NewsOctober 25, 2005 10:22 PM ET4,635 views

Diecast, Bleed The Sky, etc. tour

Diecast, Bleed The Sky, and Bobaflex will be support American Headcharge for a U.S. tour, which kicks off next week. Here's the latest schedule: 10/31 Chicago, IL @ Metro 11/2 Monmouth, IL @ Rivoll Theatre 11/3 Toledo, OH @ Club Bijou 11/4 Flint, MI @ Machine Shop 11/5 Columbus, OH @ Al Rosa Villa 11/6 Cleveland, OH @ Hi-Fi Concert Club 11/9 Springfield, VA @ Jaxx 11/10 Jacksonville, NC @ Planet Rock 11/11 Fayetteville, NC @ Jesters 11/13 Atlanta, GA @ Masquerade – Downstairs 11/15 Jacksonville, FL @ Fuel 11/17 Ft. Lauderdale, FL @ Culture Room 11/24 Dallas, TX @ Trees 11/30 Hollywood, CA @ The Whisky 12/6 Denver, CO @ Bluebird Theater 12/8 Omaha, NE @ Chez Paree 12/10 St. Cloud, MN @ Star Central


Post Comment

13225 10/25/2005 7:24:11 PM

first post ever!

therageinme187 10/25/2005 7:31:27 PM

OH SHIT! I will definitly be at the show in Fayetteville, NC at Jesters. Diecast fcking owns.

withdeadhandsrising 10/25/2005 7:35:54 PM

there are no words in any language to describe how much this tour sucks.

picturesofme 10/25/2005 7:40:09 PM

holy GAY what a horrible tour

tomgilk 10/25/2005 8:25:49 PM


watchyoudie 10/25/2005 8:37:09 PM

diecast recorded their music video medieval in my hometown. This little bumfck beach town, home to on broken wings, shere khan and confrontation...weird. Nonetheless, diecast blows.

TheWood 10/25/2005 9:25:01 PM

This tour is horrendous. Please don't come to the Northwest.

scenepoints 10/25/2005 9:40:33 PM

oh so ghey. so very, very ghey

xtroyx 10/25/2005 9:41:29 PM

who? i know diecast.. but i don't know the rest.

SeveredinTwo 10/25/2005 11:18:17 PM

homos like fckicophiphop would suck the gripping black rear to go see American Headcharge

aggnate 10/26/2005 12:09:51 AM

this is fcking disgusting

LetMeEatThePooFromYourAss 10/26/2005 12:17:57 AM

wow awesome yeh, will there be breakdowns??

kenwregget 10/26/2005 12:44:32 AM

I have one word for this fake ass tour w/fake ass bands: hahahahahahahahaha

fataaron 10/26/2005 1:00:29 AM

bobajew hahahahhahah i don't know why but that is quite possibley one of the funniest things i have ever heard.

Tim_Diesel 10/26/2005 1:09:27 AM


13225 10/26/2005 2:42:21 AM

exactly what withdeadhands said

moshandroll 10/26/2005 8:55:07 AM

Diecast's new album fcken blows.

stabface 10/26/2005 4:59:33 PM

last time diecast came to slc, i wonder why they didn't come this time

xbetexnoirex 10/26/2005 10:23:44 PM

diecast + SLC= brutal

SeveredInTwo 10/26/2005 10:57:40 PM

^^ hey bless the leper on sat??????

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