NewsSeptember 5, 2023 2:17 PM ET10,291 views

Anti-Flag vocalist Justin Sane accused of 12 more incidents of sexual misconduct, including minors

Seven of these women were teenagers when these encounters occurred, one only twelve


Anti-Flag, known for their politically inclined punk rock and activism, had disbanded earlier this summer amid rumors and allegations surrounding its vocalist/guitarist Justin Sane, also known as Justin Geever

The allegations were brought forth by Kristina Sarhadi, a New York-based holistic therapist and health coach, who told of a harrowing experience with Sane, the allegations that ultimately led to Anti-Flag disbanding.

Geever, in response to the previous allegations, denied any wrongdoing and stated that the claims against him were categorically false. He emphasized that all his sexual relationships had been consensual and that no woman had ever accused him of acting without her consent. 

However, a recent Rolling Stone article reveals that twelve more women have come forward with allegations against Sane, ranging from incidents dating back to the 90s to claims of non-consensual BDSM.  

These additional twelve women have come forward with disturbing accounts of their encounters with Justin Sane, alleging sexual advances, non-consensual acts, and emotional distress. The allegations include sexual assault, misconduct, statutory rape, grooming, and more. 

Shockingly, seven of these women were teenagers when these encounters occurred, and one was just 12 years old, while Justin was 17 at the time. The full list of allegations and evidence are presented at Rolling Stone.


Post Comment

anonymous 9/5/2023 11:23:41 AM


anonymous 9/5/2023 11:24:29 AM

Marty from Zao here. Doesn't he mean "For whom?"

anonymous 9/5/2023 11:31:06 AM

That's just insane

anonymous 9/5/2023 11:31:08 AM

GOO Flag

anonymous 9/5/2023 11:31:33 AM

The GOO has been spread

anonymous 9/5/2023 11:31:56 AM

Another lefty groomer bites the dust

anonymous 9/5/2023 11:32:19 AM

Just allegations, or is there evidence? Release their more anonymous accusers.

anonymous 9/5/2023 11:34:27 AM

^ Evidence and names listed in the Rolling Stone article you f*cking weirdo

anonymous 9/5/2023 11:36:50 AM

Libs be libbin.' His shirt should say "Make America Great Again...For Pedos."

easyhateoven 9/5/2023 11:42:06 AM

just insufferable

anonymous 9/5/2023 11:42:52 AM

"He first put a spreader bar on me, which I had never seen in my life at that point," she says. "At another point, he flipped me over with the spreader bar and hogtied me" The f*ck is a spreader bar

rick____tocchet 9/5/2023 11:45:55 AM

Wow. What a surprise. A hardcore lib loser that molests children. This POS needs to be hanged, drawn and quartered.

anonymous 9/5/2023 11:50:26 AM

rick____tocchet 2 minutes ago Wow. What a surprise. A hardcore lib loser that molests children. This POS needs to be hanged, drawn and quartered. Hey, remember when your lowlife Repub congressman was flying teenagers around so he could bang them?

anonymous 9/5/2023 11:50:48 AM

The "canceller" being cancelled lol

anonymous 9/5/2023 11:53:53 AM

"WASHINGTON — The Justice Department is ending its sex trafficking investigation into Rep. Matt Gaetz, R-Fla., without charging him with any crimes, his attorneys and congressional office said. "We have just spoken with the DOJ and have been informed that they have concluded their investigation into Congressman Gaetz and allegations related to sex trafficking and obstruction of justice and they have determined not to bring any charges against him," Gaetz attorneys Marc Mukasey and Isabelle Kirshner said in a statement." What were you saying lib?

anonymous 9/5/2023 11:56:14 AM

This douche definitely refers to himself as a "MAP." Fůcking loser.

anonymous 9/5/2023 12:02:37 PM

Some real crack reporting from Rolling "A r*pe On Campus" Stone here

anonymous 9/5/2023 12:03:47 PM

Football tackle!

anonymous 9/5/2023 12:10:12 PM

Leftists will try to defend this piece of shit because he's a pedo like them. "Oh, it's a disease", "not his fault". f*ck that. Somebody needs to put a bullet in his head and throw the body in a dumpster.

rick____tocchet 9/5/2023 12:11:05 PM

anonymous 18 minutes ago rick____tocchet 2 minutes ago Wow. What a surprise. A hardcore lib loser that molests children. This POS needs to be hanged, drawn and quartered. Hey, remember when your lowlife Repub congressman was flying teenagers around so he could bang them? My congressman was a Lib, Charlie Crist for years. Now it switched to a hot female republican. So shut your anon yap.

