Dead To Fall debut new single, "Empire Of Pines"
Listen to the track exclusively on

Dead To Fall has released a second single, "Empire of Pines", today exclusively through Lambgoat. The single is to help celebrate the 20th anniversary of the band's debut release, Everything I Touch Falls To Pieces, and will be available streaming everywhere tomorrow.
The band recorded their latest track with Pete Grossman at Bricktop Recording and it was mastered by Brad Boatwright at Audiosiege.
Dead To Fall is scheduled to play Furnace Fest in Birmingham, AL on Friday, September 23.
You can also check out the other previously released track from the band below:
Post Commenttier 3 metalcore with the likes of walls of jericho, evergreen terrace, a life once lost, himsa and the autumn offering still better than zao or shai hulud
Hi my name is Kyle, I just got into hardcore 5 years ago but I do wear windbreakers and nikes now. Who is this band?
damn dudes lives be so empty they be crawling back to their metalcore band that could barely draw 100 people to a vfw sad!
Dead To Fall regularly filled venues in the Midwest with 400-1000. They will be remembered, but you will die and be forgotten like an unwanted show flyer.
Saw them twice on the obituary tour. Whiskey was cool, got to chill with the guitar player for a minute. Then the next night Showcase Theatre and they ripped shit. Actually saw Arsis open for them too at Showcase. So the band is known.
Hi my name is Kyle, I just got into hardcore 5 years ago but I do wear windbreakers and nikes now. Who is this band? ^^^ POSERRRRRR
"Dead To Fall regularly filled venues in the Midwest with 400-1000. They will be remembered, but you will die and be forgotten like an unwanted show flyer." imagine championing dead to f*ckin fall LOLLL how mad are you pussy? "BUT THEY 400 PEOPLE 15 YEARS AGO!!!" and i bet they were supporting some bigger band lmaooooo bro you cant even make this shit up
"Dead To Fall regularly filled venues in the Midwest with 400-1000. They will be remembered, but you will die and be forgotten like an unwanted show flyer." imagine championing dead to f*ckin fall LOLLL how mad are you pussy? "BUT THEY 400 PEOPLE 15 YEARS AGO!!!" and i bet they were supporting some bigger band lmaooooo bro you cant even make this shit up Imagine still commenting on lambgoat after 15 years. 2 sides of the same dork ass coin my dude. /fanflip
they were supporting some bigger band lmaooooo bro you cant even make this shit up You're the kinda guy who acts like your the Ronnie from jersey shore of the hardcore scene. I guarantee you nobody in your life actually loves or likes you. I also know that you're so insecure and fragile in your emotions and masculinity that you feel the need to posture, lash out, and flex in childish ways which makes the people in your life ridicule you when you're not around. Have fun beating women, and eventually dying in a road rage incident when you bite off more than you can chew.
Lol wasnt this band beat up and ran out of poughkeepsie?
dude really tried to make a deep psychoanalyzation with a f*ckin JERSEY SHORE REFERENCE all cause some stranger (rightfully) roasted a generic tier 4 metalcore band that couldn't sell out a f*ckin high schools locker room we are in a new era of sub human retardation find god
Jesus Christ. How many tiers are there? Who is out here ranking metalcore like it's a fantasy football draft strategy?
I found God, its the tank top flexer whose the authority on dead to falls drawing power, yet is ignorant of their recent draws at empire production shows where in 2022 they continued to pull 400-1000 depending on the room as headliners.
Forgive me, between 2018-2022. They also pulled 500 in Milwaukee at the xray last year. Lol st find God as your comeback. Your God only exists to self justify your shitty unrelgulated behavior
No, I'm just a douche bag fan at home whose sick and has nothing better to do besides argue with bottom feeders on subjects I simply know more about.
There's no way dead to fall draws 100 people in any town by themselves. I've been to their shows
Poser-core from the 2000s for guys with gyno who wear youth medium size shirts.
Literally drew 500 at xray as a headliner with only local support in Milwaukee last year.
C list hometown where bands play shows "by themselves" draws 100 people. Can't wait for the next point in this groundbreaking and thought-provoking discussion. Somebody bring back the Trump Russia bots making $1000 a day from home, for the love of god.
