Way to f*ck it all up. But you're no stranger to that. How many god damn times have people told you to stop f*cking around? You just cost your band mates serious $$$ because of your selfish f*cking acts. Get f*cked asshole. Nobody would give you an ounce of sympathy even if you asked for it because you are a piece of shit and everyone knows it. Have fun paying those medical bills, maybe mooch some more money of your parents and GoFundMe while you're at it. You deserve nothing. 100 years ago you would've been left in a field to die.
Way to f*ck it all up. But you're no stranger to that. How many god damn times have people told you to stop f*cking around? You just cost your band mates serious $$$ because of your selfish f*cking acts. Get f*cked asshole. Nobody would give you an ounce of sympathy even if you asked for it because you are a piece of shit and everyone knows it. Have fun paying those medical bills, maybe mooch some more money of your parents and GoFundMe while you're at it. You deserve nothing. 100 years ago you would've been left in a field to die.