NewsJune 16, 2023 2:43 PM ET17,653 views

Rammstein drummer Christoph Schneider responds to allegations against band

Christoph Schneider

Jens Koch

Christoph Schneider, the drummer for German metal band Rammstein, has released a statement regarding the recent sexual assault and drug-related allegations against the band's vocalist Till Lindemann. Schneider claimed that while he did not witness any illegal activities, he believes that "certain structures" had grown that were beyond the band's values and limits. He expressed his sympathy for the women involved and reiterated the band's commitment to ensuring that all guests feel comfortable and safe at their concerts.

The allegations against Lindemann emerged last month following a concert in Vilnius, Lithuania, and Rammstein's publisher has since dropped him as a client while Universal Music has halted promotions for the band. Rammstein has denied the allegations on their social media accounts.

The translated statement read:

Dear people,

I would like to share my personal emotions and thoughts with you.

The accusations of the last few weeks have deeply shaken us as a band and me as a person. You fans certainly too. I feel as if in shock by the things that have been shared on social media and in the press and in print about our singer. This is an ebb and flow of emotions for us band members and crew.

No, I don't think anything criminally relevant (such as the use of knockout drops) happened. No. I don't think anything illegal was going on, I've never seen anything like it, nor heard anything like it from any of our crew of 100 people. All I heard from Till's parties were adults celebrating together. And yet things seem to have happened that, although legally ok, I personally don't think are ok. Certain structures have grown that went beyond the limits and values of the other band members. It is also important to us that Till's parties are not confused with our official after-show parties.

Till has distanced himself from us in recent years and created his own bubble.

With their own people, their own parties, their own projects. That made me sad, definitely. I believe Till when he tells us that he always wanted and still wants to give his private guests a good time. How exactly these guests had imagined this, however, seems to differ in some cases from his own ideas.

The wishes and expectations of the women who have now come forward were probably not fulfilled. According to their statements, they felt uncomfortable, on the edge of a situation that they could no longer control.

I feel sorry for her and I feel compassion. However, it is important for me to emphasize something objective: every guest in the backstage area is free to leave (they may have to wait a moment for security to lead them safely to the exit). All bottles are sealed and in full view of the guests freshly opened or they open them themselves.

Water and snacks are available just like Security personnel and medical care available at any time. We want all of our guests to feel comfortable and safe with us!

This is our standard. So I'm sorry to hear that some didn't feel that way.
We have the greatest fans in the world and they all deserve to be treated with respect! I'm sorry for anyone who wasn't treated kindly or felt unsafe backstage with us.

Also for Shelby, she deserved a great concert and a wonderful evening.

But I don't want this whole public dispute about our band to feed the extremes: neither the beast social media, which has not yet been tamed by our society, nor paternalistic tendencies to deny women in their mid-20s the ability to make self-determined decisions about their sexuality and also by no means victim blaming, so that people continue to date to talk about it if something happened to them. I wish for a calm, level-headed reflection and processing, also in our band.

And all together, six of us. We stand together.

Your Christoph Schneider.


Post Comment

anonymous 6/16/2023 12:03:08 PM


rick____tocchet 6/16/2023 12:03:14 PM

We live in the age where if you have some money and or are famous in some way, you should never pull your pecker out of yer pants. Unless you want to deal with this horse shit.

anonymous 6/16/2023 12:07:22 PM

If you have sex with a public figure in any setting, you are rolling the dice of being canceled/extorted/accused/recorded for internet gratification. It's not worth it. Don't bother defending yourself because then you're victim blaming. It's a lose lose situation

anonymous 6/16/2023 12:11:50 PM

Feel bad for him - his life's work being ridiculed and dragged through the mud because of the potential carelessness of one band member.

anonymous 6/16/2023 12:42:03 PM

"his life's work being ridiculed and dragged through the mud…" The guy wears a f*cking leather duster and paints a huge black bar on his face.

anonymous 6/16/2023 12:53:48 PM

Water and snacks are available

anonymous 6/16/2023 12:55:39 PM

"The guy wears a f*cking leather duster and paints a huge black bar on his face." How many stadiums around the globe are you selling out? How many albums have you sold? How much money have you made from your art? Get the f*ck out of here.

anonymous 6/16/2023 12:56:09 PM

Lambgoat comment section used by date rapists to send messages back and forth using Rammstein code words.

anonymous 6/16/2023 12:56:44 PM

I was r@ped by Christoph Schneider. Till tried to stop him but Christoph Schneider punched him in the face and r@ped him too. This man is a dangerous rapist and everything he said is a lie. If you go backstage you are r@ped right away. I happened to everyone I know

anonymous 6/16/2023 1:03:43 PM

Leftist turns on other leftist using a bunch of meaningless buzzwords. Could have never seen it coming.

