anonymous 3 hours ago
If Elon Musk and Joe Rogan are our best and brightest then I question the supremacy claim. We know how to fight wars for Israel, but we need to step our game up to be relevant in the modern world. Turning back the clock ain't going to work. But yes, go off about "white guy tacos" and how that's offensive
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You're no one's best or brightest, bitch.
anonymous 3 hours ago If Elon Musk and Joe Rogan are our best and brightest then I question the supremacy claim. We know how to fight wars for Israel, but we need to step our game up to be relevant in the modern world. Turning back the clock ain't going to work. But yes, go off about "white guy tacos" and how that's offensive permalink | report abuse You're no one's best or brightest, bitch.