NewsOctober 24, 2024 1:05 PM ET39,697 views

As I Lay Dying guitarist Phil Sgrosso releases brief statement following band member exodus

phil sgrosso 24


Update: As I Lay Dying's European tour officially canceled via supporting band's announcements. Still no word from As I Lay Dying. 

Following the mass exodus of several members from As I Lay Dying—including bassist Ryan Neff, guitarist Ken Susi, drummer Nick Pierce, and even tour manager Alex Kendrick—the band now stands in an uncertain position. The sole remaining member alongside frontman Tim Lambesis, guitarist Phil Sgrosso, has addressed the situation publicly, releasing a statement.

Sgrosso's statement reads:

I will be making a personal statement shortly on where I stand in the AILD situation. 

There is a lot more of the bureaucracy/business that I am navigating at the moment but I will share more with you once a clear path of moving forward presents itself.



Sgrosso's comments come amid swirling speculation about the band's future after this substantial lineup shift. While details about the departures and the band's next moves remain sparse, fans are waiting to hear what direction the band will take moving forward.


Post Comment

anonymous 142 days ago

Makes sense. He has to get the lawyers to figure out how he can leave the band but still keep all royalties. I can't wait until they reveal what Tits did. Given everyone's reaction I wonder if he r*ped a band member.

anonymous 142 days ago

Tim told him he has John Wick on speed dial so he better pick up the guitar and keep his mouth shut.

anonymous 142 days ago

dropping like flies. no future in this washed up band that can't even move splatter vinyl

anonymous 142 days ago

ohhh great another f*ckin pussy deciding he cant handle what tim has to offer. what a traitor. f*ck YOU piece a shit go ahead and get the f*ck out phil just a good for nothing weasel prick all you mother f*ckers are gonna be sorry you ever f*cked with tim GET f*ckED

anonymous 142 days ago

^^^^ what's tim gonna do hire a hitman to kill me??? he can't even do THAT properly

anonymous 142 days ago

Band f*cking sucks. Tim is a piece of shit. Break up already. AILD fans are c*nts for supporting a dude that tried to kill his wife.

anonymous 142 days ago

Phil has been killing with Saosin. He lucked out getting a decent gig while this shitshow continued and ultimately at its demise as well.

anonymous 142 days ago

uh oh, Tim must have mixed up his titty milk with the whole milk and ruined everyone's Lucky Charms

anonymous 142 days ago

look at you lady boys in here crying still. this will all blow over and there is a line of known metalcore musicians already auditioning to fill these scab slots. oh well no europe tour. latin america is still a go, us 2025 festivals already being announced (locked in), and a headliner on the horizon in states. merch is scarce on mb, nb or international webstore. the album will chart and there is nothing you can do about it. cry

anonymous 142 days ago

^ W

anonymous 142 days ago

No tour, album will fail, no band. You are a homosexual.

anonymous 142 days ago

^ wrong. take your L known loser. don't talk metal and hardcore. it's not your "thing"

anonymous 142 days ago

The label putting out their new record scrubbed all mention of them from all their sites and socials before the record even comes out. If everyone leaving and that isn't a sign of ol' bitch tits f*cking up again- I don't know what it is

anonymous 142 days ago

^ Fight me. You wouldn't last a second. You cock smoker

anonymous 142 days ago

The label is also not metal blade. Metal blade dropped then because they are washed up. Nuclear blast dropped them because they are washed up. Now this new label has refunded all pre orders and yanked the vinyl pressing.

anonymous 142 days ago

wait isn't Tim the ladyboy since he got them big boobies?

anonymous 142 days ago

Tim is resilient, this shit will never hold him down. He is always moving forward and while this might be a momentary setback he will be back with members that are even better than the last round of pretenders. Rumor has it he's trying to get Ola involved and a Russian guy because he is sick and f*cking tired of low T pussies made impotent by American liberal culture.

anonymous 142 days ago

All of the bands members just realized he tried to have his wife killed. Talk about making a deal with God.

anonymous 142 days ago

^ G A Y E S T comment ever.

anonymous 142 days ago

bitch i would mash the ever living f uck out of you and your pussy taste in music. show up.

