Iced Earth's Jon Schaffer sentencing date set for January 6th Capitol Hill riot involvement

Iced Earth guitarist Jon Schaffer has a set sentencing date related to his involvement in the January 6, 2021, US Capitol Building riot.
Schaffer pleaded guilty to obstructing an official proceeding of Congress and trespassing on restricted Capitol grounds with a dangerous weapon (bear spray). These pleas were part of a plea bargain that led to the dismissal of other charges. He agreed to cooperate with prosecutors by sharing information on the Oath Keepers, of which he claimed to be a founding, lifetime member.
The outcome of his sentence will depend on the value of his cooperation. Previously, he faced a potential prison term of three and a half to four and a half years. The sentencing is planned for February 20, 2024.
Separately, Schaffer is being sued by the District of Columbia for his involvement in the riots.
Post CommentDid antifa members in Portland get this same treatment for trying to burn down the Federal Courthouse there?
Antifa sucks, but just take a good look at that picture. If sex work was decriminalized then none of this would have happened
who cares about antifa? stay on the subject retard
anonymous 4 minutes ago Antifa sucks, but just take a good look at that picture. If sex work was decriminalized then none of this would have happened Lol
The centrists shall inherit the earth, forcing you all to leave your idealogical tribes, and use a ounce of rationality.
His biggest crime is his music, but I'll take it.
Hope he gets the max amount. 3.5 to 4.5 years? 4..5 then not a day earlier. All these January 6th defendants should get max sentences
Antifa and BLM during the "summer of love" and "mostly peaceful protests:" Hold my molotov cocktail.
Libtard here, January 6th was worse than 9/11 and Pearl Harbor...combined.
True Patriot, continue to fight. Jan 6th will forever be the new 4th of July
All these groups in both side are straight toxic
Murica need people like this And not people like this hipster girl from scowl
all this is doing is distracting us from the fact that Kat Moss from Scowl is an industry plant
^^^^^ this is ALSO distracting us from the fact that in no universe was Iced Earth ever a good band in any capacity
"did antifa members get the same treatment" of course they did you f*cking retard. The number of people in prison on lengthy sentences for that shit is waaay higher than whatever you're imagining. That's the one thing they care about. You seriously think the government gives a f*ck about ideology and political lives when it comes to destruction of property? Left or right, they will bury you, especially if it's anywhere near oil, gas, or rail infrastructure. Grow the f*ck up.
Let this retard rot with the rest of the factory workers that took sick days to RECLAIM MURICA.
anonymous 8 minutes ago "did antifa members get the same treatment" of course they did you f*cking retard. The number of people in prison on lengthy sentences for that shit is waaay higher than whatever you're imagining. That's the one thing they care about. You seriously think the government gives a f*ck about ideology and political lives when it comes to destruction of property? Left or right, they will bury you, especially if it's anywhere near oil, gas, or rail infrastructure. Grow the f*ck up. permalink | report abuse You're inbred.
anonymous 23 minutes ago this is ALSO distracting us from the fact that in no universe was Iced Earth ever a good band in any capacity Disagree, they had a decent run from Stormrider through Horror Show imo. A decade isn't bad.
My life is pretty much a joke. If not for weed and occasionally getting laid then I could see myself getting involved in stupid crap like this. Except for the hard on for the founding fathers. That part is weird
Sentence this patriot to picking up 100 dollar bills in one of those wind machines for 45 seconds.
Yea the libs compare jan 6th to 911 and Pearl Harbor!! Don't get more dumb than that. BLM riot all Summer long with no consequences at all. These ppl walk dressed up as Vikings and eat ice cream and looking at years in prison. I hope all democrats die so we can live normal again
Can you specifically describe what 'living normal' means, and why/how you are unable to 'live normally' right now?
And what about that fat old dude in Utah who got all shot by by the feds, huh? Think about it
I dont see the Antifa members jail time and sentencing dates posted on the evening news there, Bub.
HahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaHahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaHahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaHahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaHahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaHahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaHahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaHahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaHahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaHahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaHahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaHahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaHahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaHahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaHahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaHahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaHahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaHahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaHahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaHahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaHahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaHahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaHahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaHahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaHahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaHahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaHahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha what a queer, you too lil' rick
Federal government is corrupt, Jan 6th was a CONINTELPRO operation
In my opinion, 'living normal' means before cell phones destroyed/brainwashed everyone's brain. Possibly a few years before that (pre-9/11) when the global banking cabal overtly began destroying our economy....but you could really say that started in 1913 with the Federal Reserve Act and they stole 99% of our dollars purchasing power over 100yrs.
Won't arrest people dealing fentanyl in broad daylight 24/7 in my city killing people, but will give this patriot jail time. Libs are toxic
Never forget Richard Christy's pumpkin beer butt chug
heard he hired celine to represent him in court.
Imagine voting for Joe Biden unironically. 😂😂😂 "81 million" retards.