Wow, how much does your band draw? Does anyone give a shit about what you have to say? No. Why the f*ck are you even here? This new song has f*cking riffs. This guitar player shits on any band you currently like.
First two albums f*cked. This will go into never listening like like their last two.
Dead to fall is cool. They were never the biggest band but they toured alot and worked hard. Why people feel the need to troll is beyond me...if you don't like it move on and find something you do like...bashing on people's work or art is something that people who can't actually make their own do. Get a life people.
Their set at hellfest 20 years ago was's all been downhill from there
Their EITFTP set at turner hall is on YouTube. It f*cking slays. One of the best metal hardcore records ever.
So we getting a new record or no All hail the Fjerstad
I saw Zao, For The Love Of and some other bands at a show in an old church in bumblefvck North Carolina like 20 years ago. The singer of FTLO, mid song, grabbed an dude by the t-shirt collar and tore his shirt from collar to bottom. Almost pissed myself laughing.
didnt this band actually have a vanflip or was that someone else?
Seen this band play in Chicago from 2002-present. Anyone on here talking out of their ass about how many heads this band draws is wack as shit. DTF played Bottom Lounge with Darkest Hour when DH was doing their Undoing Ruin shows. A ton of people left after DTF and the venue was under half capacity for Darkest Hour. DTF played that big ass outdoors show at Cobra Lounge with Laid 2 Rest and The Killer. Crowd was massive and the entire set is on YouTube. Anyone still questioning that shit can peep video from Dead To Fall's "last show" at The Metro, which was entirely sold out with no touring bands or larger names.
Demo was sick. Everything I Touch Falls To Pieces was whatever. Villainy and Virtue was ok, then the band basically turned into a Midwest Every Time I Die/party band.
" Their EITFTP set at turner hall is on YouTube. It f*cking slays. One of the best metal hardcore records ever." Aaron Cosgrove (vocalist for End This Day and original vocalist for Dead To Fall before Jon joined the band) is actually in that video doing guest vocals.
Complaining about trolls posting on Lambgoat is like complaining that Tube Galore has too many DP videos
Anything recorded with the end this day vocalist?
"Anything recorded with the end this day vocalist?" The 1999 demo.
Bunch of talk about Chicago without the mention of Undo Tomorrow.
Undo tomorrow was KOCs most popular band at one time, but to compare them to DTF is desperate. DtF was always bigger.
Seen this band play in Chicago from 2002-present. Anyone on here talking out of their ass about how many heads this band draws is wack as shit. DTF played Bottom Lounge with Darkest Hour when DH was doing their Undoing Ruin shows. A ton of people left after DTF and the venue was under half capacity for Darkest Hour. DTF played that big ass outdoors show at Cobra Lounge with Laid 2 Rest and The Killer. Crowd was massive and the entire set is on YouTube. Anyone still questioning that shit can peep video from Dead To Fall's "last show" at The Metro, which was entirely sold out with no touring bands or larger names. Everything this guy said is true. That Ronnie guy from jersey shore is whack
a lot of band members and their families in these comments trying to validate something that was below average 20 years ago. they played to about 200 people at furnace fest on a gift noon slot (half of which weren't alive when this band started). stands to reason they are opening again in their 40s.
Alot of bitter ass people here seem to think that they are better than a band who still has a low key following nationally. Can your shitty local band draw 200 at furnace fest? We're you ever good enough to even be on a festival of that size and scope? Will anyone ever give a shit about anything you did 20 years ago? Shit, will anyone care about anything you do today or for the rest of your life?? No- so go f*ck yourself. Come see dead to fall at a chicago show and get your ass absolutely handed to you by the crowd. Especially if my boys in the killer are on the bill. You will actually die from the both the mosh calls and the intensity of an authentic crowd (which in chitown for dead to fall will be 400+)
Also the assclown that posted nailed it is the same assclown that made the post above it self. You can tell by the timestamp, you f*cking manipulative pathetic simp.
Both were posted 48 minutes ago, there's no way anyone randomly happened to see your post the exact minute you posted it and still had enough time to read it and make an affirming comment. Just shows how absolutely pathetic, sad, and lonely you are. You should probably go to therapy or kill your self
says the loser that just posted three times including paragraphs no one is reading ^
Yeah, but I'm not pretending to sffirm my self. I'm just adding on to my comment. You literally tried to make it look like people agree with you. What kind of lonely, pathetic ass shit is that.
