Last week Anti-Flag's unexpected breakup sent shockwaves through their fanbase. Speculation surrounding the band's sudden split significantly gained traction when an episode of the "Enough." podcast was released on the same day. During the podcast, a guest detailed allegations of sexual assault involving an east coast political punk band.
Threads on social media and comments sections pointed to striking similarities between the allegations and Anti-Flag's vocalist, Justin Sane. While the accused remained anonymous, the narrative described an encounter between a fan and the singer at a show, followed by a later meeting at a hotel bar.
The guest describes breaking edge at the hotel bar:
"Before we got back to his room, we went to a shitty bar at the hotel. I'm straight edge, and this person was straight edge. He is very famously straight edge, which is a major reason that I was straight edge. That night he told me that his fiance had just cheated on him and moved away to England with her new boyfriend, and he decided he was going to break edge. So we both did together. We were drinking, I think like, Coronas at the bar, I don't even know. I do know that after a beer or two, he started ordering pickleback shots.
So I was doing those for the first time. Again, I'm like a hundred pounds, it's already too much. I don't know, like two Coronas is too much, and now you're doing pickleback shots for the first time? So you have no idea of tolerance or alcohol percentage or anything like that.
You're also with someone who you have idolized for a very long time, who you like, even if you're not interested in them romantically, you're like low-key trying to impress. I want to say he was about 40. and I was 22. so I don't know if I believe that he had never if he had always been straight edge"
She explained further:
"As soon as we got to his room which was a tiny dingy dorm room basically, with bunk beds and like a wooden dresser, wooden bunk beds, and that's it. So he closes the door, he locks the door, and then before I can even turn around, or look for the computer that he was gonna play this song on, it didn't even occur to me. He screamed "FOOTBALL TACKLE!" and tackled me onto the bed, which is like, the most terrifying way to begin a sexual assault. I would say it sounded playful, and he was giggling about it. But also, as soon as I hit the bed he put his hand around my throat and basically turned into a monster.
To this day I still have flashes of his face above me holding me down. He only needed one hand to hold my entire body down because it was around my throat. He is not a large person, but definitely larger and stronger than I was, and he just proceeded to violently attack me. I won't get into details, but there are several moments that I thought I was dying. I definitely may have passed out, or I thought I was about to pass out. I couldn't breathe, I didn't have any oxygen, I was crying, screaming, telling him to stop, but he didn't. It went on for a very long time, I couldn't tell you how long, I just know it was the most terrifying thing I've ever experienced.
Probably the most confusing thing I've ever experienced because in the same moment, it was this person I can remember lying in bed as a teenager and looking up to see this person's face smiling with his guitar and his bandmates and right now I am in the same position being held in place by that same man who is just unrecognizable."
While the accusations were never directly tied to the Anti-Flag vocalist, the timing of the band's abrupt absence from their online platforms upon the release of the podcast raised eyebrows. Additionally, the guest pointed to a post on The Industry Ain't Safe from March 2022 that hinted at similar experiences naming Justin Sane by name.
Today, the band finally broke their silence and responded to the allegations in an official statement posted on Justin Sane's Instagram account. In it Justin denies the accusations and addressed the band's decision to disband, citing the impossibility of continuing under such circumstances.
The remaining members of Anti-Flag, Chris Barker, Chris Head, and Pat Thetic, issued their own statement and apologized for the delay in responding. As a result, Anti-Flag remains disbanded, leaving fans with little closure and a lot of mixed emotions.
Justin's statement read:
"Recently, there have been claims of sexual assault made against me and I can tell you that these stories are categorically false. I have never engaged in a sexual relationship that was not consensual, nor have I ever been approached by a woman after a sexual encounter and been told I had in any way acted without her consent or violated her in any way. Now that I have had a few days to absorb the initial shock, I am making this statement to set the record straight.
Sexual assault is real and has a devasting impact on victims. I have devoted my entire adult life to standing up for these victims as well as those suffering oppression and inequality, who are victimized, demeaned, and abused. I have always been, and will always be, that person. The statements being told about me are the antithesis of what I believe and how I have conducted myself throughout my life.
In regard to Anti-flag disbanding, as a band, the decision was made that under these circumstances it would be impossible to continue.
I want to thank my family and friends, and the many, many fans, musicians, and bands who have reached out to me to offer their support and help."
