The Summer Slaughter Tour fires back at those not satisfied with its lineup

After lying dormant since 2019, The Summer Slaughter Tour officially announced its return in March, and yesterday, dropped the bulk of its lineup. This year's tour features Veil of Maya and Brand of Sacrifice performing their first-ever full headline sets, and are joined by Gideon, Left to Suffer, Ten56, Tallah, Cabal, and Brat, so far.
After the official announcement yesterday, many comments in the tour's official social media posts, as well as our own posts, have been deriding the festival lineup as not up to par with past lineups. Metal Sucks even roasted the lineup in their headline, saying that the "first batch of Summer Slaughter Tour bands announced don't hold a candle to years past." The last lineup in 2019 featured Cattle Decapitation, Carnifex, The Faceless, Rivers of Nihil, Nekrogoblikon, Lorna Shore, Brand of Sacrifice.
Not one to mince words, festival organizer and Sumerian Records founder Ash Avildsen replied to Metal Sucks post on Instagram and had a few things to say to those (and in particular Metal Sucks) complaining about this year's lineup.
In a now-deleted comment, he said:
regardless if we booked cannibal and fetus or resurrected necrophagist and cynic, you're still a bunch of pro vaccine mandate brainwashed pharma cuck sheep bootlickers. have a good day and bow to your publicly traded owner, posers.
UPDATE: The Summer Slaughter tour has clarified via a comment on our Instagram post on this story that this comment is targeting specifically at "big government losers" Metal Sucks.
We didn't fire back "at those" Lmao we fired back at the @metalsucks big government losers
Another comment made it clear that Metal Sucks themselves deleted the comment:
we didn't delete the comment either, the @metalsucks cowards did.
Additionally, in a response left on the original post from The Heavy Haystack podcast asking, "yall this salty over a Metalsucks article?" The Summer Slaughter Tour account responded:
nah salty over them trying to cancel the founder of the tour cuz he said we shouldn't have to take annual booster shots and reposted woody harrelson's SNL skit
It should also be noted that Metal Sucks and Metal Injection along with the Blast Beat Network were bought out by The Orchard, owned by Sony Music Entertainment in 2022, which explains the "bow to your publicly traded owners" comment.
Lambgoat was formerly a part of Blast Beat Network, but in 2023 left to form our own independent ad network, LG Media, along with many former members of the Blast Beat Network.
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UPDATE: Metal Sucks has responded, saying:
Let the record show that we didn't touch those comments.
And in response to a fan saying "you're arguing semantics when you showed your hand," the response from The Summer Slaughter Tour was:
my hand that I think supporting vaccine mandates for concerts is fn bullshit? yes that's correct
Post Commentthey blew it and are scrambling now haha. should of stayed dead with this national embarrassment of a lineup. should be - CC and DF coheadline morbid angel or decapitated direct support cattle decap despised icon, ion dissonance in canada cephalic carnage all shall perish and animosity reunion on select dates embrace the end, with dead hands rising and revocation round out local opener
torch the slim chances of a successful tour before it even starts. my god.
yup everything he said is 100% right can't believe he deleted it!!!! Sad!
Well, they are right tho. Metalheads complain about everything and everyone. These people are toxic and it's not healthy to be around them.
He's so real for this, talking out of my ass because I'm a fat f*cking retard
Add escuela grind, callous daoboys, year of the knife, omertà and I'd go
imagine trying to convince people to give you money and this is how you react to a bunch of nerds whining on the internet. what a dumbf*ck.
"Metal Sucks even roasted the lineup in their headline, saying that the "first batch of Summer Slaughter Tour bands announced don't hold a candle to years past."" LOL If you care about what MetalCucks have to say, seek help.
Aren't you supposed to try and project neutrality on things like politics when you're trying to sell things to people? Especially when what you're selling f*cking sucks? Ash has always been a tool but he's definitely got a screw loose these days. Maybe it's because his attempt to make movies like his dad was a giant failure.
Hey Ash is your dad without whom you are jack shit all those things if he makes a movie requiring vaccines, masks etc?
They are not wrong about the braindead sheep. But the line up its still shit.
Ash got the jab because his movies suck worse than his label
anonymous 1 hour ago Metalheads complain about everything and everyone. These people are toxic and it's not healthy to be around them. Sir you are on
"LOL If you care about what MetalCucks have to say, seek help." I mean, any Metalsucks reader should seek help imo
I have no idea why people arent satisfied with the lineup but looking at it, its obviously deathcore and metalcore heavy and not enough "tr00 metal." Dont know why the "Core kids would be unhappy but there's nothing there for the long haired denim vest and leather jacket wearing tr00 heads,
I have no idea why people arent satisfied with the lineup but looking at it, its obviously deathcore and metalcore heavy and not enough "tr00 metal." Dont know why the "Core kids would be unhappy but there's nothing there for the long haired denim vest and leather jacket wearing tr00 heads, You're an adult. Stop calling people kids in reference to what genre they're into. Just don't go. Deathcore and core are f*cking gay.
I can't wait for this event to be a total flop. Even good shows in my area get poor turnouts. This will be completely vacant and it starts a 3. No one wants to do that shit. This tour will go back into hiding after this shit storm
anonymous 14 minutes ago ^ let's give this f*ckin kid a swirlie! lol
Ash calling anyone a poser is rich. If I were one of these bands, I'd definitely be reconsidering my summer plans right now if this is how Ash is acting in regard to the dork from MS who said the lineup wasn't good.
