Ignite have shared the fourth single from their upcoming self-titled album (due March 25). Titled "This Day," the song and its video are available below.
"'This Day', a hopeful call for unity, is an unfiltered, disheartened reaction to the teeming racial tensions of the last couple years," states vocalist Eli Santana.
Post CommentAnthony Green here - theses guys turned into bigger pussies than me.
At least Zoli talked about real problems the world is facing….
Bro Kurt Russel and Davey Havok's Indian uncle is the vocalist!
hey how are ya hey how are ya hey how are ya hey how are ya
No cringe ass EvIL HErO account commenting yet? That's a grown ass man with LG account LOL
I thought we got rid of all the Indians god damn it
I thought the Americans killed all these people back in the mid to late 1800's?
Native Americans hate black people more than white people do. shut up.
I hate all white people, black people, and Indians
Racism, the Democrat go to for all the world's problems
Who cares about his race, what about how f*cking shitty the music is. Makes a place called home sound epic.
This band went down the toilet when Joe left. Real talk.
JFC this is terrible. First off, band should have called it quits at least a decade ago. Second, the vocals are just bad; no actual "singer" was duped into trying out for this? Third, none of these dudes have people who care enough about them to tell them not to do this? Fourth, LOL at "we'll do the video in our friend's skate shop so people think we're still DOWN," when in reality, friend's skate shop is the venue they would play anyway. It's done.
Song was solid. The bands still got it. All of you stop bitching. Would rather listen to comeback kid but this was good
People that look like they're melting and think Jewish space lasers start forest fires are extremely upset.
song is solid. I'm glad we can all come together here on the Glamboat
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Honest Injun