Slapshot announce European dates with Death Before Dishonor

Slapshot, Death Before Dishonor, Risk, and American War Machine will be hitting Europe during the 2023 Boston Takeover Tour, organized by Stronger Bookings. Slapshot also has announced a new release for spring 2022, which will be released via Bridge Nine Records.
02/03/2023 Ghent Chinastraat Belgium
02/04/2023 Rotterdam Scumbash Festival Netherlands
02/05/2023 Drachten Iduna Netherlands
02/06/2023 Kassel Goldgrube Germany
02/07/2023 Berlin Cassiopeia Germany
02/08/2023 Poznan Klub Pod Minoga Poland
02/09/2023 Leipzig Vienna Conne Island
02/10/2023 Vienna Arena Austria
02/11/2023 Budapest Instant Hungary
02/12/2023 Prague Rock Cafe Czech Republic
02/13/2023 Innsbruck Livestage Austria
02/15/2023 Luzern Sedel Switzerland
02/16/2023 Saint-Germain-en-Laye La Clef France
02/17/2023 Coesfield Fabrik Germany
02/18/2023 Vechta Gulfhaus Germany
Post CommentWell, get the lotion out. Papa is going to town!
"Slapshot also has announced a new release for spring 2022" They got a time machine??
Lmao at Choke Kelly making his cartoon self out to be a large tough guy. He's a midget and a pussy. 65 years old and still stuck in 1980'sNY vs Boston scene drama. Give it a rest
How is he still caught up in the Boston vs New York thing? If so why would he be tight with DMS and have their members in his band
How is he still caught up in the Boston vs New York thing? If so why would he be tight with DMS and have their members in his band ___ Be careful man... remember... dudes may sue.
I can't even fathom the type of Euro loser who'd be stoked about this.
Moshua is so stoked. Better start making keychains.
America sucks. These dates are in the wrong order. Day then month.
Risk only getting on these kind of tours because the singer joined FSU. Definitely not on the merit of the actual music.
"People are still actively "joining" crews?" Yeah and it's like all dudes in their 30s if not 40s. It's like they couldn't get into the Elks.
Ayyyyeeee FSU party!!! Dudes who run drugs for 1%er clubs are stoked. Ps-Mike Gaytan is a rat bastard who talks to cops.
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Slapshot is better than all the current W0K3 hardcore bands out right now.