NewsDecember 17, 2024 7:40 PM ET3,649 views

Sumerian Records Ash Avildsen's 'American Satan' looks to have a sequel in the works

The Relentless

It looks like the story of American Satan and its follow-up series Paradise City will be continuing in an upcoming film titled American Satan II: The Beast Goes On. The news was confirmed by Sumerian Records founder and American Satan director Ash Avildsen, who also revealed that a comic series is coming next year.

For those unaware, the franchise follows a fictional band called The Relentless, who are portrayed by Andy Biersack (Black Veil Brides), Ben Bruce (Asking Alexandria), etc.

Avildsen issued the following statement:

There were so many things that transpired ever since we finished filming season 1 of 'Paradise City.' The most difficult is of course, the passing of our beloved Cameron [Boyce]. Since the tragedy, I have tortured myself over if I should continue telling the story of Simon or even carrying on with the 'AS'/'PC' universe at all.

After overwhelming support and demand from fans for the series to continue, I began trying to put a plan in place.. but then the covid crisis hit. This made shooting anything on an independent budget with the fragile nature of doing an Indie production in general just about impossible for this type of show. Big studios can handle stopping and starting carrying an entire cast and crew while shooting in the event of a positive test on set, but it's basically playing a bad game of roulette stacked against you if you're an independent.

As we all know, that mess went on for years. Once we were finally coming out of it, I myself became a father and I committed to wanting to tell a true story of an Incredible single mother who changed culture forever but has been largely forgotten about by society. Her name is Mildred Burke. I felt my calling was to solely focus on making the film 'Queen of the Ring,' which is based on the book of the same name. I grew up the son of a single mom and her story enchanted me to nо end. My own father (who I didn't meet until I was in my 30s) and I began working on it together right before his untimely passing. I just wanted to follow my heart, take a step away from the fictional music world and make what I believe is now the greatest thing I've ever done in my career thus far.

I am deeply emotional and proud to tell you that I did it. The film is coming out March 7th in theatres with the first teaser dropping this Tuesday. I hope you will support it and see it on the big screen when it's in your town.

Now, back to 'American Satan' and 'Paradise City'-what does this mean for the world so many of you fell in love with? I've decided to continue telling the story of The Relentless and those around them firstly with a sequel to the original film. My reasons for this are primarily three things

1) It will allow for a much sooner release of the 'AS'/'PC' story to continue and answer so many of your questions from the end of season one.

2) This format is better suited to dive heavily in to some very controversial toples which seeds were planted in both the movie and the series. You can use your Imagination of certain public figures, events and does that have come to light since 2017 and the references made in both 'AS' and 'PC' that now seem more relevant than ever.

3) Movie theaters need independent films that have fans. I absolutely love cinema and I believe it is more important now than ever in history to support your local theaters.

Meanwhile, we will be releasing the comic series for The Relentless via Sumerian Comics as we go into production in the first half of 2025 on the sequel. These images give you a sneak peak of what's to come and the books themselves will share a lot of new story from the past and present.

Thank you again for caring about a silly little idea I had years ago to show a modern take on the Faustian tale set in the world of today's hard rock scene as I began my journey in to filmmaking. I promise to do everything I can to give you a sequel that is more bespoke, effectual and timely with better story telling and performances than where we started and where we have gone.

Rock and Roll Will Never Die.

Ash Avildsen



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anonymous 96 days ago

Gayest shit I've ever seen.

anonymous 96 days ago

Ben Bruce got away with it in 2011. I know.

anonymous 96 days ago


anonymous 96 days ago

Fağs that take it in the ass are stoked!

anonymous 96 days ago

Who are these retards?

anonymous 96 days ago

LOL @ The Hard Times selling themselves to this 🤡

anonymous 96 days ago

These guys aren't even American or Satan

anonymous 96 days ago

The first movie reportedly lost $800,000 dollars (conservative estimate) with the upper range being possibly $3,000,000 lost. And he's doing it again?

anonymous 96 days ago

I watched the first movie....gave Ash my honest opinion...he's hated me ever

anonymous 96 days ago

We'll take the $ we should give to our artist. And make a comic

anonymous 96 days ago

There has to be some money laundering going on here.

anonymous 96 days ago

just burnin through daddy's Rocky/Karate Kid money.

anonymous 96 days ago

This is whack poo-poo stuff Shittyier then the German DVD section at the local porn shop

anonymous 96 days ago


anonymous 96 days ago

m­y­ b­e­s­t­ f­r­i­e­n­d­ e­a­r­n­s­ o­v­e­r­ 15k­ a­ m­o­n­t­h­ d­o­i­n­g­ t­h­i­s­ a­n­d­ s­h­e­ c­o­n­v­i­n­c­e­d­ m­e­ t­o­ t­r­y­. t­h­e­ p­o­t­e­n­t­i­a­l­ w­i­t­h­ t­h­i­s­ i­s­ e­n­d­l­e­s­s­..., C­­O­­PY­­­ ­­H­­E­­R­­E➤➤ W­­o­­r­­k­­H­­i­­g­­h­­s.C­­o­­m

anonymous 96 days ago

I'll watch it if they cast The Miz to reprise his role as The Marine

anonymous 96 days ago

Ash is a talentless midget playing with his dad's money

anonymous 96 days ago

Did he get his dad's money? I thought his dad ignored him most of his life and that's why he does all this crap. Daddy issues meets Napoleon complex.

anonymous 95 days ago

This is embarrassing. I've gay now because of it read this, even though stopped after I read the words Black Vieled Bride. Some shitty band hasn't seen a penny of their streaming revenue cause this label is investing it in stupid śĥit like this. Ņigger.

anonymous 95 days ago

lol you trolls the guy never got a penny of his dads money he started playing in reflux and booking legion hall metal hardcore shows. love him or hate him he's self made so cry more about it while you work the Wendy's drive thru

anonymous 94 days ago

Yea dude reflux and booking totally made him millions

anonymous 45 days ago

"They say if no one is hating then you aren't making an impact." Haha. I can't wait to see the other fans post about this. I can't to see American Satan sexual! 🤘🏼

anonymous 45 days ago

Lmao *American Satan Sequal

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