Post Commenton robotic, weird. i met the violinist on myspace a long time ago.
Woah yeah, that's a pretty weird label change. I love this band.
This is awesome, I take lessons with the same guy who taught Greg...sweet, I have my lesson in 15 minutes
WORST BAND EVER. and robotic empire is slowly becoming the worst label ever.
any of you kids that talk shit need to learn what real music is
One of the dudes, named Forbes, moshed naked at a Pg. 99 show. Funny stuff.
i've been a fan since maudlin of the well, and i know the guys real well, to the kid who says their the worse band ever, you should never post on anything that says music on it ever again and should promply kill yourself you ignorant piece of shit
ridiculous musicianship - can't wait for new material.
This band is better than 95% of the bands ever mentioned on this site.
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