Please call him what he is a freedom fighter
Iced Earth is kind of like Krokus. They are lumped in what a genre that they are too cheesy to even be a part of and not a single person actually likes them
Jon Schaffer here, I'm from Indiana. A group of thugs and criminals hijacked this country a long time ago. Now they're making their big move, and it's not gonna happen. And that's what it is. These are globalists. These are the scum of the earth. These are the criminals that are behind all the fraudulent fee on currency, they're behind all the wars, they're behind all the shit, they're behind divide-and-conquer tactics, behind the racial divide. It's all nonsense, it's all garbage. People need to wake up and snap out of the matrix, because they're going down. They've made the move. They're messing with the wrong people here — trust me on that. And we needed it to be open like this — open fraud, open theft. Because now we see you, and you're going down. Mark my words
Maui is on fire and people have lost their lives, homes, and businesses and Joe Biden is wanting to send Ukraine BILLIONS OF MORE DOLLARS. Pathetic and laughable.
Jon Schaffer here again, I think this goes beyond President Trump. President Trump is a populist. He's not your typical Republican. He's not establishment. He's not going out starting wars all over the place, like they do. Which is funny — where are all the Democrats that were anti-war?
Betcha this goober felt like some sort of "patriot" hero. Get ready for three hots and a cot, cuck.
Hey Jon S - go eat a dumpster full of day old shit covered dildos you brain washed clown! I can't name one person who likes your terrible band you goofy lookin bearded bitch!
also for Jon S, only way your gonna survive prison is by becoming someone's side piece! Better start fingering your asshole now to stretch that thing out bro!
Schaffer's biggest crime: entering a goverment building without autorization. He was literally there for 2 minutes, before a security guard pepper sprayed his ass. Then he turned around and got out. That's it. This whole thing is a f*cking joke.
Left of left leftists who hate Ameri"kkk"a but refuse to leave the states are hyped.
Ask anyone if these bullshit leftist movements what they're about and you'll get a thousand different answers. Same shit happened with Occupy Wallstreet.
BLM and ANTIFA burned buildings and looted their own cities but wanna get pressed about this bullshit.
Shout out to all the bitch made pussies who still wanna bitch about Donald Trump and haven't said dick about Sleepy Joe Biden. Inflation up the ass, small businesses not making shit, and people who need jobs can't find shit.
Does anyone actually know someone who STILL supports Joe Biden. Serious question. Even the libtardious of libtards don't even GAF about that guy. Demented pedo is the worst president of anyone's generation and he might still win the next election. Absolute insanity.
There's like 10 people left on the planet that believe this MSM narrative and those 10 people have never read a book and they love your kids.
Support the government and big pharma, buy a RATM tee shirt.
I've never heard this band. I've never heard what this dude sounds like. But, looking at that picture, he looks like he has a thick southern drawl, gets a little handsy with his cousin sometimes, and drinks a lot of Mountain Dew.
As if any of you turds give a f*ck about the Capitol
Technically the capitol belongs to the people, so no one was really trespassing
So many people married to immediate family in this thread really "owning the libz". Go back to sealing people's driveways and trying to pay off your payday loans.
All political parties and ideologies are full of dumbasses, but the Retardicans sure take the cake
Trump here, what's up goats! Just wanted to remind you I have no political platform other than pardoning myself and everyone who partook in the 1/6 party, including Jon because he's a true patriot! Don't forget to send me your money losers! Alpha clown out!
If everyone owned a $63,000 eletric car none of this would of have ever have happened.
Typical rat behavior from a piece of shit coward.
Technically the capitol belongs to the people, so no one was really trespassing Cool, so by that logic any U.S citizen should be able to go into the White House Situation room during a wartime operation or anywhere else at any time regardless of anything since it "belongs to the people" right? f*cking dumbass.
anonymous 7 minutes ago Technically the capitol belongs to the people, so no one was really trespassing Cool, so by that logic any U.S citizen should be able to go into the White House Situation room during a wartime operation or anywhere else at any time regardless of anything since it "belongs to the people" right? f*cking dumbass. Yup. Hunter brings his cocaine in there daily. You liberal cuck
Its incredibly disappointing seeing how many people being pro government about this when this can someday will happen to you .
Ashliiiiiii Babbittttttt is stoked. Oh wait, she's dead. Dead. Not stoked.
When people are misinformed by a sophisticated and sustained authoritarian propaganda campaign, (like the ones that have been polarizing rural, exrural, and key suburban voting districts since Newt Gingrichs time in the house mid 1990's), and when that propaganda campaign gets proverbially injected with an accelerant (the accelerant being Trump/the rise of the 'American Strong Man'), the populace of otherwise good hearted Americans become the arsonists for the fires they claim to want to extinguish. In this tragically ironic case, these people (who legitimately believe they are fighting for freedom and liberty) end up becoming the force of oppression that they claim to be against. It gets especially f*cky when these same people are trained to gas light and obfuscate the true nature of both their own actions and their perceived political enemies actions. They muddy the waters of objective reality like the 1990s attitude era of wrestling when the Heels became faces and faces became heels
The bad guys claim to be the good guys, and the good guys claim to be the bad guys. The meta physical reality of American politics has been irreparably torn, and without quelling the aforementioned actions it will remain that way. So your statement "Wait till it happens to you" (in reference to holding accountable the Capitol Rioters who tried to disrupt the peaceful transfer of power) is not valid or accurate, unfortunately its already happened to YOU, and you can't see the tears cause you're standing in the storm.
