Post Commentbe cooler if mr. dickinson wasn't making special performances
wow... sounds exactly like dragonforce, they even bite their lyrics
formed in 2004 and already on metal blade... wtf
cellador is incredible. wait till you pussies see this stuff live.although many of you care less about composition, and more about meat headed mosh breaks. Fans of metal in its true form should take notice. This shit is no joke.
Metal Blade has released some decent shit this year.
then again,...this band doesnt seem to be that good. Their donnie darko inspired name makes me want to swallow my own vomit.
never heard until now, but this is pretty good
wow just what we need, more melodic speed metal. when are people gonna stop acting like it's still 93' and put out something interesting.
Wow, just what we need, more dime a dozen hardcore geeks getting all angsty on the internet with their elitist views.
fckthat metalkids are way more elist then hardcore kids. cellador? I think there needs to be a website where they enter a band name and see if it passes the suck test
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