NewsFebruary 8, 2019 10:48 PM ET32,538 views

Revenge Season break up, singer issues apology

Jeffrey Georges, vocalist of Florida metalcore act Bloodbather, claims that Revenge Season member Morgan Rutledge asked him to take the blame for her use of racist language in text messages that surfaced yesterday. Shortly after Georges exposed Rutledge, she issued the following apology, amid which she says that Revenge Season is no longer a band:
"First of all, I want to say that I am incredibly sorry and regretful for what I've done. I'm sorry to so many people, POC specifically. I'm sorry for letting people who supported me and my band down, I'm sorry for letting down people I care about, the hardcore/metal community, my friends, and my family. The context of the situation will never justify the horrific actions I've made. The only thing I can do is apologize and hold myself accountable in this manner. What I said was a terrible, racist comment put into shitty dark humor- which does not excuse it by any means. It was a fucked up joke and it should NOT have been said. I crossed a line, and I fully own up to what I have done. I was insensitive to something that should not be taken lightly, and for that I am deeply apologetic. Nothing I say can fix what I've done, I just need to learn from this situation and try to grow as a person. "When I first found out about all of this, I panicked and tried to get my ass covered by a friend, which obviously backfired and I deserved that 100%. I was overwhelmed, scared and asked for a really stupid 'favor' I should not have asked for. I know it was wrong of me and I didn't want to come out lying about the situation. I handled all of this totally wrong. Dishonesty doesn't get you anywhere, and I can only imagine how everyone feels and perceives me now. "For the right and obvious reasons, Revenge Season has dropped all shows, tours, fests, etc that we had booked, and will not continue being a band. "The leftover merch will be donated to a nearby Atlanta shelter in the next few days, and the van will be going up for sale in the next couple days as well. Please message Mitchel Lyons or Ryan Patterson if you're interested for further detail of the van. "Again, I know my apology won't mean much of anything to those hurt by my words but I am extremely sorry."


Post Comment

anonymous 2/8/2019 8:01:48 PM

band sucks so how is any of this news worthy. big 4k likes. also who cares. manufactured outrage soft skin pussies these days. bullying needs to make a comeback

anonymous 2/8/2019 8:02:31 PM

Oh no, what will wanna be vocalist band girfriends in the south pretend to like now? RIP those windbreakers that sold out though.

anonymous 2/8/2019 8:06:51 PM

fcking who?

anonymous 2/8/2019 8:11:59 PM

She did a show in blackface it was wild

anonymous 2/8/2019 8:13:06 PM

I want to laugh but it's honestly too pathetic. Weve all said it a million times and anyone that wants to act like it matters at all is mentally ill. These idiots are letting one word said as a nonchalant joke dismantle their world over the course of 48 hours. Corny as fck

anonymous 2/8/2019 8:20:09 PM

" I definitely trust white people less after yesterday" lol wow what a self loathing pathetic c*nt.

anonymous 2/8/2019 8:22:17 PM

Is this metalsucks now? Jesus Christ man. All this drama for like 20 people who maybe care about this band in their hometown.

anonymous 2/8/2019 8:22:55 PM

honestly this clout chasing has-been Jeff saying that he trusts white people less cause Morgan is a shitty racist is problematic as fck and shouldn't be brushed off

anonymous 2/8/2019 8:36:13 PM

That kid lives on Twitter

anonymous 2/8/2019 8:36:54 PM

karebear here, sit this one out a few months and everyone will forget.

anonymous 2/8/2019 8:45:05 PM

LOL. fck the current music scene, "underground" or mainstream. fck all of it. All these goddamn idiots on both sides.

anonymous 2/8/2019 8:55:43 PM

phil anselmo here. band rules

anonymous 2/8/2019 9:00:16 PM

Minimum wage employment is stoked.

anonymous 2/8/2019 9:02:17 PM

MLK here can't we all get along

anonymous 2/8/2019 9:03:17 PM

both of these bands suck. clout chasers fr

anonymous 2/8/2019 9:24:51 PM

John hear. Im takin over 4 the singer of revenge season. Were doing all story so far coverz from now on

anonymous 2/8/2019 9:29:55 PM

This retarded shit is cancerous. This issue was solved like children. Morgan is a retard yeah sure. But this whole rallying shit with pitchforks and torches is also regressive to the issue. It's insane that there are lamb goat articles about this. This creates some real narcissistic vacuum shit. Why don't you order the cops to kill Morgan already? This shit is crazy

anonymous 2/8/2019 9:30:34 PM

Blood bather is literally a band for pussies. They're all probably shaking rn.