When the government's boot is on your neck it doesnt matter if its the left or the right one. Wake up sheeeple!!!!!1111
But what if the boot is on the neck of aggressors who are trying to harm "we the people", wouldn't it be proper and just for the government 'of the people by the people for the people' to use its power and force to protect that same stakeholder group?
anonymous 51 minutes ago Its incredibly disappointing seeing how many people being pro government about this when this can someday will happen to you . What exactly might happen to us one day?
Some of the absolute stupidest people comment here lmfao
The events of January 6th should've happened many times over at this point. Whatever your politics are the fact is, people are unhappy with the government according to every poll we have congress is ridiculously unpopular. Look how unhappy we all are across the board with congress and our government at large, an event like January 6th should've happened multiple times over at this point. SOME of people who were there were there for the dumbest of reasons, but the actions of actually showing up at congress and making our leaders remember that there are actually very real people on the other end of their votes is something we needed for a while now. Look at how this country has gone to shit since Biden has been in office but the Libs don't even question it. Billions sent to ukraine, hunter biden, celebrating child sniffing pedos etc Jon was simply standing up for the f*cked up situation we are in and should b celebrated
Here is the former capitol police chief Steve Sund talking about Jan 6. Listen to him, not me.
"Cool, so by that logic any U.S citizen should be able to go into the White House Situation room during a wartime operation or anywhere else at any time regardless of anything since it "belongs to the people" right? f*cking dumbass." Yes. You've paid for everything in there. Imagine being such a cuck and think you own something to politicians. They work for you, dumbass. These people didn't commit any crime.
How come a bunch of them are in jail for crimes then?
^^ yeah, pretty sure crimes were committed. but you're welcome to be a guinea pig for the rest of the "true patriots" and waddle on in there and tell us how it goes. i'm sure that the cardboard box factory won't even notice you're missing.
Hey Rick what was the president doing while the U.S capitol was being invaded by a mob who was screaming "hang mike pence" during the electoral college certification?
Code Orange MGR here, If we could find a way to buy onto January 6th publicity we would absolutely do it
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>I've never heard what this dude sounds like. But, looking at that picture, he looks like he has a thick southern drawl, gets a little handsy with his cousin Did you know the rate of cousin-marriage in Pakistan is 65%? Google it. It's also 55% in India and 50% in Saudi Arabia. Do you suppose cousin marriage is good, or do you think these people are backwards and retarded, as your post has implied? That's pretty judgmental and would get you fired for noticing
dont see the Antifa members jail time and sentencing dates posted on the evening news there, Bub. ^you're a lumpy dork who lives in a sh!tty suburb of sh!tty Tampa. You lose.
"How come a bunch of them are in jail for crimes then?" Because most americucks are retards and voted for a demented ped0phile. Along with all these liberals who are destroying your country. Congrats on being the laughing stock of the world.
Holy shit! To the poster who referenced the attitude era, you f*cking nailed it. Thanks for posting something half way intelligent on this dogshit website.
Hey guys, quick question…does Biden have a pulse and a brain wave? Can't believe a riot didn't happen earlier
The wind blows and and a leftist blames Trump.
Crazy reading these comments. For sure this is the first time most of you voted and you were heavily influenced by social media. Orange man bad ...Sleepy Joe good...we get it already. Tell me the part of Joe Bidens platform that made you vote for him and did he accomplish it. "Anyone but Trump" seems a bit short sighted. Also, the new code orange sucks
18 and youre 45 on lambgoat whats your excuse
Making fun of someone for working a job in a factory, or doing sheetrock...that's f*ckin' retarded. After all, who else is going to pay for the check your grandparents get to raise you?
Biden didn't need to run on any platform…the fact that he's doesn't present himself as a narcissistic sociopath is why he was elected. Biden is way too old! Some of the other gripes, ok fine, most of the hilarious conspiracy shit posted on this dumb chat I'm assuming is just satire, if not your diseased brain is not worth arguing with rationally. The orange guy literally tried to overturn an election he lost, he is going lose again because he has an obvious personality disorder and his actions and behavior from covid response through 1/6 lies eroded his electoral base. His biggest accomplishment was installing judges to overturn Roe v Wade. How's that working out for all those grifting phony ass-puppet Christian dummies…cry about it you douchrags!
lol at that dude posting a tucker carlson video talking about "finally we get the truth"
Donald Trump here. Do they serve cheeseborgers in prison? Asking for a friend.
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I bet he doesn't regret anything at all.