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anonymous 4 days ago

The richest areas are located around Nashville and are predominantly white. Blacks, which reside in Nashville proper are some of the poorest in the state. Oops. Facts matter right libtard? But of course I'm a nazi. Right libbitch? Yeah, those are called "suburbs" or "metropolitan areas" and aren't the rural parts of the state, 45 minutes away. JFC, you people are so god damn dumb. And yeah, lots of poor "blacks" (among others) in the city, but you're going to tell me there isn't a shit load of money in the city, or that the majority of the states incomes comes from IN those cities?? No, I don't think you're a nazi; you're honestly not smart enough to have an actual political ideology. You're a sister f*cking moron, you MAGA cuck. Signed, Gun toting libbitch