I may be pathetic. I'll admit it. But you're on a whole different level of f*cking bullshit.
King Charles the Third here. I remember I saw these guys at hell fest two decades ago. My boys absolutely crushed it like I crushed the queens esophagus to the breakdown in graven image.
" Undo tomorrow was KOCs most popular band at one time, but to compare them to DTF is desperate. DtF was always bigger." Where did that poster say he was comparing those two bands. DTF was definitely the bigger band, but Undo Tomorrow was pretty sick and also had a good crowd, albeit slightly smaller. Shout out to that release they put out with Blood In Blood out, along with the split 7 inch release show with Wings Of Scarlet and Scaretactic at Knights Of Columbus Hall.
Yo what's good, it's ya girl Tay Tay, I mean TayxSue. Peep my OF's to catch a glimpse of my busted shit. P.s. I do not know what a Dead To Fall is.
One of the dudes from undo tomorrow recorded this new batch of songs
Hey guys. Hardcore Pete here. I've got some old tshirts for sale if anyones interested. All are lightly used, dead old stock. Mens Large. 2 x Supertouch 1 x Shelter 1 x Gorilla Biscuits 2 x Resurrection 1 x Youth of Today 1 x Lifetime 1 x Chokehold 4 x Brutal Attack (free) I'm looking to get $10/each or 2 for $17. Willing to split shipping costs inside the US. PayPal only. Let me know. Hardcore Pete
"KILL THE FORUM NOW" Shutup queer, no one asked you.
Come see dead to fall at a chicago show and get your ass absolutely handed to you by the crowd. Especially if my boys in the killer are on the bill. You will actually die new copy pasta
Saw them in jersey many times when I was 13 (34) now. Never saw them headline and draw a crowd, always 100 people tops who came out for whoever was headlining
"One of the dudes from undo tomorrow recorded this new batch of songs" Andy Nelson and Pete Grossman were both in Undo Tomorrow.
They only drew 47 kids when they play here in Bumblef*ck Falls Idaho in 2002 on their first demo. They sucked then and I can't stand them now. The singer said something about hating the packers and my stepdad told me they were the best so f*ck them. If you want to keep arguing - YOU WILL LOSE! I keep a spreadsheet of their attendance numbers just to check in and make sure I'm still the coolest manager at hot topic.
Ok fine I'll succumb to posting a comment on the Internet with the rest of you losers. I'd rather be listening to music I like than commenting about it as if anyone cares what a handful of anonymous people think. Everyone on here talking about music like it's a popularity contest. f*cking jock bro bullshit mentality. Listen to the f*cking music. If you don't like it, move the f*ck on. It's metalcore, always has been. Whatever tier system you dorks are using. Please post a spreadsheet with your ranking logic so we can all debate it for the end of time because opinions are like assholes. Here's my opinion (another random person's opinion; if you read it you've already lost): I'm digging these past two songs they released. The lyrical themes and vocal quality brings me to a new place when I listen. Jon's voice is guttural but I can still decipher every word he says. The riffs are punishing and the songs are dynamic. A very good listen so far. Looking forward to full album and live set
tier 1 - AILD, KsE, LoG, ATR (old) tier 2 - FATA, WoJ, BYD, IDT, HTD, TAS, 18v, BT - - tier 5 - dead to fall, shai hulud, zao, converge, poison the well, skycamefalling, nora, a life once lost, hopesfall, etc now you know
Almost all of those bands are precursors to your bullshit arbitrary tier 1 and 2 bands.
Lamb of God is and always have been in the poo metal circuit since their first record. They never were a hardcore band and never will be -Todd Jones
sacrament and prior are metalcore and falls during the golden age of metalcore 2003-06. argument has been decided on these boards long ago. tier and attendance spreadsheets check out.
Band definitely never drew more than 100 people.
I see this place is just as toxic as the message board was in 2005. I was hoping all of you were dead.
f*ck all the hatred! All three new songs shred!
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hot damn they're as boring as I remember....