Harm's Way schedule hometown album release show w/ Weekend Nachos, All Out War, Fleshwater, etc

Chicago-based hardcore band Harm's Way will release their new album Common Suffering this September 29 via Metal Blade Records. To celebrate the album's release, the band has scheduled a hometown show at Metro in Chicago, IL on November 18, 2023.
Joining them on the bill will be Weekend Nachos, All Out War, Fleshwater, and Ingrown.
Tickets for the show are scheduled to go on sale this Friday at 10am CST at harmsway13.com.
Harm's Way w/ Weekend Nachos, All Out War, Fleshwater, and Ingrown
11/18 Chicago, IL @ Metro
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Post CommentMetro? Shit's gonna be 25% full. Their last headlining Chicago show was at Subterranean which is 300 capacity. LOL @ them bringing Weekend Nachos back for this, thinking All Out War is a draw in Chicago & booking Fleshwater to artificially inflate the draw.
" anonymous 5 minutes ago Metro? Shit's gonna be 25% full. Their last headlining Chicago show was at Subterranean which is 300 capacity. LOL @ them bringing Weekend Nachos back for this, thinking All Out War is a draw in Chicago & booking Fleshwater to artificially inflate the draw." Crowd will be filled with little kids since that's all the Chicago hardcore scene is these days.
All Out War headlined Cobra Lounge earlier in the year with nobody decent on the bill and that shit still wasn't sold out.
The current crop of kids coming to see Harms way weren't even around for Weekend nachos initial run. This show will sell out, come back here when it does to see how wrong you are.
Weekend Nachos is literally one of the wackest bands to ever exist. Shit has f*cking sucked from the beginning.
Metro's capacity is 1100. Aint none of these bands selling that bitch out.
Eighteen Visions Vanity 20th Anniversary Tour @ Reggie's in 2022: Half empty Earth Crisis Riot Fest after show @ Reggie's in 2023: Half empty All Out War @ Cobra Lounge in 2023: Half empty Zao @ Reggie's tonight: Still not sold out
Heard that bitch ass Taylor Young is going to be pan handling outside the show.
Oh word, no MH GAYOS? Band didn't kiss enough ass to get on the show??
Tayxsue already bragging to everyone about how she'll be getting guest listed for the show?
Were Weekend Nachos ever actually worth tickets?
The only Chicago hardcore/metalcore band to ever sell out Metro was Dead To Fall when they played their "last" show.
Nobody respectable cares about Weekend Stupid f*cking Name Nachos. Harms Way was barely okay and got worse over time. And Fleshwater? That name is almost as dumb as Weekend Nachos. There have been too many terrible f*ckin band names over the last 10-15 years and it needs to stop
Imagine booking All Out War in a sorry attempt to boost numbers.
Referencing 18v, AOW,ZAO,WN etc mean nothing to the draw of this show. Kids are coming out to see HW because someone in the band is an internet/reddit celeb now. His buddy got 50k for having to move out of his parents rented house. People will come and take selfies with dude and want autographs. It's a new demographic
Turnstile insider coming in hot with his conspiracy theories. Do you think talent buyers/the bands agent are stupid? Clearly this makes sense and the show is going to sell out.
Isn't this the band with running man meme from a few years back? Shit is gold
Fleshwater opening for yet another weak-drawing hardcore/metalcore band and selling all the tickets.
Meh. Hump Day Quesadillas the superior band.
Crowd will be filled with little kids since that's all the Chicago hardcore scene is these days. >>> No it won't little kids don't go to Metro
Turnstile insider coming in hot with his conspiracy theories. Do you think talent buyers/the bands agent are stupid? Clearly this makes sense and the show is going to sell out. ^^ You're back again the simp who calls everyone who posts something you don't like the Turnstile Insider. We get it, you said & still say dumb shit then call out yourself. Get some new material jerk off. Metro's capacity is 1100. No way this is selling out or coming close to that. I'll bet any simp on here $1100 plus paid people that it doesn't sell out.
" anonymous 58 minutes ago Referencing 18v, AOW,ZAO,WN etc mean nothing to the draw of this show. Kids are coming out to see HW because someone in the band is an internet/reddit celeb now. His buddy got 50k for having to move out of his parents rented house. People will come and take selfies with dude and want autographs. It's a new demographic" Everyone involved with that joke of a podcast is also a cuck.
Referencing 18v, AOW,ZAO,WN etc mean nothing to the draw of this show. Kids are coming out to see HW because someone in the band is an internet/reddit celeb now. His buddy got 50k for having to move out of his parents rented house. People will come and take selfies with dude and want autographs. It's a new demographic BS - Hardlore holds no sway. HW ticket sales in NYC & Boston are abysmal.
