Rammstein deny drugging allegations levied against them online

German industrial metal band Rammstein have responded to a serious allegation from a fan who claimed to have been drugged at a party attended by lead singer Till Lindemann before the band's concert in Vilnius, Lithuania. In a Twitter thread, the fan, named Shelby Lynn, detailed her claims of having her drinks spiked at a "pre-party" held at Vingis Park in the Lithuanian capital on May 22, 2023. The allegations left her physically bruised and vomiting for more than 24 hours. Lynn also claimed that she refused to have sex with Lindemann in a room below the stage during the show's intermission, resulting in an angry outburst from the singer.
To respond to these allegations, the band took to social media and issued a statement in which they denied any knowledge of the events taking place within their environment. They also stated that they were not aware of any official investigations into the matter.
The band shared:
"With regard to the allegations circulating on the internet about Vilnius, we can rule out the possibility that what is being claimed took place in our environment.
We are not aware of any official investigations into this"
Lynn claims that drummer Joe Letz, who plays with Lindemann's side-project, had invited her to the party. She further alleges that after consuming a cocktail mix consisting of "small Red Bull/vodka and a Prosecco" and a shot of Tequila, she started to feel like a "human zombie". She claims that she was taken to meet the singer beneath the stage during the show's intermission, where she told him she wouldn't have sex with him, leading to his angry departure.
She went on to describe her experience of the rest of the evening, including her memory loss and vomiting. Additionally, she revealed that upon returning to her hotel, she discovered that she had physical bruises and posted photographs as evidence. Lynn also claimed to have suffered from hallucinations and other after-effects of the alleged drugging for more than 24 hours. However, she did not specify who she suspects of drugging her.
No police charges have been filed at the time of writing and the band has denied the allegations.
Post CommentOh please. I've worked on tours for the last 20 years. Everything from small indie rock bands on no name labels, to rap/hip-hop, and all the way up to popular pop acts. The guys on tour, be them crew or artists, all have the same end goal each night - getting laid. I would believe 9 out of 10 females in these situations before I would give the benefit of the doubt to even one guy on tour.
one less shitty band to hear about. hope they disappear after this of course it's true when a bunch of women tells the same story. the guy is a sick motherf*cker, just look at him
That's great and all but does anyone here in this large metal community have any first hand accounts of this happening? Because if not, I'm not sure I believe one iota of these accusations (comment 1 is a pea brain dipshit for several months now by the way, needs to be said, god what a f*ckin loser)
This is painful to relive, but I just keep telling myself "Be Brave Kevin." I have to use this space to extol something within me that has been bubbling beneath the surface for some time. I need to properly heal. This is my truth. In 2002, I was so drunk I didn't know what time zone I was in. I was at a concert and this band had played. The roadies were loading out the expensive equipment and the band members were sort of just milling around. The man in the above photo I believe he approached me and said "Young man you look parched. Have the rest of my drink." He had a similar look on his face like he just goes around looking like that. Anyhow the bottle was still full and it was a Naked Mean Green juice and the cap didn't need channel lock pliers to open so I know it was already open but I was so thirsty I already strained my own urine through my Dodgers hat earlier because water was so scarce wherever I was. I thanked him profusely and said "Thank you sir. Have a great
day." It was 11pm at night. I really chugged it and within 5 minutes was in a state of delerium. The man in the photo came back over and asked, "How you feelin champ?" and laughed. "What was in that drink sir?" I inquired. "I dissolved 25 benedryl. You are now my property." He got me in a bearhug and tossed me into the tour van. What happened after that was kind of a blur, but I remember him saying things like "If you are not already full-blown gay, you are about to be." He swung his swollen appendage and began slapping my face with it. It was big as a kielbasa my god. And then the undescribable. He erupted with a powerful climax. "Now get on your knees he demanded." His tone was angry and I was scared. The tour van had a mini dorm fridge and he took out the following items: 1.) banana 2.) vanilla ice cream 3.) whipped cream 4.) big red cherry "Now it's time for dessert." I was paralyzed by fear. On the small of my back he prepared a banana split. "Quit shaking, it's moving
the ingredients around." The man in the above photo (either that or he had an identical twin) ate dessert off my back and I've been traumatized.
I agree with someone above. Post comment 1's address so we can home invade and put that shit out of it's misery and make the comment section, at minimum, bearable again. Nothing worse than opening every article and you know that c*nt is going to be 1st comment every. f*cking. time.
You want first hand accounts? Go talk to any girls in the metal community and go hang around bands before, during, and after their tours. You'll get all the proof you need.
Just a thought, but it seems like the only dude who laid pipe to lots of girls of varying ages in the hardcore community (including all the gf's of his bandmates) is the same guy who was never accused of inappropriate behavior from any female - a true ladies man. That would be the ex-vocalist of FTLO.
