Post Comment^^^^^ Metalcore don't sell like it used to. What do you expect?
This is all carves fault for not explaining to me how data is stored in parking garages.
That would suck to be popular once and then not be anymore
Kharma here: Hey let us open Chicago show and sings songs about dead cops!
Ah yes the illustrious Ready Room in St. Louis. Not to be confused with the Riot Room fckin stupid dickwad
Let me find out Jordan from KHARMA is actually a paid BLM's protester.
Plenty of fans in MA and RI. Guess we got screwed on this tour
Most of these shows are getting canceled due to Snow Storms.
Who the fck still listens to ANY of these bands? Tour would've drawn a crowd of more than 200 people a few years ago buddy. Y'all need Lambesis.
Love how anyone who posts a comment is just hating, having a hard time grasping the reality they couldnt/cant be in the same position of these bands. TDWP slayed in the mid late 00's, eager to see them headline. Gideon is one of the heaviest and real bands in metal/hardcore... fck off and do something constructive with your energy and time
The Devil Wears Prada is still one of the worst band names ever
The Devil Wears Prada is still one of the worst band names ever -Emmure is worst band name, and they should be on this
Does Norma Jean even play Memphis will be laid to waste anymore or no cause it's a completely different band
^ I picked up my guitar and literally played what you listed, and it sounded pretty sick. Thanks for the tab.
Kids that wear zip-up hoodies in summer are stoked
"Love how anyone who posts a comment is just hating, having a hard time grasping the reality they couldnt/cant be in the same position of these bands. TDWP slayed in the mid late 00's, eager to see them headline. Gideon is one of the heaviest and real bands in metal/hardcore... fck off and do something constructive with your energy and time" ^^ TDWP has never "slayed". Lulz
Anyone who names their band after a suck-ass Anne Hathaway movie deserves all the insults they get.
Let me find out Jordan from KHARMA is actually a paid BLM's protester. reps chicago but lives in the burbs lol
Carve, I know you read every news article posted, it's Xander, do me a favor, please: tell Lurk City that he looks like a less handsome Jim Norton. Tell him his post come off like a Teenager, but instead of looking like the adolescent his posts come off as, he looks like a fcking creep who owns a van and tries to convince kids to come hang out in it. Tell him he needs to interview more bands that ignore him, and possibly beat him up at the end of it, xander
1 day ago "Love how anyone who posts a comment is just hating, having a hard time grasping the reality they couldnt/cant be in the same position of these bands. TDWP slayed in the mid late 00's, eager to see them headline. Gideon is one of the heaviest and real bands in metal/hardcore... fck off and do something constructive with your energy and time" Which of these bands are you doing merch for? You fcking cry baby ass weenie.
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damn they downsized venues