NewsFebruary 28, 2019 12:41 PM ET6,982 views

Sound and Fury 2019 lineup takes shape

Organizers of the 2019 Sound and Fury festival have announced the first round of bands scheduled to perform at this year's event, which will take place on Friday, July 12 and Saturday, July 13 at the Belasco Theater in Los Angeles, CA. Here are the performers confirmed thus far: Antagonize Arms Race Basement Dare Dead Heat Despise You Diztort Drain Ekulu Fiddlehead Firewalker Fury Have Heart Incendiary Inclination Initiate Never Ending Game One Step Closer Power Trip Three Knee Deep


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anonymous 2/28/2019 9:52:13 AM

Who the fck are these bands???

anonymous 2/28/2019 10:00:56 AM

Silverfox here. Sorry man, I broke up all your fav bands. By the way, still looking for a strong black Ox to pull my cart if you know what I mean. Can anyone buy me a target gift card?

anonymous 2/28/2019 10:02:17 AM

I like that they only announce Have Heart, fest sells out instantly, then they put up the rest of the bands because without Have Heart's name on it, nobody would give enough of a shit. Smart play, fest makers.

anonymous 2/28/2019 10:03:17 AM

Zao should be on this.

anonymous 2/28/2019 10:06:33 AM

Now I know where not to be.

anonymous 2/28/2019 10:12:51 AM

If you don't know bands but Have Heart you probably haven't been to hardcore show in 10 years. Now fck off.

anonymous 2/28/2019 10:16:26 AM

another year, another boring, generic, west coast fest. thanks.

anonymous 2/28/2019 10:29:35 AM

Lets see, lets bring back bands that broke up.. Most of these bands you see all the time in Southern California. If Have Heart wasn't on this bill, you can have the show at the skate shop, where all these bands play at every month or the Locker Room the next city over.

anonymous 2/28/2019 10:36:05 AM

CHEMICAL X should be on this.

anonymous 2/28/2019 11:30:24 AM

Straight Edge Bill P from the MKE here. Will be flying out if parole board lets me. Gotta rep have heart since I was too busy crying to blink 182 when they first came around. Plus too much underage strange for me to let go all weekend without getting an unsolicited dick pic.

anonymous 2/28/2019 12:18:43 PM

Firewalker have been around for like five years and sound just as bad as when they started. Amazing. I guess it pays to be friends with the Turnstile/TUI crew.

anonymous 2/28/2019 12:30:50 PM

Can't wait to stay at home for this!

anonymous 2/28/2019 12:32:48 PM

I bet there will be lots of unsolicited opinions of Donald trump to be heard from The stage and many people who believe there's more than two genders will be in attendance.

anonymous 2/28/2019 12:36:13 PM

I'm expecting this show to mainly be basic CNN or MSNBC talking points with cussing and dog noises over D-rate disembodied riffs and rehashed youth of today riffs. BOOORRRRRIIINNNNGGG.

anonymous 2/28/2019 12:37:36 PM

If you don't know bands but Have Heart you probably haven't been to hardcore show in 10 years. Now fck off. ^^^^^^ There were no good bands from 2008-2018 except for Power Trip and Code Orange.

anonymous 2/28/2019 1:07:00 PM

Have Heart did anything necessary to appear relevant and emotive. From their "show" footage (a one minute clip of the band with entirely fill ins save the singer) at an arts school in South Africa to their continued formation of five different throw away bands for Pat Flynn to front. Fans would lead one to believe the South Africa show occurred in the Congo. They're mystified and even hijacked edge day. Hope they're ready for SOSF when they play Germany, Embarassing capital hardcore bookings

anonymous 2/28/2019 1:27:33 PM

If you don't know bands but Have Heart you probably haven't been to hardcore show in 10 years. Now fck off. ^^^^^^ There were no good bands from 2008-2018 except for Power Trip and Code Orange. ^^^^^^ Neither are Hardcore you dumbasss lol

anonymous 2/28/2019 1:54:44 PM

Third Knuckle Deep

anonymous 2/28/2019 3:22:40 PM

How many times is Arms Race going to "break up?"

