Dying Wish, No Cure and more to perform at LDB Fest 2025 Pre-Show

Dying Wish will headline the LDB Fest 2025 Pre-Show on April 24th at Portal in Louisville, KY. No Cure, Flat Six, Mean Mugg'd, Steamroll and Walk Alone will provide support.
Find ticket information here.

Below is the previously announced line-up for LDB Fest 2025.

Full line up:
Cold World
God's Hate
High Vis
Missing Link
Modern Color
Never Ending Game
Soul Search
Static Dress
Year Of The Knife
Bad Beat
Holy Blade
Killing Me Softly
Soul Blind
Split Chain
Two Witnesses
Post CommentThis pre-show somehow has a more relevant lineup than This is hardcore
"Revenge Season should be on this" after further review she alleges a dude forced himself on here, we have off setting penalties, First down
I thought she moved to the new hipster transplant shithole of Nashville?
rick_tocchet 25 minutes ago Boster lives in a somewhat ratty house near Mt. Tabor in Portland. https://antifawatch.net/ViewReport/3cda1d5c Oh Rick, that's cute. You found another community where you're accepted by other fat incel cucks.
Of course she would move to a prosperous red state with a good economy after trying to burn down the country.
Of course she would move to a prosperous red state with a good economy after trying to burn down the country. ^the poorest states are red states by far, you fat retard. Can you get anything right? Man, what a pathetic slob you are.
If I was trying to steal Medicaid and food stamps I'd go to a red state too
There's also an abundance of cheap teslas for sale in red states.
Marty gilroy here… I'm sick of people asking me more money for the soldiers!… leave me alone!!!
Steamroll = Andrew Vacante from Combust It must be nice to live rent & bills free huh Andy? You know this loser begged to play this show for nothing, his parents are covering car rental & his food, bandmates gas & tolls & they will be sleeping on air mattresses in someone's basement to play this & sell 15-20 t-shirts.
rick_tocchet 4 hours ago Of course she would move to a prosperous red state with a good economy after trying to burn down the country. You are so f*cking stupid. She lives in Nashville; one of the few blue dots in that state that generates ALL the state's f*cking income. Drive like 45 mins outside of the city and people are barely wearing shoes and don't have f*cking running water half the time. Like most "prosperous red states," the blue cities are the only places that are actually "prosperous."
She lives in Nashville because her husband or bf has been working his ass off for 17 years or something. I usually hate but I agree with above poster
Yes that is true poster above me. But it still doesn't mean blue cities aren't still shitty themselves. Look at San Francisco. Beautiful rich city with tech but a shithole because of left policies. Btw I am a liberal. Just saying democrats don't know how to run cities lol even if there nice
"^the poorest states are red states by far, you fat retard. Can you get anything right? Man, what a pathetic slob you are." Still crying Trump won, nothing you can do about it.
"You are so f*cking stupid. She lives in Nashville; one of the few blue dots in that state that generates ALL the state's f*cking income. Drive like 45 mins outside of the city and people are barely wearing shoes and don't have f*cking running water half the time. Like most "prosperous red states," the blue cities are the only places that are actually "prosperous."" The richest areas are located around Nashville and are predominantly white. Blacks, which reside in Nashville proper are some of the poorest in the state. Oops. Facts matter right libtard? But of course I'm a nazi. Right libbitch?
Look the guy above nailed it when he said Trump woooonOHHHH f*ckKK I AM CUMMING BECAUSE I LOVE TRUUUMP FUUUUUUUCK
Truly. This administration is doing great. I knew as soon as Trump took the OvaaaaalllAAHHHHH IM BRICKING HES SO AMAZINGFFFUUUUUUUUCK
praise be Donald J(esus) Trump. Purveyor of teslas and fiction. Enforcer of diapers. Believer in goppernickel.
Libtard fest 2025. All men will be 5 feet tall and weigh 120 pounds and all women will be fat blue haired retards with septum piercings.
Look at San Francisco. Beautiful rich city with tech but a shithole because of left policies. The situation in SF, and Portland, are ridiculously overblown. Especially San Francisco. Downtown is struggling more because of offices being empty due to WFH than anything else.
The richest areas are located around Nashville and are predominantly white. Blacks, which reside in Nashville proper are some of the poorest in the state. Oops. Facts matter right libtard? But of course I'm a nazi. Right libbitch? Yeah, those are called "suburbs" or "metropolitan areas" and aren't the rural parts of the state, 45 minutes away. JFC, you people are so god damn dumb. And yeah, lots of poor "blacks" (among others) in the city, but you're going to tell me there isn't a shit load of money in the city, or that the majority of the states incomes comes from IN those cities?? No, I don't think you're a nazi; you're honestly not smart enough to have an actual political ideology. You're a sister f*cking moron, you MAGA cuck. Signed, Gun toting libbitch
DEI fest with everyone dressed like Urban Outfitter employees wearing 300 dollar retro 90s hardcore shirts.
can we pivot and talk about how stupid the trend of making band photos low-res 80's polaroid quality is?
Tennessean Libtard here: Tennessee has some beautiful rural cities I would rather raised my indoctrinated kids in compared to Nashville.
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please stop giving dying wish a platform of any kind