The Dillinger Escape Plan announce 25 years of Calculating Infinity show with original vocalist

Last week we saw The Dillinger Escape Plan guitarist Ben Weinman appear in a crypic video along side original vocalist Dimitri Minakakis teasing some nostalgic announcement. Today we know what that was all about.
The Dillinger Escape Plan have announced a celebration of the 1999 debut album Calculating Infinity and they will be joined by the original vocalist on the album, Minakakis. The show is to take place on June 21, 2024 in Brooklyn, NY at the Brooklyn paramount and will feature a the band performing the album in full for the first time ever.
Sharing the stage with Weinman and Minakakis will be bassist Liam Wilson and drummer Billy Rymer. Support for the event will be handled by Car Bomb and Candy.
Tickets will go on sale Wednesday December 13th at 10 AM EST, here.
A few of the members shared their excitement for the announcement.
Guitarist Ben Weinman shared:
Dimitri has remained one of my longest and closest friends. Even after leaving the band, his support and contributions through his work on our first albums have kept an everlasting spark in my heart for what we did together. I remember the first day we met. He was the new guy in school and I drove by him and gave him the finger. Then I reversed the car and asked him if he wanted to hang out and make a band. I said, 'you look like a singer dude.' We could have never imagined what an impact that moment would have.
While we are all very happy with the resolve of the band in 2017 with Greg, something still feels unsaid as far as the Dimitri era of the band and with so many people talking about the album and after performing a handful of first album performances with Suicidal Tendencies, it just all made sense. This needed to happen!
Minikakis spoke about his return:
It's been a long time coming for this opportunity to perform in a project I helped create over 25 years ago. Having the chance to celebrate 25 years of Calculating Infinity with my closest friends in life is just a dream turned real. I'm looking forward to seeing all the old faces, as well as all the new ones. The Dillinger Escape Plan has always been more than just a band. We were a force of nature. This reunion show is our way of thanking the fans who have stood by us and the album we made in a small basement in NJ all those years ago.
Bassist Liam Wilson also added:
Amped to go party like it's 1999 again and give this album the birthday party it deserves! These songs are still unfuckwithable and as a musician, it's rad to have the opportunity to get back under the hood of this album and revisit my salad days, this time with more seasoning. Dimitri always had such a menacing presence and venomous voice, it's gonna be killer to rip these songs with him up there with us!
06/21 Brooklyn, NY @ Brooklyn Paramount
Search for tours coming to your city here.
Post Comment1000 tickets sold × $40 = 40K gross x .4 = 16K venue's 40% take 500 drinkers × 1.5 drinks per drinker = 750 drinks × $7 profit per drink = 5250 bar Venue makes 21250 total on a show alone & could have a late night party after the show for more money. Venue could get sponsors to pay staff cost. More than enough money especially if the venue owns the property outright (no rent or mortgage.)
Just a second, I'm calculating the amount for the fresh fish.
where do these bands stand on the Israel/Palestine conflict?
I'm up for this, better Dimitri than that steriod head who sang on thier shittiest albums.
Accountant Ben better file those 1099s for his contracted employees correctly. The IRS frowns on delays.
Only good thing this band ever did but its hard to deny. At least there will be fresh fish
So fucking stupid. Shit fucking band. It doesn't matter who's vocalist.
the noise of peeing on poo sounds better than this album.
no dimitri, no care. fucking finally, a care.
ben can't get anything going, unlike greg, so he has to mine the nostalgia. 6 shows a year with Mike Muir isn't paying off the goat farm
unlistenable noise. mathcore is for those who can't string together decent riffs
Chris Pennie here, hello? anyone want to stick up for me?
Jay Whineburg is available to play drums if anyone needs. Not sure if everyone knows but he did almost 10 years with Slipknot.
These dudes look like they touch each other.
Surprised Riley Gale's parents arnt sueing them for this
the cahbahm guyz r jizing their gym shortz to play this gig with dillinjah
These dudes look like they touch each other. I mean.....
Lurk and the other idiots will pretend like they saw Dillinger with Dimitri back in the day when they hadn't even heard of them until 2019
I still haev respect for those guys because they are capable of releasing an album such as Calculating infinty. BUT...Irony is a Dead Scene made me want to vomit...there new stuff will probably be lame too. we'll see
anonymous 25 minutes ago Greg is mad Mad short!
Jenna Haze here, this singer isn't as handsome as the other guy
Dmitri wasn't in the band for Irony is a Dead Scene, so doesn't really make sense to compare.
Are they våxxed and boosted? Otherwise I cannot see them live even though I'm våxxed and boosted x 10 and still wear 3 masks.
The Emily Soto escape plan Music by and for fugly moshzillas
How much did Car Bomb & Candy pay to open this pathetic cashgrab because Ben is too scared to tell Mike Muir to pay him more? If you're gonna get openers get Deadguy FFS.
at one point I enjoyed the album and running board but never caught em live then. Stuff w/ Greg was too proggy. This show will be full of old f*cks like me and slap quite hard, although WTF is this venue… Also, goo. So much goo.
anonymous 3 hours ago Dmitri wasn't in the band for Irony is a Dead Scene, so doesn't really make sense to compare. That was lambgoat's most famous copypasta. Get with it nujack.