anonymous 2/28/2019 3:23:05 PM

Sound and Suck Festival.

anonymous 2/28/2019 3:24:35 PM

this is what non toxic masculinity sounds and furies like

anonymous 2/28/2019 4:36:14 PM

This lineup will blow TIHC and any other fests out of the water with just with three or four bands alone

anonymous 2/28/2019 5:34:49 PM

power trip and incindeary and a collective who? no names only posers back. get turnstile, knocked loose, jesus piece, harms way, kublai khan, vein, sanction, vatican and judiciary

anonymous 2/28/2019 8:38:20 PM

DUDES who are scene superstars but full blown losers, deadbeat dads, height restricted little jerks are stoked

anonymous 2/28/2019 8:52:46 PM

bunch of nobodies who would be better off flipping burgers. Emmure should headline. fck off

anonymous 2/28/2019 10:21:17 PM

Neither are Hardcore you dumbasss lol ^^^^^^ This guy is "defending hardcore" in 2019. Loser. Sad.

anonymous 2/28/2019 11:06:21 PM

I like that they only announce Have Heart, fest sells out instantly, then they put up the rest of the bands because without Have Heart's name on it, nobody would give enough of a shit. Smart play, fest makers. >> Truth. This fest is a poor man's This Is Hardcore. Antagonize is playing this fest and United Blood Fest only cuz Aaron Bedard is in the band and they're on Triple B Records. They're lazies who barely play outside MA (no NYC, LI, NJ etc. shows.)

anonymous 2/28/2019 11:08:42 PM

Look everyone it's Ekulu, the band with exactly one three-song demo and five shows to their name if that playing this fest and United Blood. It pays to be on Triple B huh?

anonymous 2/28/2019 11:15:42 PM

Despise You LOL so random. Why are they on this?

anonymous 3/1/2019 6:56:50 AM

Who actually gives a shit about Have Heart? Everybody only pretends to for scene creds. If Have Heart stayed as a band instead of breaking up years ago they'd be jack-fcking-shit today. Probably some faded-out band with punk riffs and 'innovative' indie singalongs. They recognized this so instead they decided to break up. They announced these reunion shows as a pure marketing gimmick. Their whole breakup was a cashgrab ploy. You've all been duped.

anonymous 3/1/2019 8:11:59 AM

This fest has been throwing the same bands on the lineup every year for like... 3 years straight.

anonymous 3/1/2019 8:16:42 AM

Dudes in their thirties with generic flash art tattoos who private message 20+ teenage girls per day on Instagram and got fired from their part-time vape shop gig for showing up drunk from the night before are stoked.

anonymous 3/1/2019 10:15:11 AM

Neither are Hardcore you dumbasss lol ^^^^^^ This guy is "defending hardcore" in 2019. Loser. Sad. ^^^ This guy has diabetes and a bad knee. Sad dad

anonymous 3/1/2019 10:40:03 AM

have heart? I saw these jokers play sound and fury 2007=legit lineup/fest (tell me im lying). -I saw this advertisement go up (have heart/sound and fury/2019) and I though to myself, "who else is playing?" Then the tickets sold out and they plopped this lineup... i don't know guys, seems a little pathetic (just like my wiener). Glad i didn't fall for it. -What i do know is that bands need to stay dead when they have "LAST shows." Sh*ts a joke. Just like everyone in the hardcore scene.

anonymous 3/1/2019 3:21:31 PM

Sound Of Furries

anonymous 3/1/2019 3:54:12 PM

i think youre all missing the fact that we finally have a fest that for the first time in three years doesnt have yotk

anonymous 3/1/2019 6:38:33 PM

^ just you wait until the second announcement. I gave them a listen and actually kinda liked it. Reminded me of Og hatebreed BUT then I found out the band members are a bunch of grade A cucks. Lost all respect for them.