Bortslob 9/5/2023 12:11:19 PM

This guy has more football tackles than hall of gamer Lawrence Taylor !

Bortslob 9/5/2023 12:14:01 PM


anonymous 9/5/2023 12:22:28 PM

Poor guy. He needs help. The far right has failed him and this country. Sad times we are living in.

anonymous 9/5/2023 12:22:43 PM

rick____tocchet 2 minutes ago Wow. What a surprise. A hardcore lib loser that molests children. This POS needs to be hanged, drawn and quartered. Hey, remember when your lowlife Repub congressman was flying teenagers around so he could bang them? My congressman was a Lib, Charlie Crist for years. Now it switched to a hot female republican. So shut your anon yap. You live in Florida so know your IQ is room temp lmao

anonymous 9/5/2023 12:32:55 PM

Another lib groomer, another day that ends in Y.

anonymous 9/5/2023 12:33:37 PM

Groomer?... more like, GOOmer.

anonymous 9/5/2023 12:33:49 PM

This guy should have had an NFL career with all of these tackles. Would have made a lot more money. But - I am calling BS. We keep seeing the same shit repeatedly - someone makes baseless accusations online, other women claim the same thing happened to them, then no evidence or proof is presented or they go quiet. Same shit, different day.

anonymous 9/5/2023 12:34:10 PM

The left never wanted this guy or this band. Put em in prison with all the repubs who wrote the book on this pedo shit

anonymous 9/5/2023 12:34:50 PM

Typical groupie buyers remorse accompanied with a Rolling stone hit piece to keep the brand somewhat relevant.

anonymous 9/5/2023 12:37:11 PM

Typical Biden voter.

anonymous 9/5/2023 12:49:44 PM

Taco Bell dog here. This band got canceled faster than the enchirito.

anonymous 9/5/2023 12:52:40 PM

"anonymous 1 hour ago ^ Evidence and names listed in the Rolling Stone article you f*cking weirdo" I never ever click over to gaystream news outlets, hence my question.

anonymous 9/5/2023 12:54:55 PM

after 3-5 years have passed, who gives a shit? let it go

anonymous 9/5/2023 12:56:26 PM

^ typical "YouTube research" bricklayer / construction site sign turner.

anonymous 9/5/2023 12:59:40 PM

Lmaoooo another leftard virtue signaling POS exposed. Funny how it's always the ones who project their moral superiority who are actually the most misogynistic, greedy, hypocritical c*nts!

rick____tocchet 9/5/2023 1:01:49 PM

Rolling Stone is a lib, pissing well. For them to publish the article should say something, this asshole has been caught red handed!!!

anonymous 9/5/2023 1:05:23 PM

Anti Flag. Unnecessary roughness. Punk rock team. 15 yard penalty. Automatic first down.

anonymous 9/5/2023 1:24:30 PM

Give this man his heisman.

anonymous 9/5/2023 1:42:08 PM

Why is it always the ones who hate their own country?

Bortslob 9/5/2023 2:03:12 PM

He probably hates the country because child r*pe is illegal

anonymous 9/5/2023 2:03:46 PM

Joe Biden here, this fella is an amateur. I was showering with my teenage daughter when this guy was in diapers, not a joke.

anonymous 9/5/2023 2:22:12 PM

Yikes, if the only thing you have is "what about republicans" as your stance that's pretty sad. Not because I like republicans but because that's a pretty low bar to be set at. Also, it's not like rolling stone hasn't done false reporting on r*pe before. They had to retract the "r*pe on campus" story.

anonymous 9/5/2023 3:02:48 PM


anonymous 9/5/2023 3:06:32 PM

A few did release their names for those saying it's anonymous

anonymous 9/5/2023 3:09:47 PM

Pop Warner football tackle!

anonymous 9/5/2023 3:24:50 PM

"My congressman was a Lib, Charlie Crist for years. Now it switched to a hot female republican. So shut your anon yap." Crist, who was a republican for decades who switched parties and is a super moderate dem (basically a repub of the 80s) is a lib?? Jesus Rick, there's expired sour cream that's smarter than you.

anonymous 9/5/2023 3:25:06 PM


anonymous 9/5/2023 3:27:56 PM

""WASHINGTON — The Justice Department is ending its sex trafficking investigation into Rep. Matt Gaetz, R-Fla., without charging him with any crimes, his attorneys and congressional office said. "We have just spoken with the DOJ and have been informed that they have concluded their investigation into Congressman Gaetz and allegations related to sex trafficking and obstruction of justice and they have determined not to bring any charges against him," Gaetz attorneys Marc Mukasey and Isabelle Kirshner said in a statement." What were you saying lib?" Wait, I thought YOU didn't trust the DOJ?? Aren't they corrupt??? f*cking morons.