anonymous 142 days ago

Men who hire hitman are stoked

anonymous 142 days ago

You are a bigger bitch than tim with his tit's. OH, and I f*cked your fat mom

anonymous 142 days ago

lol Tim's T levels are in the f*cking gutter after he nuked his endocrine system with roids. Did you see how f*cking fat he got? Absolute unit in the udder department

anonymous 142 days ago

Dino here, tim has bigger tits than Natasha Nice

anonymous 142 days ago

ohhh great another f*ckin pussy deciding he cant handle what tim has to offer. what a traitor. f*ck YOU piece a shit go ahead and get the f*ck out phil just a good for nothing weasel prick all you mother f*ckers are gonna be sorry you ever f*cked with tim GET f*ckED This is a special level of mental illness.

anonymous 142 days ago

get your ass up and work. nobody wants to work anymore. Kim Kardashian to these bitch ass quitters

anonymous 142 days ago

lol at the roid raging little b**** in the comments. Drink bleach bro

anonymous 142 days ago

^ eat shit poser.

anonymous 142 days ago

look at you lady boys in here crying still. this will all blow over and there is a line of known metalcore musicians already auditioning to fill these scab slots. oh well no europe tour. latin america is still a go, us 2025 festivals already being announced (locked in), and a headliner on the horizon in states. merch is scarce on mb, nb or international webstore. the album will chart and there is nothing you can do about it. cry Truly cucked.

anonymous 142 days ago

tim is doing porn, you heard it here first

anonymous 142 days ago

Everyone is on a supplement. It's called eating. If you eat you get vitamins and minerals. That's a supplement. It comes from outside your body. Ever shame someone because they got their proteins from a dead animal instead of synthesizing it with their own inherent biochemistry? f*cking idiot. Guess what, if you eat organ meets you are supplementing with iron and testosterone. If you eat a shit ton of meat and milk and lift heavy your T levels go through the roof. It doesn't matter if it was made by your body. What matters is it IS INSIDE your body. Tim's T levels are sky high because he's a man and uses his resources. If you disagree with that you are a beta bitch.

anonymous 142 days ago

Tim is a R A P I S T

anonymous 142 days ago

just subbed to Tim's OF. looking forward to them fat natties

lake_flaccid 142 days ago

So sorry that the "tier one" metalcore band some of you simp over is imploding for the second time. If it hasn't been made clear enough to you already, Tim is a shitbag who deserves everything that has come and will come to him.

BigDog 142 days ago

Guy who wrote the essay on supplementation a few comments up blasts tren and somehow still has low t.

lake_flaccid 142 days ago

Imagine defending a felon fronting a washed up, clean chorus metalcore band because he has big muscles, and then calling other dudes gay low t-betas in the same post Attempt to cover up your own latent homosexuality isn't working as well as you think it is bud

anonymous 142 days ago

^ spoken like a true bitch made female. metal and hardcore is suppose to be dangerous

anonymous 142 days ago

Brandy Baye here. I can fix Tim.

anonymous 142 days ago

New Supegroup incoming: Tim Lambesis Brady Ebert Jay Weinberg and the bass player that's the most hated person in Philly.

anonymous 142 days ago

dudes who like going to shows to see dudes with jugs are not stoked

anonymous 142 days ago

Tim farted in my mouth once. He said God would smite me if I refused. So I let him fart in my mouth as much as he wanted. Tim's farts taste like black beans and steroids. What happened to his band?

anonymous 142 days ago

Exactly. Imagine spending 23% of your life listening to "aggressive" music singing about violence and shit and then getting upset when someone does something in real life that you don't like. Ever think that music is your fake virtual world? It's some fantasy bullshit. All this metal hardcore is fantasy bullshit. Time to WAKE UP and if you want to really live then put those ideas and feelings in action with full force. Stop sitting there watching and do something. Talk shit all you want but at least Tim is doing that. And he'll make mistakes. But he is a loving person through and through, unlike the phantom shadow avatar you play with 24/7.

anonymous 142 days ago

Oh my god what happened? Did Tim kill another broad?

lake_flaccid 142 days ago

Lol AILD is not a violent metalcore band, it's christian mallcore. You only delude yourself into thinking listening to them makes you tough. You waste all of this time calling other people pussies, when you yourself are actually a total f*ckin joke

anonymous 142 days ago

being unable to separate entertainment from reality is a mental illness

anonymous 142 days ago

Exactly. Imagine spending 23% of your life listening to "aggressive" music singing about violence and shit and then getting upset when someone does something in real life that you don't like. Ever think that music is your fake virtual world? It's some fantasy bullshit. All this metal hardcore is fantasy bullshit. Time to WAKE UP and if you want to really live then put those ideas and feelings in action with full force. Stop sitting there watching and do something. Talk shit all you want but at least Tim is doing that. And he'll make mistakes. But he is a loving person through and through, unlike the phantom shadow avatar you play with 24/7. I've read this multiple times and I have to ask... What the f*ck are you even trying to say?

