The line-up has now been solidified for Holiday Jam 2021 (aka Keystone Jam), slated to take place on Saturday, December 11 at Reverb in Reading, PA. Tickets are $40 (in advance) and doors open at noon.
The following artists are scheduled to perform:
Youth Of Today
All Out War
Killing Time
E-Town Concrete
Cruel Hand
Death Threat
Rude Awakening
Shattered Realm
Buried Dreams
MH Chaos
Strength For A Reason
Age Of Apocalypse
Face Wreck
Carried By Six
Bushido Code
Off The Tracks
Raw Life
D Bloc
Street Stuck
Post Commentprops for having real hardcore on this and not a bunch of sh*tty 9th wave metalcore bands who cosplay as korn
Maddie from YOTK here, this is an example of outright sexism that my band is not on this. I will however ripoff someone else's art and sell it as original merch in the parking lot.
What a shit show. 40.00 ???? Lol. No thanks. Why is youth of today on this. Do they need money that bad. No No no. Keystone scam.
Lol MH chaos is the biggest joke on the planet. When you name your band after a domestic CIA spying op and only have one song that has surface level cookie cutter CNN elements of Social Justice awareness, but then all your other songs are literally about beating people up who are beefing with your crew and "putting the nine to my head". Lol get a life. The singer appropriates black culture and slang in the same fashion of trump exploiting Ben Carson. Also, the guitar players hollow ass shout outs to BLM are pandering. Don't use BLM for clout. Use your platform to say something meaningful about BLM or the cause for racial justice. This band is full of horrifyingly dumb and stupid people. The singer thinks the largest form of working class oppression is the 45 dollars the state takes out of his 300 dollar pay check each week. Complete joke.
Hells to the no. Hxc is dead hipster core lives. Yot paycheck Hxc. Ray n Porcell shame shame shame
How is raw life and anyone that ever had anything to do with CYC still tolerated? Y'all forget about your SOA phase, your cop daddies. Your "hard" suburban bubble gum upbringing?
All Out War is the reason for the Season.
Etown clowncrete. Fury of nerds should be on this
who actually goes to shit like this?
Shattered realm tribute band not one original member. Joey hipster has no Shame Sfar again again again. This band is cringe
Can we get the shot blockers on this. What about crizm. Or in the eyes reunion. Warhungry. No retreat reunion. Krutch reunion
I want too see Comin Correct and dirtnap. Fatnuts homicidal backlash kurbjaw fiends feeble big wig livin proof rsb. Inhuman shutdown sheet metal. Chine Dysphoria denile Nwr crimelab Nyhc Gfy Nyhc Diablo Cbc.
Needs more sideover and turmoil Comin Correct. More option
Get 25 ta life feat stan rick ta life's biggest fan. Stan fury of nerds
Temperature checks at the door and vaccination QR Codes scanned from your smartphone required.
wannabe gangsters who mishandle firearms are stoked
Lol, D-BLOC. A bunch of nerds from 40 mins north of Detroit in macumba county and some shitty BFL dork. What an embarrassing mess.
Tough guys and wannabe tough guys are stoked.
How is some new band like youth of today headlining this
Y'all a bunch of pussies if you don't go! You say you love hardcore and wanna wine and bitch. A bunch of internet trolls looking for clout! Grow up and show up I'll be there! Bunch a lame duck f*cks!
I wish that the comment above was satire but sadly it most likely isn't.
The definition of cloud is "influence and power, especially in politics or business. How would posting an anonymous comment on lambgoat lead to clout?
If that dumb f*ck Joe hardcore is reading this, I'll fight your bitch ass on stage at this show. f*ck yot and your fsu crew on gangland
Can't wait to attend simply to find and beat the shit out of webmaster
MH Chaos vocalist out here sounding like Grover.
Kids who wear All Out War shirts but have never actually listened to All Out War are stoked.
All the nu-jacks coming to the show: "There sure are a lot boomer bands playing."
Chicago "Hardcore" has been a joke for years.
Woke bitches who actually don't know shit about shit are stoked to attend.
Hardcore has been dead for many many years now. Any of these clowns pretending that they have any association with it, is a complete joke.
MH Chaos is the biggest joke on the planet. Dudes whining about a domestic CIA OP against radical leftists/black panthers - while refusing to acknowledge equal treatment to radical right groups now in similar, or worse, crosshairs. Regardless if they're white nationalists or not. Unlike the pro-segregation black panthers movement.
The they/them dork guitar player from MH CHAOS literally went to college to practice law. Interesting considering how this mofo is literally the biggest bitch, can't fight one on one, and asks anyone who see's his crewbeef go down, to delete footage or comments regarding said beef. lol.
Can't wait till certain band gets jumped on stage
Forever laughing at all you for posting tough guy comments anonymously 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Only two of the eight top billed bands have put out new music in recent times: All Out War & Cruel Hand. I defy Joe Hardcore to book a show with bands who formed in 2000 on only. Killing Time is not Killing Time without Rich McLoughlin (RIP Rich.)
White mutual fund college kids that pretend to support BLM are stoked
Does the $40 ticket come with continental BFL BBQ pork Ribs?
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