Post Commentfirst post ...etowns always a good time ...11/19 wont be there and not driving to kansas city....dammit
just curious....when did diecast not suck?
motherfckzombies 10/15/2004 12:37:22 AM "just curious....when did diecast not suck?" i second that
diecast didnt suck when they put out the undo the wicked ep. which is probably better than half the shit you listen to.
I agree, Undo the Wicked is fcking awesome. The rest of their stuff is poop.
damn you're right....I have been told maybe diecast was good at one time? I dont know. Shit ill go throw away the rest of my CD collection and start over. What should i buy first?
my friend gave me the diecast cd a while ago and i thought they were alright. not sure which album is was.
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forst pist. wont be there.