anonymous 2/8/2019 9:31:12 PM

NExt up: you fcking retards start me too-ing people for not being nice :/

anonymous 2/8/2019 9:37:15 PM

When Anthony Cabrera doesn't realize auto correct is destroying his shit talking ^

anonymous 2/8/2019 9:42:53 PM

Morgan Rutledge here. Look I said the N word. Everyone does in private. I'm sorry that you PC warriors got butt hurt. Next time, I'll just make sure to keep the "brothas" outta my group text.

anonymous 2/8/2019 9:43:47 PM

This dude is playing twitter god the last couple days and it's cute as hell knowing he will become nothing in real life. hold onto those followers FAM

anonymous 2/8/2019 9:49:15 PM

I also was blessed enough to listen to god's band on bandcamp. shit is awful. 15yo type riffs with self loathing lyrics that were maybe cool in 2006

anonymous 2/8/2019 9:53:44 PM

Florida true school hardcore doesn't even give this dude props he's having trouble making I to the main cliques near ecostrike and day by day

anonymous 2/8/2019 9:56:20 PM

NAILS HERE Now revenge season CAN fckin hang with us. Fck ya

anonymous 2/8/2019 9:57:49 PM

I feel like many of us always knew she was a dumb taco but since she was a gal vocalist, dated Matt Anderson, did merch for people, had the cool guy image, we all wanted to ignore it. About time these fcking people got called out for their shit. Keep it coming.

anonymous 2/8/2019 9:58:13 PM

I don't know what is lamer , Ecostrike or you for talking about ecostrike. Loser

anonymous 2/8/2019 10:02:12 PM


anonymous 2/8/2019 10:04:25 PM

I'm going to take a minute to tell you why hardcore is dead - women - PC - Veganism - Feminism - identifying as a man when you have a crease 2019 = softcore

anonymous 2/8/2019 10:19:34 PM

Reparations Season

anonymous 2/8/2019 10:47:25 PM

"I definitely trust white people less after yesterday" Get rkt jerk, we don't trust you or whatever race you are in the first place. The gross double standard of you "race" got a slight from a stupid comment. Doesn't mean you can go full racist yourself. Jeff sage needs to get fcked up Asap, racist fck.

anonymous 2/8/2019 11:03:31 PM


anonymous 2/8/2019 11:05:43 PM

wtf is a shelter gonna do with a bunch of cheap t-shirts and cassette tapes

anonymous 2/8/2019 11:09:00 PM

I mean, who here hasn't said the n word in a joke before? I don't have any sympathy for her because I don't give a fck about her band. But all the people acting all high and mighty are probably guilty of the same exact shit at one point or another. Yeah it's a stupid word and shouldn't be used, but it doesn't make you a racist.

anonymous 2/8/2019 11:20:05 PM

Man that kid jeffrey is a clout chaser always giving his opinion and trying to go viral.

anonymous 2/8/2019 11:23:24 PM

Joe hardcore teeth: yoo someone fix me ):

anonymous 2/9/2019 12:48:54 AM

Big Syd here, I punished my way into HC and I annoy tf out of my group chat. They'd never tell me to my face tho Could someone reproduce with me please?

anonymous 2/9/2019 1:00:13 AM

Florida =\= Twitter

anonymous 2/9/2019 1:03:31 AM

Shatty ice chiming in as I support sketchy stuff and need my cheeks spread at BnB bowl

anonymous 2/9/2019 1:29:02 AM

that black dude made a lot of grammatical errors

anonymous 2/9/2019 1:40:10 AM

A unfortunate situation. Everyone needs to learn ethics and honesty where I always try upfront. Learn from this collectively, grow and create. Simply glad it wasn't similar news comparable to Tim.

anonymous 2/9/2019 2:01:08 AM

Y'all sound like a bunch of gay cucks that were taken advantage of at a frat party that you drove yourself to...

anonymous 2/9/2019 2:16:41 AM

LOL jeff the corny twitter clout chaser cashin in his social currency. Bloodbather is almost worse than mercy blow which is saying a lot. Log off twitter homie it might benefit you.

