The Bunny The Bear ends set early, sound engineer arrested after allegedly attacking vocalist's wife

During their performance at the Hell Over Midway festival near Chicago on Saturday, October 26th, The Bunny The Bear was forced to end their set abruptly after an incident involving the sound engineer. The event, hosted by Black Cat Productions at Magoos in Bedford Park, IL, featured a packed lineup with bands like The Convalescence, 9 Dead, Casket Robbery, Fight From Within, and more.
After the show, The Bunny The Bear vocalist, Matthew Tybor, took to Facebook to explain, saying that he decided to stop the performance after a confrontation occurred on stage between the sound engineer and his wife.
In his post, Tybor stated, "I'm sorry we didn't finish the last two songs of our set tonight Chicago…The fact that the sound guy tonight…came to stage…during our set…and berated/attacked MY WIFE…That's never going to fly." According to Tybor, he ended the set to address the situation directly.
The incident escalated when the same sound engineer reportedly hit the event promoter, Mel, with a mic stand. Following the incident, the engineer was taken into custody on charges of assault and outstanding warrants.
Tybor said that the band came to Chicago "to enjoy a fun night" and expressed gratitude toward the venue, Magoos, for supporting them in the altercation. Despite the abrupt ending, Tybor assured fans that the band would return to Chicago soon, saying, "As you can see…we still had fun."
His full statement on the matter and photos can be seen below. Tybor shared:
Alright. 🤣 I'm sorry we didn't finish the last two songs of our set tonight Chicago.
Ya'll know I'm a changed man. RETIRED FROM DRAMA and just trying to enjoy my family, music, and LIFE.
BUT. The fact that the sound guy tonight… in Chicago… came to stage … during our set… and berated/attacked MY WIFE…
That's never going to fly.
I immediately stopped the set . Would 10x over.
Will always stand up for my family. I handled the situation the way I needed to. And it is what it is.
The same sound guy proceeded to hit the female promoter in the head with a mic stand and then was arrested on assault and outstanding warrants.
I just want to clarify that we came here to enjoy a fun night with you guys. This wasn't planned. I'm sorry we abruptly ended the set. But I had to handle shit.
I'm NEVER going to allow bs like that to slide.
Huge thanks to The Convalescence, Casket Robbery, 9 Dead, Fight From Within and all the bands who played tonight. Yall were amazing.
And I appreciate Magoos standing by our decision to handle things the way we needed to.
And massive thanks to Mel for taking a mic stand for the head. Standing up for us 👀🤣😳
Chicago, we'll be back soon.
As you can see… we still had fun.
To clarify further, Tybor shared in a comment via our Facebook page:
Ya'll got screens before I edited the post to be a bit clearer.
Dude verbally berated/attacked my wife, swinging his hands around like a crack head and screaming at her.
He PHYSICALLY attacked the promoter though 🤣🤷
In a similar display of loyalty, earlier this week Caleb Shomo, frontman of fellow bear-themed band Beartooth, paused the band's set during their U.K. tour at the O2 Academy in Birmingham on Monday, October 21st, to confront a heckler who disrespected his wife.
Post CommentIs "Mel" the wife AND the promoter too? Don't get it...
"the sound guy tonight… in Chicago… came to stage … during our set… and berated/attacked MY WIFE…"
"the sound guy tonight… in Chicago… came to stage … during our set… and berated/attacked MY GOO…"
A long time ago my homie and I went to see them and the lead singer walked straight up to my dude, grabbed him by the neck and kissed him on the lips. It was hilarious, and they shredded.
Bedford park is not Chicago, band is so bad they have to play the suburbs.
Ok. So sound guy attacked TWO women. Not just big homies wife. Plus he was gonna get popped anyway bcuz he had warrants out for him anyway... Did I get this right? Confusing ass article...
the sound guy tonight… in Chicago… came to stage … during our set… and berated/attacked MY WIFE…
Bet the wife was bitching him and the sound engineer wasnt going to take shit from some random broad.
"expressed gratitude toward the venue, MaGOOs, for supporting them in the altercation"
The incident escalated when the same sound engineer reportedly hit the event promoter, Mel, (The wife) with a mic stand.
Wife, pfffff…probably thinks she's the bands manager.
Isn't there like 6 people in this band? Shouldn't this article be about the band piling on and stomping the soundguy into jelly? What's the point of being in a band if the other members don't even have your back on stage? It doesn't add up. Good chance this "wife" was up to no good. Probably got all cosmo'd up and had her makeup kit spread out on the soundboard. "Uhh yes, I can, that's MY HUSBAND up there".
i guess im gonna start f*cking with band members wives at shows now...
I was there. I literally watched all of this happen. It was f*cking insane. Promoter was awesome. She played in one of the bands on the fest too. Sound guy seemed like a total butthead the whole night and then things went crazy toward the end.
The wife and the promoter on not the same person. His wife is named Brooke who is in the bunny the bear. The promoters name is Mel who is the creator of Hell Over Midway and is also in the band The Fiction We Create
According to this jacked up story here on lambgoop. The sound guy talked shit and whooped the following ppl. The promoter the wife and dude on vox. Cops came saw he had a couple warrants on top of assault charges and locked his renegade ass up. U guys think the husband singer dude is the winner here but really it's the dude who's trying to post bond now.
