date=me

laitythegreat 2/17/2006 7:33:36 AM

More like Gayon Dissonance

hate007 2/17/2006 7:53:07 AM

Gayliban and bleeding kunt-ass

ikillinmydreams 2/17/2006 10:53:39 AM

embrace the end is incredible. ion dissonance are not as cool as they used to be.

madisonsteve 2/17/2006 12:50:11 PM

bleeding kansas is great.

killseverybody 2/17/2006 1:07:27 PM

solid tour, at least. caliban is good live and ion dissonance is destructo. 5/16.

grudgeagainstastranger 2/17/2006 1:58:30 PM

bledding kansas is pretty cool. no care on the rest.

KingLear 2/17/2006 2:16:40 PM

Nice to see you fckfaces still sucking off Ion Dissonance.. will see if they still taste good to you scenester gays next year

Strongarm 2/17/2006 2:23:34 PM

"foolassfool", I'm so sure you've actualy heard Embrace the End gay. Ion is fcking terrible by the way, guarantee half the people jocking the don't even like them/haven't even heard them.

Severedintwo 2/18/2006 3:42:02 AM

^^ learn to shut your mouth and die gay. Nobody gives a fck about you, everything you state is basically invalid induced with a pile of smashed butholes

KingLear 2/18/2006 11:15:41 AM

stick dynamite up your ass and go out like a man severed

nuggz 2/18/2006 1:34:21 PM

yep, no iowa date, huh? maybe it's cause only about 12 people showed up, the only time they were in the state

Strongarm 2/18/2006 2:45:22 PM

I think severed's still mad from his last ownage

cryptic_slaughter 2/18/2006 3:29:03 PM

I WANT TO MISS THIS TOUR, strongarm you're a c-cktoucher

Severedintwo 2/18/2006 8:27:36 PM

there was no last pwnage gay, ive had you on the run ever since you made an LG account.. way to care for lambgoat gay.

Strongarm 2/18/2006 8:49:05 PM

"..had you on the run", hahaha. Yes, because you're sooo terrifying. The idea of some little 18 year old punk like you trying to intimidate ANYONE is laughable. HAHA man you crack me up. no really, you do.

laitythegreat 2/19/2006 7:41:30 AM

I can't wait until I wipe my ass with this tour flyer

BucksportPunk 2/19/2006 1:13:58 PM

replace all these bands with nile and the brian setzer orchestra

Severedintwo 2/19/2006 6:57:39 PM

is that the best you got gay?? Come on i know you can do better than that.

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