Late to the party with this article. It has basically already been debunked - the accuser/liar has been caught in several lies and keeps backtracking and changing her story, and has done this in the past. Also, knowing Rammstein and that most of their videos are pornographic and nature, what did you expect for an after party where you and only a handful of other females were selected? Pizza and birthday cake?
There is also a video of her stoned off her ass and swinging her tits around before all of this supposedly occurred. It wasn't the band that drugged you, it was her own inhibition and bad decisions that resulted in whatever happened that she can't recall, except conveniently for every other part of the night she can remember perfectly.
Sooo, she didn't want to f*ck Till and he didn't, he left. So why is the band being lambasted for something they didn't do?
I'd rather go to a Chucky Cheese after party than anything with Rammstein.
Did those Buffalo janitors (T. Jones, Vogel, K. Buckley, guys from Herod et al) get the day off so we can hear from them on this matter
^They wouldn't hire Buckley, just pushes shopping cart around, his ability to get online and post is tenuous at best.
oh f*ck I just saw the no makeup vid *runs like usain bolt from thread*
I've been touring for 10 years as a FOH engineer. I can say I've never seen or heard of any wrong doing to women by anyone on the road. All the people I've worked with have respect for everyone. On the other hand I've seen some wild women who have tried their hardest to get involved and ruin people's lives.
Band was never good. Gimmick of being from Germany worked with the radio rock morons.
ya know what, Clutch would never do this.
Official Press Release: Keith Buckley is a teacher. He teaches other hobos proper shopping cart techniques. He teaches how to search for bread. And when there is a bit of down, Buckley, along with bandmates Tramp Hossenphepper, Drifter McGillicuddy, and Scout Sasparilla, are busy with their Buffalo based busker-core unit, Free Bread Hoax. For their latest single, "In Thrush We Trust", Professor Buckley teaches his bandmates the benefits of thrush. "This throat condition should put a little added octane into the intro," lectures Keith, 46. His classmates take notes, but soon grab their buckets. "Now on three, 1 and uh 2 and uh 3. My name is Keith and I've never used Zest, and there's something I need to get off my chest / It's about my man Scout, he gave me thrush, and everytime I remind him he begins to blush / Then there's Tramp, he gave me the clap, and did so by sitting naked on my lap /
[2] Lastly there's Drifter, with face and hair like Gump's, went down on me and now my unit has bumps" Hossenphepper on the Lowe's bucket (pictured above) Ever the perfectionist, "The Professa" puts down the empty Sprite can he uses as a microphone. "Sassparilla, is that a Home Depot bucket? Don't quite sound right. Leave the encampment, and don't come back until you find a Sherwin Williams." Being in a talented busker band has been met with it's fair share of challenges. Like how to get in contact with the band. Buckley remains optimistic. "We're still looking for a label. Geffen keeps trying to get a hold of us, I've been told." McGillicuddy and Sassparilla (l - r) fix a shopping cart's squeaky wheel
Shit band for always. Whatever makes them and their dork fans go away.
Sex? During Van Halen's live shows, Hagar says the four band members set up f*ck tents under the stage where they would have trysts with hand-picked women who were rounded up by roadies.-goo
You, you have, you have me You have me, you asked me You asked me, you asked me and I said nothing
FOH engineer with inside industry knowledge is going to be the new FTLO original founding member whining about frontman banging gf's
^ complete and utter idiot Anyone speaking the truth should be heard and believed. It's that simple.
I saw some of these guys on that porn site inthevip, must be German
Bunch of white knight virgins in here acting like they'd do something weighing a buck twenty five soaking wet. Limp wristed pussies. Wouldn't do shit. 🤣
Anyone speaking the truth should be heard and believed. It's that simple. ^^^^^found the cuck who buys filled condoms off onlyfans pages.
^ you can't find shit if you never leave your mom's basement
I doubt females go to Clutch shows. Burned out Gen X men that lick the walls of dispensaries go to their shows.
No care. This band sucks ass, can we cancel them for that?
this band is notoriously gross and have been around FOREVER and this is the best anyone could come up with? that's a whole lot of typing to just basically conclude nothing happened to this chick and there are no crimes to be investigated. everyone wants their 15 min and apparently making accusations online is an easy way to get it.
Being in FTLO < F_cking all their GFs and being kicked out
They stripped me naked had me lift my ballsack up so they could check underneath it, and then had me bend over and spread my asscheeks apart so they could look inside my asshole.
And of course no update from this shit site to share that the liar is now backtracking and saying no one from Rammstein (Till or anyone else) touched or did anything to her. Just dragging names through the mud without a care in the world.
Whatever happened to that Aussie redhead psycho chic and her 4 mins of fame?
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