anonymous 3/1/2019 7:24:36 PM

-What i do know is that bands need to stay dead when they have "LAST shows." Sh*ts a joke. Just like everyone in the hardcore scene.>> I guarantee Have Heart will play more shows as much as they swear up and down they won't. The pull/smell of money is too strong and think about it: what could these guys do to make HH cashgrab money or anything close to it without HH?

anonymous 3/1/2019 7:26:13 PM

i think youre all missing the fact that we finally have a fest that for the first time in three years doesnt have yotk >> Haha true. Where can I send Madi kneepads? I heard she could use them to install floor tile.

anonymous 3/1/2019 7:30:19 PM

Sound And Fury: Let's get Have Heart so we don't have to get anyone else who draws. If you think about it it's not a bad model for a fest: If you get a band who could sell 50-100% of the tickets then get them and if you do you could have fun and be creative with the undercard besides not have to deal with other bands' guarantees and egos which come with them.

anonymous 3/1/2019 7:37:04 PM

I mean say you secured a 1000 sell to room and know one band could draw 600 a night. Get them and have them be the only band with a guarantee you deal with then book who you want after that. Book seven bands who could draw 200 people a night for 800 paid people total a night, enough room for guests, and room to walk.

anonymous 3/1/2019 8:59:48 PM

MADI FROM YOTK. NO YOTK? I am calling this festival out on all social media on having an imbalanced representation of male to female ratio. This form of overt oppression further perpetuates the notion that glass ceiling effects are prevalent in a patriarchal top-down society where men are more valued by women. An affirmative action is to be put in order where less desirable bass players like myself must substitute for its original player for every band on the roster. #RIOTGRL #YESWECAN

anonymous 3/2/2019 1:00:24 AM

^ She's such an idiot. She tells people to book bands with women in them but not because women are in them - HUH?

anonymous 3/2/2019 6:47:12 AM

honestly i wouldn't expect anything more from the feminism school of thought

anonymous 3/2/2019 12:37:26 PM

All those bands you see at program skate shop every month.

anonymous 3/2/2019 2:43:22 PM

Script chest pieces are stoked

anonymous 3/3/2019 12:24:28 PM

Wow really? 3 bands that begin with IN???? Hardcore getting that unoriginal??? Put Indecision too on the bill while ur at it. Maybe Integrity!! f*k hardcore. Itz so dumb now. Bullshit. fck U.

anonymous 3/3/2019 1:51:03 PM

One step closer? Nah fam I'll just listen to Linkin Park instead.

anonymous 3/3/2019 4:58:55 PM

Can we talk about how fcking awful dare is? Can a band get more generic??

anonymous 3/3/2019 9:30:53 PM

Can we talk about how fcking awful dare is? Can a band get more generic?? > fck them for naming themselves after the title of the best Human League LP.

anonymous 3/3/2019 9:34:34 PM

CHEMICAL X should be on this ! I agree to who ever posted this above .

anonymous 3/4/2019 11:27:34 AM

For 1 whole day people scrambled like making it to LA for this was a priority....then the rest of the lineup was announced

anonymous 3/4/2019 2:16:33 PM

^ Could you blame Sound & Fury for announcing Have Heart first? Look at that lineup. Weak as(s) shit. If HH had to cancel SAF would receive an embarrassing number of refund requests.

anonymous 3/11/2019 8:56:24 PM

Kick Vatican off because they suck (thought we were done with racists in hardcore after RS scandal????)

anonymous 3/12/2019 2:50:02 PM

To the comment above me, Vatican isn't even playing. BUT I TOTALLY AGREE WITH YOU THAT THEY ARE TRASH

anonymous 3/15/2019 5:28:05 PM

I'd rather be stepping on four million legos barefoot. And then shove them into the eye of my c-ck.

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