anonymous 142 days ago

^ alot of people think music is entertainment and that's the problem. if you actually pay attention to the lyrics and the music and the artists it's more then that. it's serious and a life style obviously. most of us know that that's why we are here. I don't come here for gossip i come here to get nourishment for our life style. if your a poser you wouldn't understand and your why the scene is weak.

anonymous 142 days ago

^serious question, are you 12 or just mentally 12?

anonymous 142 days ago

Devils advocate here but how is AILD not violent? They use hyper aggressive imagery, blood and shit everywhere, then name is about laying down and dying, presumably in a pool of blood. Singer is always talking about ripping people's faces off and punching the air. Members dropping f bombs all the time. Tell me how they are not violent? Again I don't give a shit but you have a bad take.

anonymous 142 days ago

Haha, these comments. So many shrimp dick, fragile ego, toxic "Alpha" pieces of shit coming to the defense of some half-wit, juiced up, rage-a-holic goon. No one likes any of you guys. Grow up, put the f*cking weights and the steroids down, maybe try reading a book that isn't 90% pictures sometimes. Oh, also, all Christian Nationalists can f*ck right off. Nothing says "I'm hardcore and do what I want" like living your life based on a book of f*cking fairy tales. Bunch of morons.

lake_flaccid 142 days ago

AILD might be "violent" compared to Coldplay or something, but when you compare them to other bands in the genre who DONT sell their shirts at Hot Topic, that illusion of being badass totally falls apart. Also they dont sing about ripping people's faces off and blood at all, that shit is in death metal which is infinitely cooler than AILD will ever be

lake_flaccid 142 days ago

God damn. Do you idiots also think August Burns Red and Architects are violent? Learn a thing or two about the music you listen to, f*cking embarrassing

anonymous 142 days ago

August Burns Red is not violent. They are in a totally different class of metal.

anonymous 142 days ago

August Burns Red isn't even a band at this point. They are just a hobby that these guys do together at Christmas when they are in town.

Bortslob 142 days ago

Band has always sucked, f*ck them and f*ck all of you

anonymous 142 days ago

"nourishment for our life style" Can this just be the LG slogan? PLEASE

anonymous 142 days ago

If you guys spent half the time you do on here learning about blockchain and crypto you would be better off. I'm LMAO'ing at your life

anonymous 142 days ago

I am enjoying the crazed weirdo in here aggressively defending this crappy band. I know for a fact he cannot deadlift, bench, squat, or press more than me, let alone power clean. I'd like to invite him to my metalcore mansion so we can have a real Freak Off. I got a thousand bottles of T-Titty's roids and lube ready to go. I will spot him on squats and play him some real riffs. His head will explode as he realizes his comments on Lambgoat led to him being imprisoned both in my hardcore and metal dungeon as well as his own cuck mind. Soon, he will comment here, his incel rage and latent desires for Tim too much to overcome.

anonymous 142 days ago

Bro, everyone on earth knows that no dude who's in to crypto can break the zipper line when he goes to take a piss. Give me a break. Lol

anonymous 142 days ago

It's been years since a stranger on the Internet told me to learn about the blockchain, a technology still looking for a problem to solve. You're better off learning JS, SQL, and something along the lines of Rust or C#. God, the friggin' kids these days. All this "neurodivergent" angst is starting to make me horny, boys.

anonymous 142 days ago

I wonder what big fella from Tim's beach wedding thinks of all this

anonymous 142 days ago

Every person in this band are 36-40 something year old band dudes grasping on a payday with kids at home but still want to tour. You don't get paid for recording an album nor do you get paid the week it comes out. Going to Europe also doesn't guarantee you some ridiculous salary until it's all said and done and the finances are calculated. Tim's biggest mistake was hiring people from "known bands" even though the two he did play to 100 people on a good night in 2024. Should have hit up some 18 year olds on youtube who play better and don't have egos

anonymous 142 days ago

Tim is such a pussy he couldn't even handle his wife. Tried to pay someone else to do it. Why would anyone fear that shit skid?

