The Number Twelve Looks Like You sign to Equal Vision Records, will release new single next week

Having just completed their first tour in five years with The Fall Of Troy and Heavy Heavy Low Low, New Jersey-based mathcore/screamo outfit The Number Twelve Looks Like You have announced they signed to Equal Vision Records. The group has plans to release first new single, "Eyes On The Fireworks" next week.
Pre-save "Eyes On The Fireworks" here.
This not only will be the first single from the band since the release of 2019's LP, Wild Gods, it iwll also be the first to feature new members, bassist Cody McCorry and drummer Michael DeMarco.
Post CommentAccess to white people is not a human right. Full stop, hombre!
I think everyone who posts on here are f*cking cool I wanna be you
When your band's name is the reason for everything over the actual music........
Dan Blizerian on Israel and why they have no right to exist
^^ haha like anything that failed cuck says has any value. incels are stoked.
"anonymous 5 hours ago When your band's name is the reason for everything over the actual music........" Read this like six times. What the f*ck does that even mean?
If Elon Musk and Joe Rogan are our best and brightest then I question the supremacy claim. We know how to fight wars for Israel, but we need to step our game up to be relevant in the modern world. Turning back the clock ain't going to work. But yes, go off about "white guy tacos" and how that's offensive
Read this like six times. What the f*ck does that even mean? I think it means the only reason they got any notoriety or success is because they have an outlandish band name.
anonymous 3 hours ago If Elon Musk and Joe Rogan are our best and brightest then I question the supremacy claim. We know how to fight wars for Israel, but we need to step our game up to be relevant in the modern world. Turning back the clock ain't going to work. But yes, go off about "white guy tacos" and how that's offensive permalink | report abuse You're no one's best or brightest, bitch.
Read this like six times. What the f*ck does that even mean? I think it means the only reason they got any notoriety or success is because they have an outlandish band name. ding ding ding. imagine having to read a sentence 6 times? oof
anybody who liked this band even a little bit definitley doesn't care about them coming back
no jon karel no care. but mongrel wasn't even really that good. so like i guess who cares at all
it iwll also it iwll also it iwll also it iwll also it iwll also it iwll also
jabroni above me missed the perfect opportunity to use NUMBER TWELVE LOOKS LIKE GOO but chose to be a goober
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