Iced Earth frontman Jon Schaffer evades notice of D.C. civil lawsuit at least 25 times
Schaffer has evaded being served "at least 25" times

A recent report from The Republic indicates that Iced Earth frontman Jon Schaffer has evaded being served "at least 25" times regarding the District of Columbia's lawsuit against him for participating in the January 6, 2021 riots. Here is a full copy of that lawsuit.
Attempts have been made to serve Schaffer at seven different addresses across three states without success. According to the Attorney General of the District of Columbia Karl Racine, Schaffer and 30 others were accused of "conspiring to terrorize" the district as a result of their involvement in the actions that took place on January 6, 2021. The lawsuit was filed in Washington, DC on December 14, 2021.
By doing so, they hope to have the parties held liable for the millions of dollars spent handling the situation, including police costs, the resulting medical bills, etc. A plea deal resulted in Schaffer's conditional release in April of last year, after he turned himself in on January 17th of 2021.
As part of that deal, he must provide information about the actions that took place that day, including any possible involvement of the Oath Keepers organization with which he has been alleged to be affiliated.
The agreement involved Schaffer entering guilty pleas to obstruction of Congress's official proceedings and trespassing on restricted grounds of the Capitol while armed with a deadly weapon. In this case, the dangerous weapon was a cannister of bear spray. The deal also resulted in the dismissal of several other charges.
Schaffer hasn't been served at his current residence in Auburndale, FL despite stakeouts and ongoing efforts to serve him. A judge denied requests to serve him by email or press publication. To date, requests for cooperation from the U.S. Attorney's Office for the District of Columbia, which is handling Schaffer's criminal action, have not yet been granted.
Post Comment"He didn't do anything wrong." - the law and morality disagree with you.
He should have spent his time organizing a drag queen show for little kids. Like a good and upstanding citizen would.
Is this him running from the feds or his usual meth and incest run?
I hope people see that this was a staged event by our own government to just arrest people and cause civil unrest
Jan 6th was great. Too bad they didn't kill everyone
Please continue to help the FBI identify all of the "Antifa" from Jan 6.
Good job Lambgoat on bringing undue attention to this. Focus on one of the rapey pedo screamo singers who actually needs the hate.
Whatever he may have done on January 6th will forever pale in comparison to the crimes he has committed against music. LOCK HIM UP!
Wow you're all a bunch of government loving gays
I heard he's helping Mike Lindell in his quest of having SCOTUS overturn the 2020 election. I'm sure they're just days away from that happening.
I heard he's helping Sidney Powell track down the Kraken so it can be released successfully this time.
Lambgoat: rage on behalf of the machine Vaxxed and masked! The government is awesome.
imagine thinking he actually committed a "crime" biden's soft america.
Is Ginna Thomas Trump dressed in drag? I've never seen them in a picture together or at the same gatherings. This looks like some Mrs Doubtfire shit going on.
Yeah, whatever happened to that overturned election anyhow?
What a crowd full of beta dickheads in that photo.
There was no insurrection. There should have been, but unfortunately there wasnt.
May be using a venn diagram will help find him...
Just wait, the audits are going to change everything!
He's probably playing Magic: The Gathering at a strip mall game & hobby store for homosexuals.
Lmao gotta give the Cheetos Crew some cred for keeping their "insurrection" mostly peaceful. When the lefties lose across the board in a couple years, they'll just riot and f**k up their own communities lol
If he didn't do anything wrong then he doesn't have anything to worry about. Just comply.
Trump is a drag queen. Wears heels, wears make-up, dyes his hair, loves spray-tans and loves to dance. Get all worked-up, fellas.
Owning the libs by going on the run from the law
LOL- The party of law and order/"they should just comply if they did nothing wrong" doing mental gymnastics to justify this chodes actions and ideology. Yall are and have been a self serving party of manufacturered grievances and victimization that is eroding the social stability of the nation ALL while disingenuously claiming that your political opponents are doing what you're actually doing. This fascist tactic muddies the waters and blurs the lines of truth for average people and is a zero sum game that will end in all of us losing.
