Longtime As I Lay Dying bass player Josh Gilbert has announced his departure from the band. Gilbert had the following to say about his exit:
"After 15 years (almost half my life), I've decided to part ways with As I Lay Dying. Despite the ups and downs inherent, I'll always be grateful for the profound privilege of being able to grow up traveling the world playing music with the band."None of that would be possible without the fans of the band, so for that I sincerely thank you all so much for allowing me the opportunity. I wish the best for AILD moving forward, and I hope to see all of you sooner rather than later."
Miss May I bassist Ryan Neff will fill in for As I Lay Dying on their upcoming tours.
Post Commentthe real reason he left was awkward boners staring at Tims chesticles
Age 20-35 is not when you grew up, jabroni.
so its Tim, Jordan, and I guess Phil is still on the band? Also who TF ever took the place of Nick anyway?
Gilbert was a total lefty soy boy. Good riddance.
Josh from Life's Question >>> Look either post the receipts or STFU. Tired of your cryptic BS.
The backwards hat and the longboard. What a Poochy.
so its Tim, Jordan, and I guess Phil is still on the band? And Phil seemed the most checked out since they broke up the first time.
all the members wrote Tim off the second he went to jail. The second he got out they all dropped their morals to jump on the money train. Thing is, there ISN'T a money train for this 4th tier zao rip off stuff. There is a guy at the metal blade warehouse really bummed about moving splatter vinyls right now
I always enjoyed the tracks that featured Josh. He will be missed. I wish him only the very best moving forward.
What are the odds the aild singer guy will try to hire a hitman to take this dude out for quitting?
This could have been so much worse if he wasn't vaccinated
is the new guy in the band, or did Tim just get a hired gun
RIP clean vocals and all the radio-friendly choruses
tim should just pack it in and spend more time adopting ethiopian kids
ocean between us and prior are all that matters. he was a scab hire no loss here. will continue to sell out HoB size venues while you soft posers grasp at straws.
ocean between us and prior are all that matters. he was a scab hire no loss here. will continue to sell out HoB size venues while you soft posers grasp at straws. Lol at them selling out HoBs. They may play those rooms still, but they draw around 1000 these days. Not bad, but they are not nearly the draw they once were and are fading fast, especially since no bigger bands will take them on tour any more. They'll be 500 cap clubs soon enough. Watch.
Matt Fox from Shai Hulud here. Anyone know if this guy can do anything besides the pansy cleans? We need a new vocalist.
the metalcore community fell in line long ago. this is the grade. ken susi on second guitar and francis mark drum teching only solidifies it. Zao would be doing backflips if they got the opportunity to open
This rules because now he finally has time to devote to his side project with his big brother Chad.
"This could have been so much worse if he wasn't vaccinated" - this comment will never get old Also the last album was pure booty, they should've hung it up
More info on Francis Mark the drum tech please.
Josh from LQ beats women… check the story >>> Where is "the story"? Post a link or STFU. You comment about him in every hardcore or hardcore adjacent post with zero receipts.
he is going out on next tour stepping into an open role. same with ken susi on second guitar. i was at Tim's gym last week talking shop in SD.
It will be lonely at the Susi household with their son on the road.
Aild ripped off falling cycle so hard it's unbelievable. Ps. Tim and Jordan joined falling cycle for a bit, then ripped 'em
good for him band is trash the singer is trash and the rest of the band has no integrity for cowardly sucking up to a convicted felon just to make money
guys i made a society's finest comment because josh and josh and tim was in the band too guhhhhhhhhh y'all only care about vaccines and bootyholes this site sux
it's hard being a band when the vocalist is a narcissistic sociopath. check Tim's instagram if you doubt this
Did he finally grow a conscience and leave a band headed by an attempted murderer?
Scott from Zao here. I'm still mad about this band.
Josh from Life's Question is indeed a drunken woman abuser.
Did profiting off the back of a convicted criminal not pay out enough? I hope your new job at Home Depot pays off your used Toyota Celica and enables you to find some ethics, loser.
anonymous 1 day ago guys i made a society's finest comment because josh and josh and tim was in the band too guhhhhhhhhh y'all only care about vaccines and bootyholes this site sux "you guys don't think I'm funny I hate this place!!!"
anonymous 1 day ago Aild ripped off falling cycle so hard it's unbelievable. Ps. Tim and Jordan joined falling cycle for a bit, then ripped 'em lol i always thought the same thing then Caliban went and RIPPED shadows are security (along with an Arch Enemy song or two) almost note for note with Undying Darkness. Its the only album Caliban is too ashamed to put on Spotify.
Queue the 15 incomIng press releases about this issue.....
The Ghost Inside here, if you are cool with your old vocalist trying to kill his wife than obviously you might be able to find a home for you here! Must love the police, playing world of warcraft, and using slurs against minorities under your breath whenever the help is around!
He wasn't a "scab hire" lol. He wrote a lot of their music and sang their most recognizable hooks.
their most recognizable hooks. their most recognizable hooks. their most recognizable hooks. their most recognizable hooks.
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