Post CommentOH SHIT! I will definitly be at the show in Fayetteville, NC at Jesters. Diecast fcking owns.
there are no words in any language to describe how much this tour sucks.
diecast recorded their music video medieval in my hometown. This little bumfck beach town, home to on broken wings, shere khan and confrontation...weird. Nonetheless, diecast blows.
This tour is horrendous. Please don't come to the Northwest.
who? i know diecast.. but i don't know the rest.
homos like fckicophiphop would suck the gripping black rear to go see American Headcharge
wow awesome yeh, will there be breakdowns??
I have one word for this fake ass tour w/fake ass bands: hahahahahahahahaha
bobajew hahahahhahah i don't know why but that is quite possibley one of the funniest things i have ever heard.
last time diecast came to slc, i wonder why they didn't come this time
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