Official press release:
This past week marked the 20th anniversary of Dead to Fall's crushing debut album Everything I Touch Falls to Pieces. To celebrate the event, the band has released three new singles as a Mini-EP. The trio of headbanging rippers ('Cerro de la Muerte', 'Empire of Pines' and 'Rot & Decay') was recorded with Pete Grossman at Bricktop Recording in Chicago IL this past July, Mastered by Brad Boatright at Audiosiege, and feature artwork by Chris Lopinto.
The longstanding metalcore icons are re-joined by Timothy Java on drums and now feature members from all four albums. Jon, Justin, Antone, Bryan, and Timothy will be performing in Alabama for this year's installment of Furnace Fest on September 23rd. This will be the band's last show in 2022
Post Commenttier 3-4 metalcore and a solid noon slot on furnace fest after all these years. mercy coverage from lg and ff
The guy second from the right might not be human
The trio of headbanging rippersThe trio of headbanging rippersThe trio of headbanging rippersThe trio of headbanging rippersThe trio of headbanging rippersThe trio of headbanging rippersThe trio of headbanging rippers
The f*cking nailed it guy is back. Jfc. Will you please buy a horse and live in the mountains so you don't bother anyone anymore??
There's no need to make it sound like they've achieved anything in their 20 years together as a band other than wasting time.
"They draw 200 people" never. Claim to fame was a 2 second victory ad on headbangers ball which probably cost them every cent of "royalties" to this day
Then why did they sell out multiple venues in Milwaukee and Chicago for various album plays as headliners? Specifically- Reggies chicago which has an 800 cap, and turner hall in Milwaukee which has a 1000 cap??
almost the entire first minute is just opens lol
Yeah but you said 200, which was a butthurt jealously inspired under exaggeration of actual facts on a situation you don't know dick about. A metal hardcore band being able to draw almost a thousand people to celebrate a 20 year old record is more of an accomplishment then your shitty life will ever see. Does anyone care about anything you did 20 years ago? Does anyone csre about anything you did 3 days ago? No- but thousands of people care about dead to fall- more than your sorry ass.
i'm a CTO for an emerging tech startup in the AR/lidar/remote sensor space that just got series A funding for to bring our revolutionary new app to market multi millionare in the next 3-5 but dont worry ill always have time to come here and flex on broke boys dick sucking a band that might have 50 people watch them at furnace fest but have no fear because i still have time to come on here and flex on broke mall metal dicksuckers championing really shitty bands that play opener slots on fests
^ imagine being so insecure with your manhood that you write all that to impress absolutely no one.
dead to fall filled moderate rooms seldom in only their hometown. there was an exodus after the openers too. they ripped off at the gates in 2000s, but a worse attempt than say AILD or darkest hour offerings.
Can't wait to get my exclusive Lambgoat shirt.
I maed an ap. I swer I wil b sucksezful. I talk about industree specific turms and t3ch to make self feel big and dead to fall fan bad. I wil b a millyunair. I fl3x on lambgoat. I am so awesum in mai opinion
Since when does Reggie's have an 800 cap. 😂 Capacity for the "Rock Club" portion of the venue is 100 and capacity for the "Music Joint" is 100.
I am the CEO of the largest corporation on the face of the planet and sit on the board of every Fortune 500 company you have ever heard of. I make hundreds of trillions of dollars every second and everyone I have ever met celebrates my name and drinks secret toasts to my health. DTF is nothing compared to me!
Also I happen to be the most secure person god ever created!
This band had one good album. They were probably 47383th on the list of good atthegatescore bands.
This new stuff is ok I guess. It doesn't come close to how good everything I touch & villainy were.
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