Post CommentShitstorm!? I have no idea, how they sound like, but I'd like to have a shirt of them.
think pig destroyer? are you kidding me? they don't sound like pig destroyer? fck pig destroyer, that band sucks. magrudergrind rules
i saw magrudergrind the other night with rotten sound. they were awesome.
magruder and rotten sound would be a fcking awesome show..
he said "think Pig Destroyer" because they don't have a bassist dumbass
yeah, but magrudergrind is powerviolence, where pig destroyer is not.
muthafckin' shitstorm!!miami's best in grind/thrash whatever you wanna call it.and magrudergrind are good as fck,awesome set when i saw them last year.
shitstorm is pretty much the best name i've ever heard. they're from florida so the odds that they are awful are pretty high.
fckING YEAH! There'll be a shitstorm when I hear this and for the first time ever it won't be triggered by my bowel dysfunction.
^^ Homoerotic transvestite in tight speedo leather that paralyzes him from walking out of his one-storey welfare bungalow, thus he sits home all day shitting on others.
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