Fake anarchists too busy to comment because they're still attempting to do the math on all the money they gave BLM.
Sleepy Joe Biden here. DUDE WHERE'S MY ICE CREAM?
What the f*ck is up Four Seasons Total Landscaping?
What a tough guy..... running from the mailman. MAGA trash til' the end.
What a pussy. Looks like a cut rate Ted Nugent, who is also a pussy.
When he cuts that beard off he'll be Jon Shaver.
Imagine locking up a guy for entering a government building without autorization. Meanwhile a terrorist group like BLM burn business down and it's called "justice" and "freedom".
This post made me check out the band. Not bad.
I don't care what his stupid reasons were. Everyone that works in that building deserves a fate worse than death! Normalize this shit! Burn down Washington DC not bodegas in inner cities
Lambgoat: Home of sister f*ing chuds and racist basement dwelling uncles since 1999.
f*cking commie fascist boot-licking governmental puppets on this site. makes sense though since most of y'all are in the midwest or rural areas. dumb drop-outs. Metallica rules, right?
everyone knows the group of capitol invaders were really just poking around for a good place to live-stream their massive homosexual gang-bang on OnlyFans. Sheesh. Don't get all bothered, guys.
Trump: Even though 2020 was rigged, I'm gonna run in 2024 because God will unrig it for me and I'll finally win. Praise Jeebus!
He's working on the new Iced Earth album "Someone serving this way comes"
Marjorie Taylor Greene, proud Christian nationalist here. I will let you sniff my vagina if you send me a pic of you and your patriot friends giving an evil democrat/liberal a swirly. If you donate some monies I'll let you finger it!
Curb stomp all right wingers. Every single one.
Trump here, every election is rigged, unless a Republican that I supported wins, then it wasn't rigged. I promise to pardon myself, this imbecile and all of the other MAGAT morons if re-elected...Trump out!!!
I'm just here for the gang bang...looks like I found the right place! I'm gay.
"Curb stomp all right wingers. Every single one." ^^^The "tolerant" left everyone. 👏👏👏 How's that "unity" Demented Joe was talking about going lol.
^keep grasping at ideological straws shit bird. (f*cko works too in this context)
f*cking ROFL @ the John Shaver comment!
"^keep grasping at ideological straws shit bird. (f*cko works too in this context)" ^^^You lefties sure are swell folks! So tolerant and understanding. Lol.
all trump fanboys are retards that should wear helmets
Chicks with armpit hair at hardcore shows are stoked!
No crime was committed that day. The capitol building is a government building, it belongs to the people. The real crime was the fake election results
Liberal here, I don't believe in God, but I do believe men can give birth.
I'm sure this will work out great when they finally find him. He'll be able to explain everything and not have any prison time. What a retard.
Why is it always the tiny dick retards who fall for right wing propaganda?
^^^Says the libtard HAHAHAHA. The irony is palpable.
keep harping on it Glamboat you'll get 'im one of these days lol
time for kortlyn to drop some TRVTH bombs: iced earth sucks, the jan 6 seditionists deserve jail time, and the future of hardcore depends on YOU
right wingers literally live off of the success of the left wing. 76% of the GDP comes from liberal areas. You fat useless uneducated f*cks could all choke and the world wouldn't care
Mass shootings in liberal areas daily. Where's the outrage?
Leftist here. I'm glad those immigrants are no longer on Martha's Vineyard.
Lol here come all the false equivalences, whataboutisms, and the grasping at straws from Conservatives.
nooooo you can't just walk into an open government building that's terrorisms arrest that nazi
Walk in... like walk in as in physically scaling the concrete balconies, smashing the windows of the building after spraying bear mace on police after pushing them down and thrusting a sharpened flag pole end Into their chest? And then run through the halls chanting hang mike pence while attempting to stop official certification of the presidential election? Is that what you mean by walking in to a government building?