Eighteen Visions Vanity 20th Anniversary Tour @ Reggie's in 2022: Half empty Earth Crisis Riot Fest after show @ Reggie's in 2023: Half empty All Out War @ Cobra Lounge in 2023: Half empty Zao @ Reggie's tonight: Still not sold out Yet Harm's Way thinks they can sell out a venue quadruple the size of Reggie's 😂 Also AOW played Chicago this year already. 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡
Nobody credible gives a shit about any of this.
All Out War needs to get put on a good Chicago already without a bunch of cucks and filler.
where is the loser who thought trashwater could headline over harms way? LOL
Harms Gay gonna get took for the 3rd time in Chicago.
All Out War needs to get put on a good Chicago already without a bunch of cucks and filler. All Out War need to hang it up for playing all these dumb shows - they're too old to be playing them. If only they would be too smart.
Hey guys, Ebro here from Charles Bronson. This show would sell more if we were on the bill with raining bricks and up in arms but Shane got us blacklisted. Come see us at a basement in DeKalb.
if i lived chicago suburbs i would def go but after fleshwater played
Zao show @ Reggie's tonight. Less than 50 people.
bet this would sell out if they put featuring colin young on the flyer somewhere. im sure all the reddit hardcore kids would fly out.
what is this autistic guy on about with selling out a venue? okay the building is larger than the amount of people that do come out for a hardcore band, who cares? shove your ticket sales talk up your ass the best shows I've seen never had more than 100 attendees
Hey man leave his autism out of this. Not his fault he was born that way
Hardlore begging for 50k while Colin blows that and then some at Disney live on IG all week.
Hey man leave his autism out of this. Not his fault he was born that way ^^^ Replying to yourself again. Why are you constantly whining about others saying a venue is too big for a show or conversely a show is too small for a venue? Harm's Way in an 1100 capacity room with a weak undercard is ridiculous especially when the biggest room in Chicago they've ever headlined is 300 capacity. They're magically drawing 2-3 times that after 16 years of existence? No.
Hey anonymous, I'll be one of the 15 people at this show just to beat your lame ass for talking shit about Brad.
lol at some dude coming back here to reply to all these comments and acting like he's a bookie
I'll bet you $2200 that it does sell out and I'll kick your ass at the show. Or you can fight me in my town which is Meriden, CT.
" anonymous 3 hours ago Hey anonymous, I'll be one of the 15 people at this show just to beat your lame ass for talking shit about Brad." Brad "The Bitch Boy" Urban here. I never fought nobody at a show and hit on young chicks with boyfriends on Instagram.
" anonymous 14 hours ago All Out War needs to get put on a good Chicago show already without a bunch of cucks and filler. All Out War need to hang it up for playing all these dumb shows - they're too old to be playing them. If only they would be too smart." If this isn't a fly in date for the band, this shit is about to be a big ass waste of time.
WN never drew for shit in Chicago until they announced those last two shows at Subterrranean. Talk to someone who actually lives here and you'd know what the deal is instead of pissing into the wind about make believe venue capacity and ticket sales.
Whole lotta paper gangsters in the comments.
All Out War with Misery Signals, Hopesfall, and Undying at The Fireside Bowl in 2003: AOW had just released CTS, MS had just released the EP, Hopesfall had just released TSY, and Undying was about to break up. Show was off the wall.
Imagine thinking that anyone associated with Hardlore had anything of value to say. N$gg@zout here reviewing fast food and soda pop and shit.
I just bought 10 tickets for me and my friends. It probably won't sell out but I bet it draws just under a thousand which is still great numbers for a show like this
shove your ticket sales talk up your ass the best shows I've seen never had more than 100 attendees Sure, but I bet they weren't in venues that held 10 times that many people, you tard.
I'll bet you $2200 that it does sell out and I'll kick your ass at the show. Or you can fight me in my town which is Meriden, CT. Look everyone it's Luke from East Syracuse NY. Why'd you chicken out bitchboy?
Anonymous LG commenters are soo stoked to put their edgy 2 cents on this show. Then proceed to log off, go upstairs, and yell at their mom for not having dinner ready.
Show is already over half sold and expected to sell out
650 tickets sold in 12 hours >>> Bullshit or the venue would say over half capacity sold.
LOL @ Metro & Shane Merrill saying this show sold out - liars. Talk about stopping to a new low. This band has barely played out since the pandemic ended & they're as big as Knocked Loose? GTFOH. Especially when their New York & Boston shows are nowhere close to selling out.
You can tell that "Sold Out" is BS cuz the HW show in NYC the biggest music market in the world hasn't sold out & that NYC venue Monarch is only 600 capacity. So Harm's Whey can sell out 1100 capacity Metro but not a 600 cap room in NYC? Also they're playing under Terror at For The Children in Los Angeles. Terror who can't sell out Cobra Lounge.
HAHA the dude saying "It won't sell out" will be in here shortly with some conspiracy theory
I was at this show and it definitely was not sold out. I bought a ticket right before HW played right at the door
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