A statement by the rest of the band reads:
"A core tenet of the band Anti-Flag is to listen to and believe all survivors of sexual violence and abuse. The recent allegations about Justin are in direct contradiction to that tenet. Therefore, we felt the only immediate option was to disband.
We have been shocked, confused, saddened and absolutely heartbroken from the moment we heard these allegations. While we believe this is extremely serious, in the last 30 years we have never seen Justin be violent or aggressive toward women. This experience has shaken us to our core.
We understand and apologize that this response may not have been quick enough for some people. This is new territory for all of us and it is taking time for us to process the situation.
It was a privilege for us to be in the band Anti-Flag, as we seek to find our path forward we wish healing to all survivors.
- Chris, Chris, and Pat"
Post CommentGiven their decision to simply break up over mere allegations, that Justin denied, it's a shame someone just didn't throw shit at a wall a decade ago.
Also I would guess there is fire given this reaction to smoke, but what about due process?
I don't usually believe these stories, but the part when she mentions that he shouted, "Football tackle!!", then leapt at her is EXACTLY something a liberal sage would do, probably sounding like Big Gay Al
"FOOTBALL TACKLE" is gonna be the newest lambgoat quotable phrase lmaoooo
Lol @ FOOTBALL TACKLE. Potential to overtake goo
this person I can remember lying in bed as a teenager and looking up to see this person's face smiling with his guitar and his bandmates this person I can remember lying in bed as a teenager and looking up to see this person's face smiling with his guitar and his bandmates this person I can remember lying in bed as a teenager and looking up to see this person's face smiling with his guitar and his bandmates
glad to see Justin Sane outing himself as a liberal after years of masquerading as a leftist. no, liberals ≠ leftists, despite what these ignorant ass chodes say on here.
Does she have a gofundmeyet? I'd say shoot for the industry standard 100k
glad to see Justin Sane outing himself as a liberal after years of masquerading as a leftist. no, liberals ≠ leftists, despite what these ignorant ass chodes say on here. ^^^^^ You are all communists. Trump 2024
Scott Vogel football tackled Godzilla once, sent that b!tch lizard home with his tail between his legs
"Sexual assault is real and has a devasting impact on victims." He just wanted to see this first hand
You are all communists. Trump 2024 ^cries about beer cans; couldn't make it past 12th grade.
Doubling down just like a true liberal that he is.
You are all communists. Trump 2024 ^^^^ I know I'm a communist. I'm saying liberals aren't. Keep up, dipshit
You're gonna r*pe, gonna r*pe, gonna r*pe for your band. r*pe for your band, that's shit.
^cries about beer cans; couldn't make it past 12th grade. ^^^^^ works shitty service industry job.
is it possible to be in a band and not do this shit?
Another band I could beat the shit out of all by myself...
VodkaVeins 44 seconds ago Another band I could beat the shit out of all by myself... Lol then do it puzzy
I'm surprised that nick_lachey or dick_touche hasn't chimed in with some of his stale ass bullshit yet
anonymous 7 minutes ago Lol then do it puzzy Fight me at a show! Oh, wait...
There's no way "Football tackle" is made up.
The Fat Wreck Chords roster is sweating right now, who's cancelled next?
liferuiner would never get in this situation
Another band I could beat the shit out of all by myself... ^^^^^^^ THREAD!
cancel culture ruins another band 🖕🏽 groupies aren't being groupies like they're supposed to
It's just so hard to believe. She said it lasted a long time. That part sounds like a lie.
They're definitely not Anti breaking up bc some rando on the internet said a story that they cant prove.
I met a girl who was extremely proud of f*cking the lead signer of Incubus. I was not very impressed, personally
These stories just keep getting more and more outlandish. Then the band not seeing any conceivable way to continue after 30 years together, after never having witnessed any of these tendencies from Justin? GTFO. Bros before hoes, bitches. Tells the character of these sages.
Every fat wreck cords employee with hepatitis c is stoked.
Doesn't matter if the allegation is true or not, you must believe ALL victims.