anonymous 2/9/2019 2:27:10 AM

this has nothing to do with her saying any word. it is just an excuse to get a woman out of the hardcore scene. plain and simple. the fact that tim lambesis still has a career is proof of this. this exact scenario goes down with a man, there would be some controversy but not the cancellations and label drop and all this shit. goddamn sexists can't wait to get a woman out of the scene

anonymous 2/9/2019 2:43:35 AM

sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage gay gay gay gay gay gay gay sage sage sage sage sage sage zipper head zipper head zipper head They're just words. Get over yourselves.

anonymous 2/9/2019 4:33:12 AM

homeless people in the Atlanta area are not stoked

anonymous 2/9/2019 4:59:54 AM

hmmmmm, this is stupid

anonymous 2/9/2019 5:21:09 AM

Big Surprise that members of shit hardcore bands are shitty people. Shit scene enjoyed by shitty over dramatic windbags

anonymous 2/9/2019 5:23:25 AM

Kamen here I hope I don't rip my wifebeater at UB this year

anonymous 2/9/2019 5:30:11 AM

Not that it matters. SJW sage hardcore bitches are the most unforgiving form of hardcore kids. She shouldn't have wasted her time with the apology. You can't apologize to Kim Kardashian worshippers.

anonymous 2/9/2019 5:33:22 AM

vocalist is one of the nicest and most genuine girls i have ever met. i shared a much needed clove with her afterward.

anonymous 2/9/2019 5:44:20 AM

POC (black as fck girls and it shows) and running around Morgan's Facebook thread like they're owed something because they're sages. Elise do something about those eyebrows sage. You're in a scene built by white men. Behave yourselves.

anonymous 2/9/2019 5:53:35 AM

"I definitely trust white people less after yesterday" ok Jeff. Go take more pics with krissy marie and every other white girl that stays on your nuts 24/7. Ps bloodbather is hilariously cringe.

anonymous 2/9/2019 5:55:29 AM

Mart here, she better hope I don't see he at cookout after the AILD gig

anonymous 2/9/2019 5:56:12 AM

ATL hardcore here, Are there ANY women who haven't had terrible experiences or been harassed into dating local band members?

anonymous 2/9/2019 6:08:12 AM

Her apology just read like "poopoo peepee lalalalalalaa" to me.

anonymous 2/9/2019 6:10:17 AM

I didn't care about black people before but I can't stand them now.

anonymous 2/9/2019 6:22:02 AM

I know for a fact people who have thrown her under the bus in my home town have used the n word before in a similar context, as a joke to be edgy not cool I get it. however it's more embarrassing the way she handled it haha I heard her one time say during a mosh call "come on you fcking f@ggots move" I'm not that a offended by it but I'm also a white cis male.

anonymous 2/9/2019 6:27:39 AM

oh so yall are racist racist

anonymous 2/9/2019 6:40:44 AM


anonymous 2/9/2019 6:41:01 AM

Idiot liberal hc/metal kids will be outraged at this but not the fact that all their heroes wore blackface on television because it was a "joke".

anonymous 2/9/2019 7:07:07 AM

anonymous10 hours ago Is this metalsucks now? Jesus Christ man. All this drama for like 20 people who maybe care about this band in their hometown. This. This. This. This. This. V1 shutdown this fggtry

anonymous 2/9/2019 7:14:51 AM

Apologycore in full effect. When bands come out with an ep in 2019, the B side might as well be their prerecorded apology because someone somewhere is gonna be offended about something.

anonymous 2/9/2019 7:16:00 AM

Dark humor.

anonymous 2/9/2019 7:31:12 AM

Any excuse to get a woman out of a scene dominated by men. Disgraceful

anonymous 2/9/2019 8:45:30 AM

Wylie couch here. Somebody please fckign help

anonymous 2/9/2019 9:00:19 AM

Twitter was a mistake. Boo hoo somebody said the n word oh go cry me a river you fragile cucks

anonymous 2/9/2019 9:07:41 AM


anonymous 2/9/2019 9:25:36 AM

"Trump Voters" that's sick, I'll have to check them out now.