Yeah is confusing as f*ck if you don't already know the life story of the band. Clean this up next time
"Y'all know..." no we don't because nobody knows who you or your band is. You aren't a celebrity.
anonymous 26 minutes ago Article is a confusing but "Mel" isn't the wife. Mel is a butch lesbian who is a transphobe and gay basher. Lol. She also bands who are known abusers in the scene. It's hilarious. The drummer from Beheading the Icon is a statuatory rapist who was in a band called Deceived in Numbers. It got so bad they stayed making memes out of him. I bet I know what you look like, judging from this gay as hell comment.
the sound guy seemed a bit off throughout the day. seems like he forgot mics for some of the bands and what not, so he may have been destined for disaster. Those boys in Extraction Point brought the heavy though.
Todd Jones here. I saw these badboys back in 94'. They should retire. DONE. OVER. FINISHED. END. They will never be one of us.
None of this would've happened if the band would just bring their own sound guy out. The house guy would've been relegated to vaping next to the lighting rig playing Candy Crush. You NEVER see this with hair metal acts. Never heard of Taime acting like this. I was there.
Why post pics of the sound guy that whooped your ass for?
Judging by the pics looks like the sound guy handled you boy
whats up with metalcore bands wives being constantly targeted?
anonymous 2 hours ago anonymous 26 minutes ago Article is a confusing but "Mel" isn't the wife. Mel is a butch lesbian who is a transphobe and gay basher. Lol. She also bands who are known abusers in the scene. It's hilarious. The drummer from Beheading the Icon is a statuatory rapist who was in a band called Deceived in Numbers. It got so bad they stayed making memes out of him. I bet I know what you look like, judging from this gay as hell comment. The vocalist was also in the drummers old band and is covering for him.
I was there. I literally watched all of this happen. It was f*cking insane. Promoter was awesome. She played in one of the bands on the fest too. Sound guy seemed like a total butthead the whole night and then things went crazy toward the end. Wait, why would you admit to attending this garbage????
So was it Hold My Own or CMI that ended up taking the shift to care of the sound guy? Why was this twink fair allowed to take place in the first place. So many questions, so little hardcore. Also - to the bloody homie with the superficial wounds. Yo hit me up I got a great dentist in the contacts list that can help you not cut your self on those drywall cutters in that mouth of yours.
None of this would've happened if the band would just bring their own sound guy out. The house guy would've been relegated to vaping next to the lighting rig playing Candy Crush. ___________________________ Bruh stop stalking me while I am leveling up my FarmVille on stage left
The promoters name is Mel who is the creator of Hell Over Midway and is also in the band The Fiction We Create The promoters name is Mel who is the creator of Hell Over Midway and is also in the band The Fiction We Create The promoters name is Mel who is the creator of Hell Over Midway and is also in the band The Fiction We Create The promoters name is Mel who is the creator of Hell Over Midway and is also in the band The Fiction We Create
I was there. I literally watched all of this happen. It was f*cking insane. Promoter was awesome. She played in one of the bands on the fest too. Sound guy seemed like a total butthead the whole night and then things went crazy toward the end. __________________ Why the f*ck would you admit to going to this show when real bands like The Killer, who celebrate real violence and real consequences for your actions, were playing a benefit show for someone legitimately in need of help less than 5 miles away last night, on a bill that featured nothing but banger band after banger band. Absolute fail of a choice for your nightly entertainment, for which you should never be forgiven.
Cops came saw he had a couple warrants on top of assault charges and locked his renegade ass up. _________________ Renegade? Was Bobby Sixkiller there?
I watched this guy get beat up years ago in upstate ny. It ruled
This band isn't hardcore nor metal. Most of the bands on this site aren't. They are geh-core.
"I'm a changed man" …continues to play in a bunny a bear
He (Matt) does the scream vocals and his wife (Brooke) does the clean vocals (at least for recent shows). The sound guy came on stage and started shit, Matt intervened, then the other individual (Mel) got hit by the sound guy before the cops showed up. Based on the pictures, it looks like Matt was struck as well, but it is not elaborated on. Hopefully that clears up some of the confusion in the comments here
I see you only got 1/4 of the story. The sound guy attacked no one. Instead, he asked the lead singer to not cup the mic between her singing as it was creating feedback. Her idiot husband faked being attacked, and the blood on the ground was from the previous bands PROPS. Maybe try and get more than one side of the story? Also, the promoter wasn't struck by a mic stand. Some people just want the drama to promote their bands. This is one of those moments. Magoos is a shit venue and everyone loses when they walk through those doors.
His wife gave the guy a bad blowjob and he wanted his money back
I was there, the wife sucked me off. She swallows. 👍
My homie and me seen these dudes with Look What I Did at The Palladium in 2005 and the singer goes up to my dude grabs him by the neck and kisses him on the lips. It was hilarious and they shredded.
How is that band still playing shows? the vocalist runs his mouth to promoters across the country when his band doesn't draw worth a shit.
Dude that said Mel is a transphobe and gay basher is confused af. They're literally queer and in a band with a trans person. Where the f*ck did you hear that?
Ya Mel literally left their old band because they were making homophobic and transphobic comments so idk where that idiot commenter got their information
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Did Chicago a favor there Srsly pretends he handed the situation but the guy still hit the promoter on her head with a mic stand. Well handled haha