Gridiron guitarist Will Kaelin watches Lions game during For The Children set this weekend

Hardcore supergroup Gridiron performed this weekend at the For The Children Fest in Los Angeles. During their set on Saturday, December 16th, Will Kaelin (aka Fat Bill) was recorded by a member of the band Missing Link, watching a phone set up on stage featuring the Denver Broncos/Detroit Lions game.
The footage quickly went viral when members of Barstool Sports were tagged with the post. Kaelin himself responded to Pardon My Take co-host PFTcommenter, nominating himself for their weekly "Football Guy of the Week" award.
On Saturday the Detroit Lions defeated the Denver Broncos 42 to 17.

Post Commentscott vogel is a master of the custodial arts
Lets praise over paid athletes and suck their dicks while you are at it.
My god this genre is stupid….has it always been this stupid? Or has it gotten stupider in the past 15 years?
He should've been watching The Butcher vs. Fresh Fish.
holy shit, these articles get worse every fucking day.
Another "Lions fan since 2022" outs himself.
If it had been a video of him literally watching as he was playing the set, like, sitting down or something, I would have found this interesting. Guy has his cellphone on during the set. Who cares?
Gridiron sucks ass and so does this article, who gives a fuck
Will watched the game AND his insulin levels during the set.
another wanna be tough guy band "rapping" about shit they never been through. big whoop
He did it just for barstool fame. And they say humans reach maturity at age 21
49ers going to the superbowl. Lions already lost.. just hang it up.
Now get Dan Campbell to come to a show and throw his weight around.
Watching a sport where men tackle each other.....
scott vogel is a master of the custodial arts Will you shut the fuck up about Vogel already? Get some new material.
Okay hows this for new material. Your ho mom earned a master in fallatial arts, Oral Roberts University ttyl
"49ers going to the superbowl. Lions already lost.. just hang it up." ^nailed it
Okay hows this for new material. Your ho mom earned a master in fallatial arts, Oral Roberts University ttyl You know I would beat the shit out of you if you ran that nonsense to my face right? We can arrange this.
You know you can't go in public without your guardian. You ain't meeting up anyone to fight and it would be a crime to beat your ass since yot are mentally handicapped
Which personality are you today? Shawn from west Albany or wherever the fuck or luke from CT? Or whoever the names of your split personalities are and where yot make up that they live 😆😆😆😆
I take really frequent shits, so I'm afraid it can't be arranged. Sorry to rain on your parade champ🏆.
Imagine pushing 40, playing in a poser hardcore band, and being a Lions fan, fuuuuuuuuck that sucks!
Which personality are you today? Shawn from west Albany or wherever the fuck or luke from CT? Or whoever the names of your split personalities are and where yot make up that they live 😆😆😆😆 Wait you mean all the people you created idiot? I love how you incriminate yourself. Stop stalking Vogel.
No I am not one of your personalities you fucking retard. Your obsession with me is scary
^Dude. I do not care who anyone involved in this shit is. these are the worst comments on all of lambgoat. Ruins the comment section. It's definitely Lurk just wanting inflated comment numbers and traffic. But please. Even if the "Vogel guy turnstile insider" pissed you off. Do. Not. Engage. Ignore the Retard and he'll go away.
"49ers going to the superbowl. Lions already lost.. just hang it up." ^nailed it San Francisco huh? Ya know who's gonna be happy about that? Da queers.
Jesus Christ, look at the amount of stage potato morons standing behind this awful band during their set.
rick____tocchet 7 hours ago Lets praise over paid athletes and suck their dicks while you are at it. just say your gay and move along
""49ers going to the superbowl. Lions already lost.. just hang it up." ^nailed it San Francisco huh? Ya know who's gonna be happy about that? Da queers." California economy helps pay for your shitty flyover state existence. You're welcome.
Very funny fact: NFL teams in 2020 Trump states have won only 15 Superbowls & only one outside of Texas, Florida & Missouri 🤣 The Boston, San Francisco & New York teams alone have 16 🤣🤣
...Add 3 by LA, 3 by DC & 1 by vilified Chicago & that's 23 SB titles in commie pinko socialist lefty blah blah blah cities.
All the 2020 Trump state teams who won those 15 SBs are located in deep blue cities Dallas, Kansas City, St.Louis, Miami, Tampa Bay & New Orleans. You rednecks love college football because that's all you can get in your hick ass area & the teams are there primarily because of the COLLEGE. The players get educated, get their degrees & get the fuck outta there once they graduate cuz they don't want to stay with you dumbasses.
I hate libtards, they're obviously pathetic and weak, but I am a Niners fans. Sorry, I am not perfect. But the Niners are the best team in the NFL, no question.
Top 10 most violent cities are blue cities. That's a fun fact too. Well, unless you're a "POC." Probably not very fun then. Right libtards? Dumb retards actually think the government cares for you. Lol!!! Stupid pathetic assholes. Keep simping for the government. 🤡
^ Thinks Trump cares about him and the car wash he works at.
this would be cool if i was 14 and my friend tapped me and pointed it out. but since the lions didnt post it, WHO FRIKEN CAREESSS
HC is becoming more and more stupid. Whoever said if the game was on a large screen or he was sitting and playing while the game is on would be more newsworthy is correct. Hey fat Bill go back to fast food reviews
Top 10 most violent cities are blue cities. >>> No red cities of comparable size you dumbass.
"Happy holidays" to all the triggered drumph cultists.
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That's nothing. Scott Vogel simultaneously sang and was sweeping the stage during Terror's set.