anonymous 2/9/2019 9:55:06 AM

CRIMINAL INSTINCT //// RACIST VOCALIST REGULATE //// RAPIST DRUMMER WRONG ANSWER //// RAPIST VOCALIST LAID 2 REST //// TRUMP VOTERS VARIOUS LIHC BANDS //// RACISTS RAPISTS ETC VARIOUS ATL BANDS //// RACISTS SEXISTS ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The funny thing about this list is there is some beta male sjw that will say the "trump voters " are the worst of the crimes alleged

anonymous 2/9/2019 10:12:50 AM

Newsflash: Whites have never or will never fully trust Blacks. Blacks have never or will never fully trust Whites. That's ok. Can we move on and finally stop pretending?

anonymous 2/9/2019 10:14:34 AM

Oh Jeffy, it's gonna be ok. When you surround yourself with progressive leftists, this is what you get, bro.

anonymous 2/9/2019 10:27:49 AM

Ian from Skrewdriver here, we definitely don't trust you either Jeff.

anonymous 2/9/2019 10:28:02 AM

Men beat up by band members here. THESE BANDS ARE RACIST AND RAPISTS!

anonymous 2/9/2019 10:31:08 AM

She deleted her Facebook cuz of the brigade of online black panthers not accepting her public apology

anonymous 2/9/2019 10:42:12 AM

I forgive you

anonymous 2/9/2019 10:50:33 AM

Why is that fool from bleed the pigs demanding shit of her. Dude you never achieved anything you piggybacked off hashtags to go on your a few times. No one fcking owes you anything.

anonymous 2/9/2019 11:17:44 AM

definitely a shitty thing to do. i don't know the person asked of this 'favor' or the band at all. But that's really...silly if you're going to 'trust all white people less' because of this. It'd be a whole other thing if someone said this the other way around.

anonymous 2/9/2019 11:24:45 AM

Jeff here my band is just an ass kissing metalcore revival that actually sucks and my ENTIRE LIFE revolves around twitter clout

anonymous 2/9/2019 11:29:39 AM

Karebear here again, now that it's time to make my comeback there's gonna be a spot available at applebees, girl. Ready to bring back fat kidcore and show you scrawny panzies wassup.

anonymous 2/9/2019 11:36:18 AM

Applebees here, Mr. Taylor can we see you in the office please? We found all of the empty mayonnaise containers in the cooler and would like to have a word with you.

anonymous 2/9/2019 11:45:20 AM

People will know your homeless if you have on revenge season merch

anonymous 2/9/2019 12:11:54 PM

This just in: 'sage' is now a cancelled word; unless you're black, which entirely validates you saying it.

anonymous 2/9/2019 12:34:22 PM

Madi from YOTK here, Morgan is still backed hard. To all you men talking shit, thank u, next! 0wO

anonymous 2/9/2019 12:55:38 PM

EJ Shannon here: fck Tanner , Ej Shannon , get your tickets I deliver , fck Tanner Ej Shannon , Meshuggah I love mayo

anonymous 2/9/2019 12:58:45 PM

Let's have a cage match. The inbred looking racist in revenge season bs the death metal wannabe sex addict in mercy blow. Winner gets to kill themselves

anonymous 2/9/2019 1:09:36 PM

Tanner from AG here (rips stogie) ...Traitors........... -TW

anonymous 2/9/2019 1:10:47 PM

why is everyone in the hardcore/metal scene becoming such a buncha PC/SJW pussies? jesus fcking christ who gives a fck what memes n bullshit people text each other, has nothing to do with a band or their music, not even a fan of this band but holy fck the witch-hunting shit is outta fcking control. Whiny buncha sages if you ask me

anonymous 2/9/2019 1:12:11 PM

This situation is a well deserved break from seeing these two tweetingg about which Soundcloud rapper is the bad one this week and dogshit Tumblr memes that get unnecessarily blown up by every dumbass early 20s kid trying to unload his Attila shirts from 2015 on Merchswap.

anonymous 2/9/2019 1:13:59 PM


anonymous 2/9/2019 1:28:33 PM

Who the fck are these bands??? And dude "trusts white people less" now because his friend fcked up?? Whole bunch of geniuses over there.

anonymous 2/9/2019 1:31:08 PM

As shitty as Morgan is and has always been, the Midwest has way worse people in their ranks

anonymous 2/9/2019 2:14:32 PM

"i definitely trust white people less" Gee that sure sounds racist to me. More than a word in a picture of a text conversation. Anyway, who are these people again?

