Stray From The Path drummer injures back, band to miss Slam Dunk Fest
Stray From The Path drummer Craig Reynolds injured his back last week, forcing the group to drop off next month's Slam Dunk Festival.
According to Reynolds (see below), he "fell off some shit, cracked a couple of ribs and fractured the t9 vertebrae in [his] back." Reynolds added, "I am fine by the way, no sympathy please. It hurts but I'm absolutely fine."
Post CommentHow did he fall? I recommend everyone in and outside of the trades take an OSHA-approved 4-hour fall protection course. What's amazing about this dude breaking his back is you never hear about a fatfu ck injuring his back from having a stomach which can put ptessure on a back (Hoya from Madball before he was deflated comes to mind.)
300-pound Chubby Fresh from One Life Crew never hurt his back bad enough to miss a show but this dude did LOL.
Luckily for everyone in the uk we dont have to scrounge because its all free. But by all means keep yelling into the abyss you weirdo
^ Free cuz sponsors pay the bands to play ya tosser!
Here in the US we don't have a socialist government that steals everyone's money for free health care and we don't want that shit, there's a reason why we fought a war with you, we hate your guts.
Luckily for everyone in the uk we dont have to scrounge because its all free. But by all means keep yelling into the abyss you weirdo You'd be going private in the UK for something like this. Wait a month on the NHS to have some twerking overglorified janitor larping as a nurse push you into a ward to be seen by 4 "doctors" from N.Africa. The NHS is a joke. It's literally only used by junkies and immigrants.
To be fair no one needs to see a doctor for this issue. a good chiropractor is all you need, safe a lot of money
Never thought I'd see a grown man with the haircut of a vegan lesbian, Jesus Christ.
He looks like he should be in bring me the horizon
Aaron 'Big C-ock' Bedyrad here, there appears to be some confusion about this 'Final' European tour from my influential and positive hardcore band Bane. Allow me to clarify, this will be the FINAL chance to see Bane in Europe. Last chance to dance kids, so represent until we return of course for our 2022 package tour.
f*ckin up your back is no joke, at least he's not begging people to send money.
Couldn't find a replacement when every drummer has been out of work for over a year?
"You just got knocked the f*ck out, the punishment fits the crime"
Dan could just fill in and they could play the shit everyone wants to hear aka pre Anonymous and everyone, i mean everyone, would be much more happy
Even all your fat band members didn't hurt their backs
^that's a great question. it's bands like this who think they're 10x bigger than they actually are, but they're really just dingleberries on the asses of more famous bands.
When you try to outsmart the sheetrock the sheetrock always wins
LMAO @ Aaron Bedard & Bane being mentioned for what reason?
every rich white kid breaks his back at a show, shut the f*ck up
"More Aaron Bedard please" - why? What does he have to do with Stray From The Path or their drummer's back injury?
Luckily for everyone in the uk we dont have to scrounge because its all free. But by all means keep yelling into the abyss you weirdo You'd be going private in the UK for something like this. Wait a month on the NHS to have some twerking overglorified janitor larping as a nurse push you into a ward to be seen by 4 "doctors" from N.Africa. The NHS is a joke. It's literally only used by junkies and immigrants. ^100% spot on. The person you're responding to is a limp waisted soy f@g who lies in front of traffic and squeals for police protection when a man tries to move him.
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Way to f*ck it all up. But you're no stranger to that. How many god damn times have people told you to stop f*cking around? You just cost your band mates serious $$$ because of your selfish f*cking acts. Get f*cked asshole. Nobody would give you an ounce of sympathy even if you asked for it because you are a piece of shit and everyone knows it. Have fun paying those medical bills, maybe mooch some more money of your parents and GoFundMe while you're at it. You deserve nothing. 100 years ago you would've been left in a field to die.