Decapitated guitarist Waclaw Kieltyka joins Machine Head
Machine Head have announced the addition of two new members. Joining the group are Decapitated guitarist Waclaw "Vogg" Kieltyka and drummer Matt Alston (Devilment, Eastern Front).
Machine Head said, "Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome Vogg Kieltyka to Machine Head." Minutes later, the band added, "Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome Matt Alston to Machine Head."
The pair replaces Phil Demmel and Dave McClain, who exited Machine Head in 2018, and will appear on the band's forthcoming 25th anniversary tour dates for Machine Head's debut album, Burn My Eyes.
Kieltyka had the following to say:
"It's a huge honour to be able to play at the same stage with the mightly Machine Head. I grew up on their music and when I heard I will join them on this tour, I was literally stoked!
"As a thirteen years old I was learning songs from 'Burn My Eyes' who is still one of my favorite albums EVER, that album had also a big influence on my playing and my guitar skills.
"Machine Head is not just a band, it's an institution who has still a big influence on how all metal scene looks like, so for me as a musician and also a metal fan it's something special to be able to be a small part of it.
"That will be definately a huge lesson and experience for me to be a part of such a professional team. Adventure begins, I cannot wait!
"To all Decapitated fans: I will see with you also during Decapitated shows in 2020. We do plan also to compose new music for next album so keep an eye on more news!"
— Machine Head (@MfnH) September 28, 2019
Robb & Vogg jam together for the first time. No clicks, no tuner, just 2 dudes playing MH tunes on guitar.
Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome Vogg Kieltyka to Machine Head.
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