anonymous 2/9/2019 2:45:11 PM

hardcore scene is dead lol sjw's cucks and sages are the 100% of it today

anonymous 2/9/2019 2:45:18 PM

reverse racism isn't real you virgin, educate yourself you sound like a child

anonymous 2/9/2019 3:17:07 PM

Hardcore is cancelled. Stop going to shows.

anonymous 2/9/2019 3:56:41 PM

Jeff, your manager is white, the record label owners are white, your teeth are white...c'mon guy. Get a grip.

anonymous 2/9/2019 4:41:54 PM

CYC here, we'll make sure she gets jumped

anonymous 2/9/2019 4:54:44 PM

Literally NO ONE knew of either of these bands before this manufactured "news" hit this site and the PRP

anonymous 2/9/2019 4:56:38 PM

looks like we got ourselves a sage guy here

anonymous 2/9/2019 4:57:19 PM

fight me jeff

anonymous 2/9/2019 5:24:15 PM

mike x here fck I just fell off of my skateboard

anonymous 2/9/2019 5:47:10 PM

at this point it seems like this is one of those "the coverup is worse than the crime" situations. she should have owned what she said and dealt with the fallout. instead she tried to use a black guy like a human shield.

anonymous 2/9/2019 6:51:08 PM

Long Island here. Herpes capital of the world. We all say sagea all the time and are actually racist. Hahah jokes on you Morgan. Guess you're not backed hard enough.

anonymous 2/9/2019 8:17:56 PM

http://www.aidscrackandtec ason-eternal-despair.html

anonymous 2/9/2019 8:23:03 PM

It's supposed to be hardcore not a bunch of pussies. This music scene is pathetic. Everyone that is in that scene says that word or has said it. Most of them go to family gatherings in Georgia with their white families that support racist shit and don't ever speak up and probably fcking join in. I've seen it multiple times. fck all of them.

anonymous 2/9/2019 8:33:35 PM

"don't ever speak up and probably fcking join in." Spoiler alert: Every race does this. Stop being dumb.

anonymous 2/9/2019 8:56:59 PM


anonymous 2/9/2019 9:10:47 PM

you say sage once and your a rasist get the fck out of here. stupid sensitive people nowadays. gonna get worse and worse. pssys

anonymous 2/9/2019 9:11:57 PM

lol auto correct thanks lambgoat bitches i meant sage

anonymous 2/9/2019 9:12:42 PM

sagee r

anonymous 2/9/2019 9:17:23 PM

Guy moshing to Vatican at LDB fest with a Nintendo switch here. I Didn't do it for attention my parents can buy me like 100 of those things so suck my dck

anonymous 2/9/2019 9:24:11 PM

Josh here. I choice a non Christian that gets drunk at shows to play spirit filled hardcore festivals.

anonymous 2/9/2019 9:29:13 PM

She donated $100 to SPLC which is more than all you outraged sages have ever done to fight racism.

anonymous 2/9/2019 9:51:39 PM

knickers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

anonymous 2/9/2019 9:51:48 PM

knickers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

anonymous 2/10/2019 12:06:43 AM

Well boys, we've done it. Racism is no more.

anonymous 2/10/2019 4:50:39 AM

The only difference between Morgan and Matt Anderson is that Matt Anderson's text haven't been posted. Morgan is a woman in hardcore therefore she's put under a microscope. Him and his boys are guilty too. It's one of those things where you're protecting your friends and outing a female for the same thing these men are doing. Keep picking and choosing who we out here. You're doing great sweaty.

anonymous 2/10/2019 4:59:20 AM

Yo, the amount of times I've heard the N Bomb be dropped amongst friends all and laugh it off is ridiculous. There wouldn't be a lot of bands here today...I'm talking a lot. Shit I even heard Jeffree Star say it at an In N Out one time lol. Just don't be a c*nt! Be a good person. Stop trying to be edgy. When in the long run you end up a piece of shit.

anonymous 2/10/2019 6:21:10 AM

KAreBear here, just blame ian

anonymous 2/10/2019 7:43:12 AM

fink here im a retard

anonymous 2/10/2019 7:51:04 AM

Dave haze here I said sagea well before this bitch and on recording. None of you pussies stopped me!

