Post Commentthat was pretty fun. the full length should be good.
YES, I've been wanting to hear this band. Carry On is one of my all-time favorites. Todd Jones is a hardcore guitar juggernaut.
reminds me of if panic and carry on had a child.
That's such a lame band name...whatever happened to band names meaning something?
This is fcking great. Can't wait to see em with Blacklisted.
Snake Eyes is the ninja from GI Joe you gays
I saw Todd Jones at some show in Ojai two years ago giving pointers to some jock kid singer about acting tough so they can get the pit going and be a chump. What an jerk. "I'm Todd Jones, and I made SoCal Hardcore" douche
snake eyes wasn't so much a ninja - he was blind and had that visor thing that made him look like a ninja. Stormshadow was the ninja and then there was Jinx for a while (the red female ninja).
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first post niggzzz