Well he ditched the Mohawks and got a hipster haircut what do u expect just following the trends
IF this isn't true….this woman is a f@cling genius for coming up with "FOOTBALL TACKLE" all on her own LOL
So let me get this straight. It's a libtard brain short circuit? He didn't do it, but because he believes all women he is canceling himself and his band? Lol. This reminds me of just last week when the climate activists blocked the pride parade. In that scenario? Who is racist? The climate change activists or the gays? Or when the muslim city in Michigan banned pride flags, and the libtards said "the Muslims betrayed us." It's beautiful to see. I'm gonna go jam the song Die for your government by Anti Flag because unlike the libtarded statists in Anti-Flag, I actually oppose the regime, globalism, wars of aggression, and big pharma. These dudes making songs about revolutionary socialism but want you to worship Pfizer. Pathetic
^don't speak retard. Can someone translate? Maybe make it past 12th grade before posting next time, sissy.
"anonymous 3 hours ago cancel culture ruins another band 🖕🏽" Lol dude Justin is an advocate of cancel culture. It backfired at him. Hunters will be hunted.
Are these women going to the Jussie Smollett school of victimhood nowadays? "FOOTBALL TACKLE!!!" 😂😂😂
If this guy were a true liberal the girl would have been much, much younger. Don't believe this story for a second.
So to be clear - a core tenet of Anti-Flag is: We believe ALL sexual assault accusations and their accusers (doesn't matter if anonymous, without evidence, or otherwise baseless).
The law of liberalism states that in regards to statements, accusations, or allegations all parties identifying in the liberal camp must take all things as non-fiction. Including, but not limited to the accused offender(s). Furthermore, if you use the label as "victim", you are to believed with no reasonable suspicion, beyond a reasonable doubt.
I don't know what's funnier... a 50-year-old guy being straight edge or a 20-something who is way too gullible to follow anything/anyone ("I was edge, but since he's breaking edge, so will I). Sounds like two retards who matched on Tinder.
The most vocal holier than thou super political types are always the ones with the biggest skeletons in their closet
Totally not shocked that a libtard punk singer can't f*ck properly
Hopefully regulate and 65% of the rest of the scene follow their example.
This band has always f*cking sucked. Also happens that they suck at getting girls as well. SHOCKER!
So he just assumed this mega fan that spent the night drinking with him and went back to his hotel room wanted to have sex? Where did he get that idea.
Did he mean "Football" as that bro/frat NFL bullshit you dumb Americans fawn over or REAL FOOTBALL, erroneously known as "soccer" by the same dumb Americans??
^who would have thought! She had posters of him on her childhood walls!
Note to anyone in a band...do not text/drink/go anywhere (bar,bus, backstage, hotel room) with a girl without filming her consent and/or getting an NDA signed. You are opening yourself to getting canceled even if she is a consenting adult.
"Did he mean "Football" as that bro/frat NFL bullshit you dumb Americans fawn over or REAL FOOTBALL, erroneously known as "soccer" by the same dumb Americans??" Depends. If he actually hit her, he meant football. If she's just pretending that she's hurt, it must be soccer.
"anonymous 6 minutes ago Did he mean "Football" as that bro/frat NFL bullshit you dumb Americans fawn over or REAL FOOTBALL, erroneously known as "soccer" by the same dumb Americans??" Different nations and cultures have different words for things. Cry more about basic human behavior lmao
I usually shout "ZONE DEFENSE!" at the bar and try to aggressively kiss any person who gets close to me.
How the hell did the ex-singer of FTLO not get cancelled then? Dude f*cked every one of his bandmate's girls, countless more up and down Jersey (plenty of which were said to be underaged), and all that's ever been done was high fives and applause.
^ I'm no NJHC historian, my guess would be because either those "rumors" are just that, rumors - or because whatever list of girls he banged actually enjoyed it without any regrets. Also, morning after internet regret wasn't a thing in the mid-90s to early 2000s. Maybe he was simply the right guy at the right time. Kudos to him.
So this guy is straight edge but all of a sudden decides to drink Coronas and do Pickleback shots with some girl. Sure.......What a bunch of fakes.
^me me me with this chick. I bet she got him to change political parties too.
anonymous 1 hour ago So this guy is straight edge but all of a sudden decides to drink Coronas and do Pickleback shots with some girl. Sure.......What a bunch of fakes. ^edgebreakers don't just jump to gross shit like pickelback shots lol they'd be drinking lemon drops or something full of sugar if they were real edgebreakers
She broke edge because he was breaking edge..
Lambgoat please moderate this shit. Some of these comments are incredibly tone deaf and awful.
Thank God Throwdown is coming back to put an end to all this horny edgebreaking
Wee woo wee woo Lambgoat police, some of these people aren't calling this woman stunning and brave, arrest them
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