anonymous 2/10/2019 8:14:05 AM

White man bad he say forbidden word >:(

anonymous 2/10/2019 8:31:53 AM

Amber here I can has cheeseburger

anonymous 2/10/2019 8:56:13 AM

wypipo just say you're jealous of black people and go

anonymous 2/10/2019 8:57:38 AM

Seems like this is a thread of white people mad at black people for being cooler than them.

anonymous 2/10/2019 9:09:18 AM

Kharma here. Just wanna say fck 12 real quick while we rep chi-town even though none of us even live there! I hope no one ever finds out we took all our music from bitter thoughts

anonymous 2/10/2019 9:25:47 AM

Taylor here. It's been hard for me to support Kharma and their "fck 12" stance because while I preach ACAB, cops really are helpful when you lock your keys in your car. Please stop making lambgoaf comments about me.

anonymous 2/10/2019 9:30:41 AM

wanna bet how many white dudes who commented on this either have no girlfriend or your girlfriend looks like a dog.

anonymous 2/10/2019 9:31:38 AM

*makes anonymous shock-value racist post here* *tabs back to twitter to continue flaming revenge season* *tabs back to texts to tell band we need to change*

anonymous 2/10/2019 11:34:34 AM

hopefully ecostrike is next

anonymous 2/10/2019 11:49:00 AM

all vegans are racist so wouldnt surprise me if ecostrike gets outed as being filth too

anonymous 2/10/2019 11:58:48 AM

Why are people calling these bands hardcore or metal??

anonymous 2/10/2019 12:12:26 PM

Don't let these other people slip by because of who they're friends with. MANY people have been mentioned whom you ALL back blindly because it's cool. Take a fcking stand and have a moral compass. Quit kissing ass for clout and be a good person, it feels better.

anonymous 2/10/2019 12:20:09 PM


anonymous 2/10/2019 12:28:28 PM

Probably. You want to fck her? Snowflakes and minorities get charged extra. Sounds like you're the snowflake with no girlfriend

anonymous 2/10/2019 12:28:47 PM

? he/him/his (masculine pronouns) ? she/her/hers (feminine pronouns) ? they/them/theirs (neutral pronouns) ? ze/zir/zirs (neutral pronouns) ? ze/hir/hirs (neutral pronouns Asking someone about their gender pronouns can look like but is not limited to: ? "What gender pronouns should I use to refer to you?" ? "What are your gender pronouns?" ? "I don't want to make any assumptions, so what gender pronouns do you use?" ? "How should I refer to you in conversations"

anonymous 2/10/2019 12:30:27 PM

Remember when girls had crease and men had dcks ? Good times. Good times

anonymous 2/10/2019 12:32:15 PM

She should make a band with Zack from Expire and that one rapist dude from xElegyx

anonymous 2/10/2019 12:35:13 PM

Tyler from afterlife here. I just wanted to give you guys some inside information since this is my first time being on this website. - We are the biggest band to ever exists. - Follow me on Instagram so I can unfollow you. - I take videos of crowds and claim they are crowds for my band - I cheat on my girlfriend every day on tour - One time in LA I took pictures for money dressed as draco instead of hitting the casting couch like usual. I just want to be fronz

anonymous 2/10/2019 12:35:59 PM

Lenny from Ecostrike here again to shout out the sloppy racist dome I got

anonymous 2/10/2019 12:45:50 PM

Remember when girls didnt sell premium snapchats?

anonymous 2/10/2019 1:03:23 PM

JesseSTYG here to tell ya we still believe

anonymous 2/10/2019 1:10:54 PM

Anyone here ever just beat your meat to Varials?

anonymous 2/10/2019 1:16:39 PM

Florida Hardcore is a cult and full of rapists LISTEN TO GOUGE AWAY CYS TRASH

anonymous 2/10/2019 1:18:28 PM


anonymous 2/10/2019 1:28:39 PM

^Hey Morgan, Lenny from Ecostrike here lettin you know the time is now to hit another round.