anonymous 6/16/2023 1:41:15 PM

This is such a dumb CYA statement. They didn't happen at our shows, so I'm good. But yeah, our singer is probably an awful person and I'm aware of that.

anonymous 6/16/2023 1:44:33 PM

water and snacks are available hahaha

anonymous 6/16/2023 1:48:40 PM

trying to cancel Rammstein makes you gay af

anonymous 6/16/2023 1:54:19 PM

This would have been way more interesting if he would have listed in detail the snacks that are available. I think we all want to know.

anonymous 6/16/2023 2:20:22 PM

When did anyone on lambgoat give two f*cks about this band. Stay on prp you slobs

anonymous 6/16/2023 5:02:56 PM

Lurk erased my comment because he's a coward

anonymous 6/16/2023 5:34:25 PM

Germans love David Hasselhoff

anonymous 6/16/2023 8:44:55 PM

2024 Rammstein Du Hast Experience (€1000): A fully-immersive interactive experience which includes: - One (1) backstage meet & greet experience with two members of the band, which includes the ability to make self-determined decisions about your sexuality, a photo taken by the tour photographer, and a group "conversation" with members of the band ("conversation" is limited to non-verbal, sexual communication only). - One (1) ticket to Row 0, an exclusive standing section located at the front of the stage, for one (1) show. - Party with other hand-curated super fans for one (1) night at the official "Du Hast" pre-show lounge, which includes three (3) complimentary beverages, as well as appetizers and bar snacks. - Two (2) limited edition backstage "experiences" with a crew member (crew member availability varies). - One (1) limited edition, autographed, production-used edition of 100 Poems or On Quiet Nights (signed by Till Lindemann and feature a circular mid-book cut-out).

anonymous 6/17/2023 1:50:45 AM

"I haven't seen anything happen, so I believe Till is innocent" "Till has distanced himself from the rest of the band and has private parties where all kinds of sordid stuff happens"

anonymous 6/17/2023 4:58:32 AM

"Mein poopy ist yummy!" ~Drummer Guy 2023

anonymous 6/17/2023 6:03:01 AM

Till's on-stage full-gimp humiliation slave here; me too

anonymous 6/17/2023 6:58:25 AM

You can't cancel Rammstein.

anonymous 6/17/2023 7:32:50 AM

You can't cancel Rammstein but you can abort them just like Till does when he murders babies.

anonymous 6/17/2023 10:10:48 AM

Till is a weirdo sexual deviant, big surprise. But not a rapist. These broads won't let us have anything nice!

anonymous 6/17/2023 10:19:42 AM

Hope this is what makes this f*cking practical joke of a band finally go away

anonymous 6/17/2023 11:17:36 AM

So have the arenas been empty in protest?

anonymous 6/17/2023 1:06:09 PM

Till wouldn't have to r@pe and or drug a woman this day and age, we all know this. No broad would be worth the backlash but here we are...

anonymous 6/17/2023 2:05:25 PM

^ that person has never had sex

anonymous 6/17/2023 2:23:02 PM

-So have the arenas been empty in protest?- Terrible German Pornmetal band around since 1980s remains popular with same r@pey white male Deutschebags as always after r@pe allegations are made. Next up, weather.

anonymous 6/17/2023 2:35:40 PM

-I'm busting nuts in your wife.- Your Rammstein thing makes sense then, I guess, since my wife is dead.

anonymous 6/18/2023 9:10:55 AM

Damn man, sign me up for that Du Hast Experience.

anonymous 6/18/2023 6:08:10 PM

"Terrible German Pornmetal band around since 1980s remains popular with same r@pey white male Deutschebags as always after r@pe allegations are made." white male here. cry about it, POC.

anonymous 6/18/2023 9:58:18 PM

.... white male Deutschebags as always after r@pe allegations are made." white male here. cry about it, POC.- I am also a white male, and I see that Rammstein being under attack from a couple of ladies makes some of us feel fragile for some reason. Here: Terrible German Pornmetal band around since 1980s remains popular with same r@pey Deutschebags as always after r@pe allegations are made. Still works. Feel better?

anonymous 6/19/2023 5:42:55 AM

anonymous 2 days ago Water and snacks are available FCKING LOLOL. Nein, zey were free to leave any time bro

anonymous 6/19/2023 5:43:41 AM

"Also, I'M NOT BURNING THE DUSTER." - Christoph Schneider

anonymous 6/19/2023 11:38:58 AM

someone in Rammstein comments stating that he's a white male? That's like an ant in a hill screaming LISTEN UP, I'M AN ANT MOTHERF✓CKERS I'm sure all the POC following this thread closely felt put in their place too

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