NewsDecember 28, 2023 12:42 AM ET3,681 views

Freya and RIG TIME! announce East Coast January run

freya 2023

This coming January, Freya and RIG TIME! join forces for nine explosive gigs along the East Coast. Originating from Syracuse, NY, Freya, formed in 2001 by Earth Crisis members, has been a force in global hardcore and metal scenes. Their latest album, "Fight As One," released this year, promises a blend of hardcore and thrash at their upcoming live shows.

RIG TIME!, a deadly metal duo from La Crosse, WI, relentlessly tours nationwide, delivering a fierce live performance without backing tracks. Since their Wisconsin formation, they've conquered 45 states with precise transitions and intense decibels, embodying the aura of a full band.

Both acts guarantee a loud, impressive show. Freya brings power, speed, and 110% expression, defying the wear and tear of their extensive journey. RIG TIME! prides itself on clarity and tightness, emphasizing tone and dynamic. 

01/12 Salisbury, MD @ Lurking Class Skate Shop
01/13 Chesapeake, VA @ Riffhouse Pub
01/14 Raleigh, NC @ Schoolkids Records
01/15 Ridgeville, SC @ Ridgeville Roadhouse
01/16 Johnson City, TN @ The Hideaway
01/17 Lexington, KY @ Blue Hill Station
01/18 South Bend, IN @ The Krishna Den
01/19 Detroit, MI @ The Sanctuary
01/20 Cleveland, OH @ The Foundry

Search for tours coming to your city here.


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rick____tocchet 12/27/2023 9:56:59 PM

About time Karl starts to RUN. Hopefully he keeps it up for the New Year and gets skinny again. God Speed.

anonymous 12/27/2023 10:19:58 PM

Nu metal is stoked

anonymous 12/27/2023 10:29:52 PM

"Freya, formed in 2001 by Earth Crisis members, has been a force in global hardcore and metal scenes." As evidenced by the fact that they're playing a skate shop as their first tour date.

anonymous 12/27/2023 10:35:17 PM

If Freya plays As The Last Light Drains I'll go

anonymous 12/27/2023 10:49:33 PM

These bubbas are gayer than full blown unshaven ladyboy creampies.

anonymous 12/28/2023 2:19:47 AM

rick____tocchet hangs out in the toy aisle with a boner for kids.

anonymous 12/28/2023 2:33:17 AM


anonymous 12/28/2023 4:42:22 AM

I was there

anonymous 12/28/2023 6:05:44 AM

Karl is still Geraldo's bitch.

anonymous 12/28/2023 6:38:14 AM

This shit is literally butt rock. Corniest band

anonymous 12/28/2023 7:00:05 AM

"East Coast"

anonymous 12/28/2023 7:06:58 AM

rick____tocchet 9 hours ago About time Karl starts to RUN. Hopefully he keeps it up for the New Year and gets skinny again. God Speed Rick wants Karl to get skinny so he can jerk off to his Adonis figure. Rick always makes comments about other males figures, penises, calves, knees, etc. He seems to be obsessed with the male bodies of his so called "enemeies". Definitely is sus, he's probably a closeted LGBTQ+ member, but is so full of hate he can't accept himself for who he is. It's okay rick, you can be your self.

anonymous 12/28/2023 7:11:21 AM

"They embody the energy of a full band"

anonymous 12/28/2023 7:12:35 AM

The Sanctuary & The Foundry are too big for these shows & where's the Syracuse show - afraid it'll do 68 paid people tops? Freya is not Earth Crisis who themselves don't draw nearly as much as they did when they were around the first time or when they crawled back to hardcore.

anonymous 12/28/2023 7:53:10 AM

Don't forget to try the crab cakes and fresh fish in MD.

anonymous 12/28/2023 8:01:24 AM

Why doesn't Earth Crisis play Syracuse New Year's Day shows? They played Lost Horizon/Syracuse for the first time in over a decade on April 1st. A show 9 months later is too soon?

anonymous 12/28/2023 9:14:13 AM

Promoters who like losing money are stoked.

rick____tocchet 12/28/2023 11:58:20 AM

anonymous 4 hours ago rick____tocchet 9 hours ago About time Karl starts to RUN. Hopefully he keeps it up for the New Year and gets skinny again. God Speed Rick wants Karl to get skinny so he can jerk off to his Adonis figure. Rick always makes comments about other males figures, penises, calves, knees, etc. He seems to be obsessed with the male bodies of his so called "enemeies". Definitely is sus, he's probably a closeted LGBTQ+ member, but is so full of hate he can't accept himself for who he is. It's okay rick, you can be your self. 5.5/10 Made me chuckle and was a bit creative. Good work. And yes, I do check out dudes. I have an inifity for alpha male energy and the destruction of 'simp' society. One of my favorite movie scenes is Aragorn fighting that dude naked in the Russian bath house in Eastern Promises.