anonymous 2/10/2019 1:39:56 PM

Reminds me of when Blind Justice fcked up Saylors house and stole her nudes years ago. That band still played. POC > Girls safety. fcking throwing dynamite on this shit fire

anonymous 2/10/2019 1:43:04 PM

LOL imagine thinking Bloodbather is actually a talented band worthy of anyone's time, god bless Morgan for fcking him over. "I trust white people less now" yet you and your clique still book your shows with a bunch of white people lmfao loser

anonymous 2/10/2019 1:50:07 PM

RT if you got boned by Lenny at FYA

anonymous 2/10/2019 1:53:38 PM

anyone got that louxvx girls nudes?

anonymous 2/10/2019 2:08:56 PM

bloodbather is the john cena of metalcore

fourthgradecocktease 2/10/2019 2:39:14 PM

This whole story, everyone involved in it, and especially these comments are absolute piss

anonymous 2/10/2019 2:45:04 PM

ay fr tho if bloodbather and revenge season both suck and all these bands you support have a bunch of racists, transphobes, and rapists in them. you protect themn cause they make cool merch (shout out trail of lies) or because they are vegan. fck all of you.

anonymous 2/10/2019 2:50:09 PM

white people! *boo hooing*

anonymous 2/10/2019 3:31:10 PM

Lumpy the fat retard checking in. I know it's been awhile my sageas. To every girl and dude I've fcked on tour you should get checked for herpes. Hopefully my girlfriend doesn't realize my flare up and break up with me.

anonymous 2/10/2019 3:34:31 PM

she now can pursue her true calling, Beans stunt double

anonymous 2/10/2019 3:34:46 PM

she now can pursue her true calling, Beans stunt double

anonymous 2/10/2019 3:55:59 PM

McDonald's is proud to announce its new fry cook

anonymous 2/10/2019 4:34:24 PM

Shatice/Scout here, doing research for a new article for Life of Delinquency in hopes that everyone forgets I'm not actually from the Bronx and that I'm a rich art school pop punk kid doing hood cosplay.

anonymous 2/10/2019 5:29:20 PM

Last comment.

anonymous 2/10/2019 7:46:43 PM

omfg this kid is soo annoying thinking he's important in hardcore when he's been in he scene for like 2 years and his band still copies the My World riff

anonymous 2/10/2019 8:12:16 PM

Band sucked anyway.

anonymous 2/10/2019 8:36:02 PM


anonymous 2/10/2019 9:07:13 PM

When some nu-jack from the scene, who also happens to be black, talks about having an issue with racism...then makes a racist statement, throwing all white people under the buss, because of some stupid broad. THE IRONY. Hardcore is f-ing dead. The scene gods turn over in their grave.

anonymous 2/10/2019 9:45:04 PM

white people are fcking retarded 99% of the time. truth hurts

anonymous 2/10/2019 9:59:05 PM

dude from bloodbather dont even bang fck that soft ass

anonymous 2/10/2019 11:54:29 PM

Retard teens and burnouts are what hardcore is. You did this girl a favor, note maybe she can get her life on track and away from the go-nowhere tard mosh

anonymous 2/11/2019 12:04:35 AM

Literally every hardcore band could break up tomorrow and nobody would give a fck. Hunt: if your band has we been professionally photographed you're a fcking poser

anonymous 2/11/2019 2:06:20 AM

when the rumble fest tries to act hard by dropping a band that doesn't exist anymore for scene points, then replaces said non-existent band with a band who's got a bible thumper -joshfromlifesquestion cough...cough- for a vocalist that posts bible verses on his fb page trying to play holy. i see you bitch.

anonymous 2/11/2019 2:41:41 AM

Taylor...I mean TayTay here. Couldn't have a racist or sexually deviant band on The Rumble even though I didn't do ish for it. I hope you were at the TUI show Justice asked me to book, and hope you'll see Regulate next time I book them. #downformine #supportdachixmkexin connection.

anonymous 2/11/2019 2:53:52 AM

When Austin from No Victory tried white knighting the scene insisting it was extremely bogus to mistreat women; then continued to hang out with a fool that actually publicly admitted to repeatedly beating his girlfriend. L O L.

anonymous 2/11/2019 3:29:05 AM

aldanaxvx here my pastor told me that he blessed morgan from all of her sins

anonymous 2/11/2019 5:45:56 AM

Twitter user NoCureForFools here. Just wanna say — wait... No nevermind I have nothing to say. No one knows who I am despite how cool I try to be.

