Post Commentwhy the fck would Abacus pick this band up?
Epic to Abacus? somewhat of a step down. i guess they didn't move enough units to please a major label. oh that's right...that's because they are a terrible band.
This has to be a joke, I must still be in a dream....Wake up Wake up!!!!!!
"We just basically set out to make an album that showcased what our band actually is." - So the album is going to be fcking terrible? Sweet. Glad to see Abacus will putting that horseshit out. Uhh...
isn't abacus predominantly a metal label? why is this gayness being signed to them?
these guys still being around is what I'm surprised about
abacus is an everything label go check their roster.
Are you guys morons? This band sold well over 100K. Shitty for a major.. but will be amazing for Abacus
We just basically set out to make an album that showcased what our band actually is." which is a shitty band that keeps getting dumped by labels
business move yes integrity move fck no
jesus, all your creases must be hurting pretty fcking bad. abacus is smart for doing this. big bucks for them (as if century isnt already giving it to them) and when they get more bucks, they get the ability to do more with their other bands. duh
geez, i guess if a band sells more than one record they must:1) SUCK2) be SELLOUTS------get a life people
Xjesus$blingX... abacus is gonna make a big nut on this, but seriously fck this band, no good at all
good for abacus, good for the band! i think it would be great if abacus brought in the dough on this
"We just basically set out to make an album that showcased what our band actually is."...................................the band actually is shitty
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