anonymous 12/28/2023 12:11:00 PM

^how can you destroy something you embody? suicide? anyone citing "alpha male energy" is the definition of a simp, simp.

rick____tocchet 12/28/2023 12:33:44 PM

Here is my # give me a call. We can chat about it IN PERSON. I go to countless shows in florida. Come talk to me. I have met many people off if this website in REAL LIFE. (813) 524-8217. Lets see what you are made of.

anonymous 12/28/2023 12:41:10 PM

Stay Sigma!

anonymous 12/28/2023 12:41:12 PM

^ And there you have it folks: Rick is the Scott Vogel stalker, Turnstile Insider, Harm's Way cheerleader, Post Your Gmail-er & all the other stupid characters you've seen on here for the better part of two years. Don't deny it & since you posted your phone number "post your Gmail" too.

anonymous 12/28/2023 1:09:04 PM

Did you guys know Lurk's mom is dead?

rick____tocchet 12/28/2023 1:16:51 PM

Call me, text me, meet me, MEAT ME!!!

anonymous 12/28/2023 1:58:47 PM

Rick be in the comments like its f*cking Grindr over here trying to f*ck dudes he argues with on lambgoat.

anonymous 12/28/2023 3:26:35 PM

rick____tocchet 2 hours ago Call me, text me, meet me, MEAT ME!!! Stop preying on kids, pedo.

anonymous 12/28/2023 3:36:57 PM

Team Rick

anonymous 12/28/2023 6:28:15 PM

"…delivering a fierce live performance without backing tracks." …WTF?! Why write this?

anonymous 12/28/2023 6:31:03 PM

Can you talk "IN PERSON" to someone on a phone?

anonymous 12/28/2023 8:00:23 PM

Lol no one has the balls to meet Rick. Libtards, all bark ZERO bite.

anonymous 12/28/2023 8:05:21 PM

That one guy calling you a pedo is hitting on you Rick. I'm sure he'd be happy to call you. 😉

anonymous 12/28/2023 11:55:28 PM

Raw Time

anonymous 12/29/2023 4:46:16 AM

anonymous 8 hours ago That one guy calling you a pedo is hitting on you Rick. I'm sure he'd be happy to call you. 😉 Aww, did you already sext your sex offender buddy? I bet you couldn't wait to punch in that number.

anonymous 12/29/2023 5:00:47 AM

Karl playing riffhouse is hilarious. that place still allows smoking and only serves burgers.

anonymous 12/29/2023 6:06:51 AM

A VoIP number that you don't answer? That tracks.

anonymous 12/29/2023 6:41:20 AM

anonymous 10 hours ago Lol no one has the balls to meet Rick. Libtards, all bark ZERO bite.<--- the rhythm of yourself furiously clicking your computers keys to leave that message placed me to sleep, Sporto. Thank-You.

anonymous 12/29/2023 8:40:28 AM

I preferred his alt right side project from a couple years back

anonymous 12/29/2023 8:45:07 AM


anonymous 12/29/2023 11:28:32 AM

^he's 5'3 and works at KFC.

anonymous 12/29/2023 12:29:08 PM

Damn you got that one pussy boy always saying post your gmai! like he's gonna do anything about it and then rick straight up posts his phone number. Boss move. Bet no one calls him

anonymous 12/29/2023 2:22:37 PM

That phone number he posted is a VOIP app and he didn't answer. It's not his real phone number. He's too much of a pussy to drop his government name but he'll posture with a fake/burner phone number.

anonymous 12/29/2023 5:20:22 PM

^tried to call him too. What a puss.

anonymous 12/29/2023 6:11:02 PM

Rick do you live anywhere near Ft Meyers? I'll be there in February. If you do we should drink beers and scam on some really nasty sluts

anonymous 12/30/2023 12:18:13 PM

anonymous 18 hours ago Rick do you live anywhere near Ft Meyers? I'll be there in February. If you do we should drink beers and scam on some really nasty sluts Rick only goes for baby sluts.

anonymous 12/31/2023 6:26:11 AM

Karl preaches a nonviolent lifestyle with veganism yet owns guns.

anonymous 1/2/2024 8:10:44 AM

What's Krishna Den?

anonymous 1/2/2024 2:15:30 PM

" I have an inifity for alpha male energy and the destruction of 'simp' society." The word is "affinity" you brain dead moron.

anonymous 1/2/2024 2:25:56 PM

Dude running the Krishna den is a fat racist dweeb

anonymous 1/2/2024 2:27:43 PM

I heard that guy that runs the Krishna Den is a closet racist and rocks an acorn penis.

anonymous 1/2/2024 5:25:41 PM

I'm guessing Krishna Den is a venue ran by one of those "enlightened" incel boomers that hasn't been able to see his dick in ten years.

anonymous 1/2/2024 5:40:11 PM

Freya is straight clown shoes lol. Goofy butt rock sounding bullshit! 🤣🤣🤣

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