Lineup still blows but it's cool that he called out the metal sucks crybabies. Now he just needs to show his support for Israel.
Ash has played everclears "father of mine" on repeat for for 25 years
Ash f*cking floundering on his socials from randos roasting him but decides to pin it all on metalsucks saying "this lineup isn't as good as the last ones" by going on a facebook grandpa rant about whatever flavor of the month redpill conspiracy.
Yo your tour sucks, this dudes response is to talk about vaccines from like 4 years ago because he knows his tour f*cking sucks lol
I am substantially older than 25, so I don't care. This dick-measuring shit means nothing to me. BTW, Sumerian sucks as does most new "metal" and "hardcore" bands these days. It's all f*ckin A.I. anyway...
Yo your tour sucks, this dudes response is to talk about vaccines from like 4 years ago because he knows his tour f*cking sucks lol He's complaining about mandates that were over 2+ years ago even in the most lefty f*cking places, not to mention shit that didn't ACTUALLY happen. Such a retard.
Ash is a real one. Sorry if you fell for the psyop and were a guinea pig enriching the pharma industry. And MetalCucks has and always will suck. I haven't forgotten how they treated Decapitated over the false r*pe accusations. f*ck em
Lambgoat aka where all the 30+ year old neckbeard virgins who still live in their parents basement and never touched a women in their Life meet to share their miserably Life in The comments. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
I love this story. The whole community coming together to shit on a tour, a website and a human being that all genuinely deserve it.
anonymous 5 minutes ago Lambgoat aka where all the 30+ year old neckbeard virgins who still live in their parents basement and never touched a women in their Life meet to share their miserably Life in The comments. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Why are you capitalizing life? You look and sound like an idiot
Rick's uncle here. Yes, its true. But he enjoyed it. Was moaning heavy when I pounded his ass.
"Ash is a real one. Sorry if you fell for the psyop and were a guinea pig enriching the pharma industry. " I can't even imagine being a retard of this magnitude.
^^ of course you cant. Low IQ people lack imagination
Well I had no idea what the name of the person running Sumerian was, but now I've learned it and learned that he's a f*cking douchebag. That's one way to make a name for yourself I guess...
Lurk will never get on the guest list for the Slipknot 350 under show, not without the help of MetalSucks/blabbermouth, and the gods we know as the mother f*cking PRP. Git fukt, stay fukt, Lurk point zero.
Rick here again. Gotta chill you guys. Eat some Nachos and calm down.
MAGA Slaughter Tour. Trump hologram headlines…because he'll be in prison.
Shit fest. Shit guy running it. metalsucks is shit. No care ever. Article flip.
This goofy midget just mad cuz his hairline f*cked up
Wonder if Ashley "Advil"son is going to have the Kent State Shitter on this tour?
Sony's stock will plummet once investors find out they own
Lmao at these trust fund lambgoat douches acting like they left blast beat network to be independent when in reality they got dropped cause lurk is a severely autistic loser that no one can stand to be around for 2 minutes
"Bet on the youth this year" is an interesting way for Ash to admit he's a pedo.
Gotta side with Ash on this one. Fck MetalSucks. Haven't been to that site for years for the very reason the owners love to insert their absurd leftist political stance into everything.
/\ my thoughts exactly. No one should forget how these c*nts treated Decapitated.
anonymous 14 hours ago Imagine being a grown man who's mad about vaccines. permalink | report abuse Imagine anyone considering you a man, idiot.
I'm now going to this concert just because of that statement. Amazing!!
The lineup isn't good! Didn't they have bdm and btbam one year and then cannibal corpse, necrophagist, etc. Vom is played out at this point and was never that great live. They need some star power to get people to show up. Not worth it at this point...
Has anyone seen Ash and that dork from Trapt in the same room together before? Are we sure it isn't the same person?
I'm surprised Ash could even afford this since he laid off his entire staff to move to Nashville, poser capital of the US. All of Sumerian's work is being done by unpaid interns now lol
I mean the lineup is weak af. Summers Laughter tour.
"Well I had no idea what the name of the person running Sumerian was, but now I've learned it and learned that he's a f*cking douchebag. That's one way to make a name for yourself I guess..." Wait, how could you be aware of this tour and NOT know who was behind it??
Haven't been to that site for years for the very reason the owners love to insert their absurd leftist political stance into everything. Maybe you missed the part where it was clearly stated those dudes sold the site some years ago??
^^ of course you cant. Low IQ people lack imagination Sure thing, now go clean the grease trap.
based comment, lineup still sucks, metalsucks sucks more.
I was scared of the doctor's office and shots when I was 4 but my folks didn't coddle me. That's the problem with this whiny participation trophy generation. Parents would probably pull these kids out of the docs while demanding a lollipop for their trouble.
Gotta side with Ash on this one. Fck MetalSucks. So you think this lineup is good? Because that's literally "Ash's side," you f*cking sped.
^^ of course you cant. Low IQ people lack imagination Sure thing, now go clean the grease trap. I don't know what a grease trap is. Is it your moms underwear? Or do I need to be a braindead obese diabetic American to get it?
Anyone that goes to this is a f*ckin idiot and deserves to lose the $50 or whatever overpiced shit they spent on this.
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