All the 2020 Trump state teams who won those 15 SBs are located in deep blue cities Dallas, Kansas City, St.Louis, Miami, Tampa Bay & New Orleans.
You rednecks love college football because that's all you can get in your hick ass area & the teams are there primarily because of the COLLEGE. The players get educated, get their degrees & get the fuck outta there once they graduate cuz they don't want to stay with you dumbasses.
All the 2020 Trump state teams who won those 15 SBs are located in deep blue cities Dallas, Kansas City, St.Louis, Miami, Tampa Bay & New Orleans. You rednecks love college football because that's all you can get in your hick ass area & the teams are there primarily because of the COLLEGE. The players get educated, get their degrees & get the fuck outta there once they graduate cuz they don't want to stay with you dumbasses.