Thanks for the update, Lamb. I actually used the infor reported from day 1 to submit a report to the FBI and claimed $5000 for revealing his name and whereabouts. I'll have to send a new email to my contact with the updated address. f*ck this Trump dock rider and his band sucks.
anonymous 21 hours ago I hope people see that this was a staged event by our own government to just arrest people and cause civil unrest. You are so f*cking stupid and this is why we will forever regress in this country from now on.
Maybe MTG can come pray with him when they chuck him in a cage for the next decade. Seems like the right love to use Sky Dad as legal counsel.
why doesn't lurk have him on the vanflip podcast? i saw that one interview he did after he got out, looked like he was going to cry/murder/homocide after the dude asked him but what if you're wrong?
you definitely love cock if you have that many passive aggressive bumper stickers and flags on your car
"Trump dock rider" He's taking boats out from Mar-a-Lago?
Liberal here, I know demented Joe Biden has been a disaster area. Obviously the worst president ever. No disputing that. At least we can all agree on that!!! So I'll just dunk on Trump because that's the only shot I have. Also, I'm gay.
this dude is the biggest soy cuck i have ever witnessed on the internet. roleplay's as a retard marine, despite playing in a shit tier f-class butt metal band, then cries on facebook forums like he's a civil war general, despite playing house of blues circuits for 20 plus years, i dunno, hopefully he winds up getting Waco'd, i feel like this would be the best result for him and his family. if this is truly what a "patriot" is, i don't want a single f*cking thing to do with it, because he's a bitch on paper and a whiney cry bitch in life with a 5th rate dimebag goatee, minus the riffs and a being a cool dude. what a homo
Lol at the clown shitting on Joe Biden. The f*cked up thing is that this old man who lost his marbles is STILL more fit for office than trump ever was or will be. Honestly a crack addict would be more fit for presidency then the orangeangutan
" Walk in... like walk in as in physically scaling the concrete balconies, smashing the windows of the building after spraying bear mace on police after pushing them down and thrusting a sharpened flag pole end Into their chest? And then run through the halls chanting hang mike pence while attempting to stop official certification of the presidential election? Is that what you mean by walking in to a government building?" Do you have any idea how gay you sound right now?
yes there is no god and men can give birth maga chuds.
Do you have any idea how gay you sound right now Wow I didn't realize being gay meant accurately describing primary and secondary sources in a truthful, matter of fact manner. Thanks for telling me that those things sound gay to you.
Politics is theater meant to divide us and distract us from the fact that those with money are in control of everything and don't care about us slaves. But keep arguing over the fine points of which side you prefer to bow down to the most.
People who use the phrase "tolerant leftist" sarcastically don't matter
Im confused: aren't bikers gay? He's got biker gloves on and that usually means super lgbtqp++
Black Lives Never Mattered to Black People Because Dey Dindu Nuffin. Yaaaaas queen!!!
You guys are actually defending the U.S. government? The riots were staged and intentional, get a f*cking clue. You think these guys are smart enough to invade the Capital building? Also 'bear spray'...come on people, wake up
A lot of people fell for Trump's Glowop Insurrection False Flag. Lol "I'll meet you at the Capitol." Then, "You're all very special people (aka Retards) but you have to go home now. Leave." Edomite scum own America lock stock and barrel. America is nothing more than a global gollum. Russia should nuke us to put us all out of our misery.
^ "when the bomb drops you will spend the last few moments of your life shitting in your pants"
It's not about politics, it's about sticking with your beliefs. If he believed enough to attend the rally and to enter the buildings, he should stick with his beliefs enough to be a man and face the consequences. If he was a true believer, he'd stand up and be held accountable. Since he's "on the run" and hiding out like a weasel, this is less about left/right or Rep/Dem, and more about another weekend warrior hypocrite afraid to face the music...
everyone who disagrees with me politically is bad and deserves to die
How is someone charged with carrying a deadly weapon, and that weapon is classified as non-lethal. Bear spray itself is less potent than pepper spray used for people...
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He didn't do anything wrong.