Post Commentthats a pretty good lineup, nothing in new york though
wtf, didn't this tour happen a few months ago minus wop :S
tptd fcking suck, and they play here all the time
don't even try to knock too pure. they're the kings!
i <3 too pure...they are all sexy bitches
fck, this tour needs to get the fck out of the west coast.
That's what I've been saying about your mom's dirty snatch for years, but hey, we don't always get what we want. WDHR owns.
wdhr and winds are awesome. fck them for no houston/baton rouge date.
with dead hands is a good band, but they kinda suck live.
TOO PURE TO DIE were struck by a drunk driver last night...they are all dead.
winds of plague is a sick band...sucks theres no nj date.
too pure should be barred from touring with wdhr
wdhr never ceases to amaze me but tptd can go suck a fck...and don't ask me what that is.
WDHR got the drummer from Remnants of the Executed now and he fckin owns!! They're a lot better live now.
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i don't like any of the bands on this tour. oh, wait.