Have Heart did anything necessary to appear relevant and emotive. From their "show" footage (a one minute clip of the band with entirely fill ins save the singer) at an arts school in South Africa to their continued formation of five different throw away bands for Pat Flynn to front. Fans would lead one to believe the South Africa show occurred in the Congo. They're mystified and even hijacked edge day. Hope they're ready for SOSF when they play Germany, Embarassing capital hardcore bookings
Have Heart did anything necessary to appear relevant and emotive. From their "show" footage (a one minute clip of the band with entirely fill ins save the singer) at an arts school in South Africa to their continued formation of five different throw away bands for Pat Flynn to front. Fans would lead one to believe the South Africa show occurred in the Congo. They're mystified and even hijacked edge day. Hope they're ready for SOSF when they play Germany, Embarassing capital hardcore bookings