NorthFromHere 9/5/2023 3:55:33 PM

Oh dear, liberal anon is furious in the comments again.

anonymous 9/5/2023 4:19:59 PM

What a bad guy also band sucks

anonymous 9/5/2023 4:49:05 PM

Well, he could always get a job at a church.

anonymous 9/5/2023 4:55:40 PM

Libtards are always upset over something. Get the sand out of your pussies you bunch of whiners. Also, the fact remains, no charges were brought against Gaetz. So your initial comment is null and void. Now go get your shine box shitlib. FJB

anonymous 9/5/2023 5:13:15 PM

Typical liberal. Soys mad in the comments.

anonymous 9/5/2023 5:20:29 PM

"Libtards are always upset over something. Get the sand out of your pussies you bunch of whiners. " Yeah, it's tough knowing all my hard earned tax money goes to your trailer park

anonymous 9/5/2023 6:00:58 PM

Plot twist: 8 of the 12 are actually elderly geriatric men

anonymous 9/5/2023 6:27:41 PM

Hope he gets ass f*cked wearing that shirt.

anonymous 9/5/2023 6:45:50 PM

Is it fair to assume that Justin Sane is "anti-flag football"? Seems to be a full tackle football kinda guy.

anonymous 9/5/2023 6:50:54 PM

Sounds a lot like Punk Rock Don Hoggle of Cincy, Ohio.

anonymous 9/5/2023 8:21:07 PM

***anonymous 7 hours ago Typical groupie buyers remorse accompanied with a Rolling stone hit piece to keep the brand somewhat relevant.*** ^ -This person has never had sex. - This person thinks that groupies A: exist B: deserve to get r@ped if they do -This person is a Lambgoat commenter with a condescending opinion of Rolling Stone

anonymous 9/5/2023 10:12:56 PM

^ Are you saying groupies don't exist? You have never been to a show/concert have you? Ffs.

anonymous 9/6/2023 12:27:57 AM

The more freedom you give liberals to prove you wrong about them the more they continue to prove you right. This is one of the reason they love "eJUCaSHUN!!" so much; so they have access to kiddies. Dump the homo in Israel with the rest of them

anonymous 9/6/2023 3:18:31 AM

holy shit this a bs site for metal/hardcore info. can I please have one f*cking area of interest in my life where some f*cking retards dont alley-oop it into a retarded RED VS BLUE TIE retard argument. if you're an adult and seriously still believe "votes" and political preference matters you're a f*cking moron. 4 or 5 megacorporations who hold 85% of the planets f*cking wealth and have NO BORDERS OR OVERSIGHT put whoever the f*ck they want in office, put a gun barrel in the mfers mouth, and tell the poor bastard what to vote on and when. We f*cking exist because these people ALLOW us to. "libs" "republicans" f*cking quaint

anonymous 9/6/2023 3:21:20 AM

also "libtards" is an insult my f*cking grandfather loves and thinks is cool. But he also tucks his shirts into his "slacks" and rocks knee high ron jeremy goldtoe sucks with all white lawn stained new balance target shoes. You guys should hangout and jackoff to fox and friends together

anonymous 9/6/2023 3:59:37 AM

Justin Sane, also known as Justin GOOver.

anonymous 9/6/2023 4:34:41 AM

Should be given a pass because he's a leftist His activism absolves him of any possible wrong doing

anonymous 9/6/2023 5:22:56 AM

He molested me when I was 12 and he was 36. I'm also a boy

anonymous 9/6/2023 6:13:36 AM

"My congressman was a Lib, Charlie Crist for years." Christ was the Republican governor of Florida.

anonymous 9/6/2023 7:20:12 AM

So he's a 'needs props to have sex' guy.

anonymous 9/6/2023 11:03:26 AM

Anyone on here talking about libs and lefties or rights and nazis needs to remember this board is about vanflips and Fronz. Go somewhere else with that shit. We all like the same music, at least be divisive about funny shit ya dork.

anonymous 9/6/2023 2:16:00 PM

Imagine being in your 40s, only thing you've ever done to contribute to society is complain about society, you've never held a real job for longer than a handful of months and POOF you're a potential sex offender. PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT KIDS: Hardcore and Punk ideologies can ruin your f*cking life. Get away.

anonymous 9/6/2023 11:38:45 PM

You know you've made it when RS write about you...

anonymous 9/7/2023 8:06:18 AM

Leftists aren't liberals

Tags: Anti-Flag

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