Blood Incantation's Paul Riedl marries in ceremony officiated by Autopsy's Chris Reifert

After being together for seven years, guitarist and vocalist of Blood Incantation, Paul Riedl, recently tied the knot with his partner, Erika Osterhout (Chthonic Deity, Mortuous, Acephalix, etc), in a private ceremony.
Notably, the officiant was none other than Chris Reifert, vocalist and drummer of Autopsy.
Riedl shared:
One of the best days of our lives happened last week! After 7 years together, we were officially wed in a private ceremony by none other than Mr. Chris Reifert! Thanks to everyone who has reached out to us in the past few days, we love you all!
We extend our congratulations to Paul and Erika on their nuptials.
Post CommentWhat a lucky gal, she gets to put her chin into her neck to look down into those little beady eyes AND run her fingers through that skullet for the rest of her life.
If a dude with that shitty haircut can not only get laid but also get married than maybe there's hope for Rick Touchett! Stop paying for NAMBLA memberships Rick
Blood Incantation rules. However, this is the gayest post I have ever seen on Lambgoat. Seth Putnam weeps.
She needs to woop his ass extra hard for those pictures. Beat the shit out of your husband
I would pay a couple hundred bucks for her to slap and beat the shit out of me. Congrats dude!
i don't know what's worse. the haircut or shirt. actually it's the music all around
He looks like Bram Stroker's Gary Oldman at a Magic The Gathering tournament
Only the totality I don't give a f*ck set is brave enough to rock the skullet!!!!
The last thing you see before you drink the cyanide koolaid and ascend from your physical vessel.
That's a great outfit, how much do clothes cost in the Matrix?
I love BI but Paul looks like on of the many many guys I knew in the metal scene who'd ask you what music you'd like, sigh, and then give a diatribe about how their taste is objective and good and not an excuse to hide the chrome dome
^you were probably there as a flower girl you f*ckin pussy
Maybe he has huge dick? Or maybe she's into dungeon masters?
I'm not sure what's shinier…those bald heads or their shitty silver clothes?
Lol that Blood Incantation has become popular enough where people now use "only Spectral Voice is true" as a second tier of realness gatekeeping.
^ " That's a great outfit, how much do clothes cost in the Matrix?" yes! Force Quit is a great album.
Blood Goo Paul Goo marries in Goo officiated by Autopsy's Chris Goo
^ " That's a great outfit, how much do clothes cost in the Matrix?" yes! Force Quit is a great album. You should force quit your life
She's honesty not bad at all for a chick involved in metal
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I am dying to know what was on their wedding registry, Lurk! Please fill us in! Can't wait to hear about the baby shower! Lol