Post Commentyou all know you like this band so stop lying
His name escapes me at the moment, but the former singer of Eso Charis. Who had very, very gospel lyrics in said band :(
ibt likeb briginb a knifebb to ba gub fightbbb
I hate it when bands have really long obscure song titles that they think are funny...because they're really just gay.
why cant they just stop being pussies and say fck?
i like stupid long song names. "dr. doom, a man of science, doesn't believe in jesus, why the fck do you?"
Personally I love Norma Jean. I don't know when it became cool to hate them but somwhere along the way it did. And maybe they don't use the f word because they know that it's lame.
i have a lot of respect for this band. they have worked hard. (not that other bands haven't) but i know they have been through a lot personally and their new singer is really good. respect.
not to mention their music and their live show for sure is fun. and that's what i care about. they put work in to making an awesome experiance.
very cool dudes. i hear this is their last tour before they start premoting the new record. should be cool. that name is funny... like dude said, just have fun. i like to have fun. cheese wiz is fun.
Worst Shit Ever! *chug chug weeeeeee* *be's original*
um... he even has the x's by his name.... now, we all know how original that is. don't we?
i used to like music, now i like song titles
God will deal with all who dont belive in him
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i hate norma jean, but they are touring with some good bands.