That's great because I fucking quit listening the minute you did that Patton EP (which fucking sucked). Fuck you DEP.
Can we get an "I Was There" fest going? Must be 35+ to enter, with proof that hardcore ruined your life (will accept hand tats, AA cards, picture of your clapped out civic, note from ex wife)
So is the real story that Ben refuses to do it with Greg or Greg won't do it with Ben? This would be cooler if Chris and Brian were there, but seems like they want nothing to do with mr whineman
greg puciatov here… honest question… is dimitri also 1099d? cause if he isnt im pissed
Can we get an "I Was There" fest going? Must be 35+ to enter, with proof that hardcore ruined your life (will accept hand tats, AA cards, picture of your clapped out civic, note from ex wife) You post in Lambgoat comments idiot.
i'm 38 and thought this band was unlistenable.. same with coalesce converge drowningman and deadguy
^ You were 14 in 1999 & a preteen before that who knew jack shit about those bands so STFU. We get it, you're trolling us with the "I'm 38" but. Too stupid to be the right fake age which would be 48.
Billy Rymer is a cuck. The kid also got death threats from fans telling him he better not f*ck up the band when he first got asked to do Dillinger.
Dog shit lineup. Converge or Coalesce playing their old material would have been the move.
Death threats for this band post Ire Works? That's pretty sad and demented lol
no i ll be 38 next month and i was there. all those bands sucked and no one actually liked them. they just pretended to for misplaced sense of identity and credit. or dorks like you.
If Chris Pennie wasn't gonna get asked they should have hit up Greyson Nekrutman -who actually put his time in and is currently playing drums for Suicidal Tendencies- since he's not a little cuck ass like Billy Rymer.
I'm pretty gay, but nowhere near gay enough to be excited about this.
no i ll be 38 next month and i was there. all those bands sucked and no one actually liked them. they just pretended to for misplaced sense of identity and credit. or dorks like you. You were not there, you were 12-13 (a clueless little shit) in 1999 which means you were 5-13 years old in 1991-99 (Converge formed in 91-92.) And you said you were 38, now you're gonna be 38 "next month" so born January X, 1986 thus 12-13 in 1999 even younger. You've outed yourself as a fraud so stop embarrassing yourself.
^ Herbs like you are a dime a dozen in hardcore & metalcore. Always fronting like you got into it earlier than you really did. Dudes saying yo I'm 44 I got into hardcore in 1989/at age 9 🤣 FOH
Yo my first hardcore show was Sick Of It All 1990 when I was in my mom's womb!
imagine being in your 40s plus here and gate keeping hardcore. that's a form of loser yet seen even in these trenches.
imagine being in your 40s plus here and gate keeping hardcore. that's a form of loser yet seen even in these trenches. Gatekeeping? Trying calling you out for saying you saw Converge, Coalesce, Drowning Man & Deadguy when you were in gradeschool & junior high you clownass MF. Gonna be 38 next month so born 1986 & you saw Deadguy at age 8-10 LOL.
Hey everyone I'm "gatekeeping" because a jackass who was born in 1986 claims he saw mid-late 90s bands when he was in gradeschool & junior high.
the battle for attention shall commence between greg "wheres the coke and balcony 4 me to jump off of" puciato and ben "i love money and lettin everyone know i own dep" weinman
hopefully dimitris as entertaining on stage as greg 'jacked dwarf' puciatov.
You were not there, you were 12-13 (a clueless little shit) in 1999 which means you were 5-13 years old in 1991-99 (Converge formed in 91-92.) And you said you were 38, now you're gonna be 38 "next month" so born January X, 1986 thus 12-13 in 1999 even younger. You've outed yourself as a fraud so stop embarrassing yourself. ^ you claimed multiple times to be 31 but then also claimed you spent 3 decades as a big shot promoter setting up the biggest venues all across America. So shut the fuck up Vogel stalker
Vogel doesn't need to perform a one off album show to build hype and pad his bank account. 6 figures on a tour are the norm.
you claimed multiple times to be 31 but then also claimed you spent 3 decades as a big shot promoter setting up the biggest venues all across America. So shut the fuck up Vogel stalker You out yourself as the Vogel stalker every time by mentioning him in comments for articles which have nothing to do with him like this one you dunce. Face it, you're an idiot. You said you were 38 then said you will turn 38 next month which means you were born in January 1986 thus 4 to 14 years old in the 1990s thus too young to even run your mouth about Converge, Coalesce etc. you dumbass motherfucker.
i like how you completely swerved the part where i called out your lies for claiming you are both 31 but also have spend over 30 years as a big shot promoter. and once again no one mentioned vogel but you cause you stlk him cause you are a creey obsessed weirdo loser lol
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Who's on rhythm guitar or is it the last guy they had as a touring musician?