anonymous 4 hours ago
rick____tocchet 9 hours ago
About time Karl starts to RUN. Hopefully he keeps it up for the New Year and gets skinny again. God Speed
Rick wants Karl to get skinny so he can jerk off to his Adonis figure. Rick always makes comments about other males figures, penises, calves, knees, etc. He seems to be obsessed with the male bodies of his so called "enemeies". Definitely is sus, he's probably a closeted LGBTQ+ member, but is so full of hate he can't accept himself for who he is.
It's okay rick, you can be your self.
Made me chuckle and was a bit creative. Good work. And yes, I do check out dudes. I have an inifity for alpha male energy and the destruction of 'simp' society. One of my favorite movie scenes is Aragorn fighting that dude naked in the Russian bath house in Eastern Promises.
anonymous 4 hours ago rick____tocchet 9 hours ago About time Karl starts to RUN. Hopefully he keeps it up for the New Year and gets skinny again. God Speed Rick wants Karl to get skinny so he can jerk off to his Adonis figure. Rick always makes comments about other males figures, penises, calves, knees, etc. He seems to be obsessed with the male bodies of his so called "enemeies". Definitely is sus, he's probably a closeted LGBTQ+ member, but is so full of hate he can't accept himself for who he is. It's okay rick, you can be your self. 5.5/10 Made me chuckle and was a bit creative. Good work. And yes, I do check out dudes. I have an inifity for alpha male energy and the destruction of 'simp' society. One of my favorite movie scenes is Aragorn fighting that dude naked in the Russian bath house in Eastern Promises.