anonymous 142 days ago

As I gay crying

BigDog 142 days ago

^ nailed it.

anonymous 142 days ago

Just popping in to note that "as I lay dying" isn't a reference to dying violently, it's a book by William Faulkner about burying your grandma. Cheerio!

anonymous 142 days ago

^^^ A grandma who died from fighting 15 FSU thugs single-handedly.

anonymous 142 days ago

Saw A7X. 2002, NJ. Atreyu same year wearing matching suits and being heckled opening for This day forward. in a hall. Was there. Never saw AILD in a VFW, trust fund from day one

anonymous 142 days ago

^they owe james hart some royalties for making the gene gay since 2000ish? Even throwndown were still wearing jncos. Turning point was hellfest 01

anonymous 142 days ago

If bro ends up staying in this hasbeen shithole he will b the biggest enabler of all time. Timmy "tuff guy" lambesis u sound like a genuine douche. See ya man.

lake_flaccid 142 days ago

"nourishment for our life style" this line was so f*ckin corny I couldn't even acknowledge it. Just wait til that moron discovers Terror, he will somehow become even more intolerable

anonymous 141 days ago

Yall funny, I enjoyed reading this comment section.

anonymous 141 days ago

I just hope Ken goes back to Unearth and Phil gets all his royalties in order before leaving.

anonymous 141 days ago

I agree with comment section guy. This is a good one. 👍

anonymous 141 days ago

The members that are easiest to replace all quit? Man, good thing literally anyone can be a metalcore drummer/bassist/guitarist. How is this even news?

anonymous 141 days ago

I hope Ken never goes back to Unearth. They are heavier without him. f*ck you Ken 12 year old f*cking skinny jeans lol Tim Lambitchtits

anonymous 141 days ago

Wait, Tim tried to kill his wife?!?! 😯

anonymous 141 days ago

" Should have hit up some 18 year olds on youtube who play better and don't have egos " He tried this. They turned him down. Lol.

anonymous 141 days ago

Tim's a bitch... his fans are bitches... anyone that joins him now is also a bitch. He's so badass he has to try to hire someone to kill his wife instead of doing his own dirty work.. probably because even his wife could kick his bitch ass. Rename the band As I Lay Crying like a bitch.

anonymous 141 days ago

Death metal reminds me of your mom's... they all suck

anonymous 141 days ago

It's fine worst metal band ever anyway. Lead singer is a tool. He should be in prison anyway.

anonymous 141 days ago

Holy shit, some of you guys are the most incel twats I've ever come across lol "low T" "Tim's a survivor" lmao you might be "hardcore" but you sound like children.

anonymous 141 days ago

Why has nobody said wtf actually went down? This is the 2nd time his entire band quit, obviously he's still a douche tool. Like franki palmeri from the glass emmure. Had his whole.bad quit on him twice too. Maybe him and lambitchtits can colab

anonymous 141 days ago

This comment section is gold.

anonymous 141 days ago

I likes music

anonymous 141 days ago

Does anyone fap in there's mom sock anymore it has the whole world gone crazy

anonymous 141 days ago

Team Phil always

anonymous 141 days ago

Lots of gay panic in these comments, I'm queer, I like metal, I also work out. I don't however think Tim Lambesis is someone to look up to. He tried to have his wife killed. If that fact hasn't turned you away you are too far gone probably anyway. And the music is shit. So altogether something to be avoided like the f*cking plague.

anonymous 141 days ago

The whole band quit again.. cuz of Tim. He's clealry roid raging again. He walked right past me and was huge, not normal from lifting and w a woman NOT his wife. WHATS ridic is the fake tuff guy on here whose clealry really an incel, bending over to defend this douche. Any male that uses pssy as a slur Or calls others alpha or beta is a little boy NOT a man. AILD is not Christian, that was another big controversy they lied about , then hiring someone to kill his wife. U defend that crap u def are an incelp

anonymous 141 days ago

Jesus was fully tatted out and lifted hours each day. Dude was a massive f*cking human. And his death growl was legendary.

anonymous 140 days ago

I like them and don't really care what other people think , it is what it is , I'm not wearing a AILD t shirt but they do put on a good show . It's a free country and we all have our own opinions.

anonymous 140 days ago

I've still never listened to this band, but sweet merciful mother of christ they never fail to entertain in the drama department

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