Post Commentscarlet is still together! they deserve better than this tour.
scarlet and killwhitneydead would be the ultimate tour...they both are amazing and are two of my favorite bands
yeah scarlet deserves better than this shit tour.. they need to come to philly tooo
Yeah, this tour is lacking a Philly date. I really want to see Scarlet & Nodes. I could care less for Agony Scene and Becoming The Archetype.
^^^^^agreed. Scarlet is playing in Montclair in January but thats just way too long of a wait. Hopefully the new album is good, i wasn't too fond of the single they have released.
thanks for not cming to pilly. seriously. stay on the west coast.
Nodes Of Ranvier rules, I'd probably bone each and every member.
yessss, now come to FL, well scarlet anyway, i dunno the rest.
i'll be there. nodes new cd is fcking sweet. and i've loved scarlet for a long time
gay tour, except for scarlet. and by gay I mean homosexual activities abound in the tour vans.
jesusgod i wish i was back in LA right now :[
gay fcking tour. fck all you douche bag scene homos that want to go to this shit.. thanks for fcking up the scene you fcks
sucks that nodes has to tour with such shitty bands
sucks that nodes plays shitty music as well
" scarlet is still together! they deserve better than this tour. "
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