anonymous 2/11/2019 5:53:41 AM

She looks like a guy and is racist? Damn my kinda girl

anonymous 2/11/2019 5:55:36 AM

AOP here we will be monitoring this article very closely. Haylen and Yoon are on full phone battery and checking regularly for updates between their dating apps :) Jess please don't expose us again It's stressful keeping you quiet

anonymous 2/11/2019 5:58:14 AM

Taylor...I mean TayTay here. Couldn't have a racist or sexually deviant band on The Rumble even though I didn't do ish for it. I hope you were at the TUI show Justice asked me to book, and hope you'll see Regulate next time I book them. #downformine #supportdachixmkexin connection. The singer of In My Eyes comments my pics time to time xoxo

anonymous 2/11/2019 6:31:28 AM

when the rumble fest tries to act hard by dropping a band that doesn't exist anymore for scene points, then replaces said non-existent band with a band who's got a bible thumper -joshfromlifesquestion cough...cough- for a vocalist that posts bible verses on his fb page trying to play holy. i see you bitch.

anonymous 2/11/2019 7:24:44 AM

Coming to the Rumble in Chicago and not checking in with SOSF first = not a good idea

anonymous 2/11/2019 10:11:38 AM

"virtue signaling" alert, from ALL sides. sheesh.

anonymous 2/11/2019 11:46:22 AM

can someone just expose ecostrike already?

anonymous 2/11/2019 11:50:56 AM

Stop deleting comments you dickhead

anonymous 2/11/2019 1:34:31 PM

Anyone else see Madi-Chan from YOTK's twitter rant shitting on lambgoat for allowing people to be anonymously racist? You know she's just butthurt about the people that talked shit about her and her band. She doesn't give a shit about racism. Cancel Year of the Knife

Kedric 2/11/2019 1:52:42 PM

Why is there so much hate for Jeff? He literally just tried to expose the fact homegirls tried to get out of being exposed. Y'all fans of Morgan and n-word season?

anonymous 2/11/2019 3:44:19 PM

Band that uses gimic of having chick with no talent on bass or vocals ends. Maybe she can learn to play an instrument or to read music. Like L7, 7 year bitch, or the fcking donnas. Better than firewalker or any other girl gimic bs, stop using gender as a crutch for bad music, because those bad bitches didn't, because they riffed harder that weak ass kickflip little mama big dicks like she's been skating for years while mall gripping her shit. #lifeflip

anonymous 2/11/2019 4:59:13 PM

Old Wounds wears Immortal Technique shirts but are offended by words. Interesting....

anonymous 2/11/2019 6:06:01 PM

Webby goes out of his way to enforce censorship while knowing the wild comments are the only reason why anyone cares to come to his site. See how hard he's sacking Madi YOTK's dick on twitter when the femmetwat decided to be offended by all the comments? He apologizes and promises full deletion of every comment that only CERTAIN bands don't like. If you wanna run a site, grow a pair. If not then shut it down. Internet censorship is a crime. Be ashamed of yourself.

anonymous 2/11/2019 6:22:14 PM

Does anyone else think the guitar players from No Victory look like muppets? The one looks Iike Rocky Dennis #retard

anonymous 2/11/2019 8:40:11 PM

Webby deleting comments about Terrified Eyes bassist fcking kids

anonymous 2/11/2019 10:32:57 PM

Here comes AJ from Facewreck trying to capitalize on current events in an attempt to trick people into liking his band.

anonymous 2/11/2019 10:39:02 PM

^This dawg playing like he had a hard life when in all actuality, homeboy quit his job to sell overhyped beatdown to kids born after 1995 on the lurk for OG gear. Must suck having to beg for money from your personal jacuzzi for a $1300 repair on the FW van. Guy d!ck rides and gives more younger band dome than anyone I have ever seen.

anonymous 2/12/2019 5:47:22 AM

Kedric15 hours ago Why is there so much hate for Jeff? He literally just tried to expose the fact homegirls tried to get out of being exposed. Y'all fans of Morgan and n-word season? Please don't say the "n-word", racist.

anonymous 2/12/2019 8:45:49 AM

Am i the only one who doesn't say the N-word in private or public? Everyone is like "if everyone could see your messages you would be in trouble too" blah blah blah it's like, nah damn i don't say that shit even in private convos because I'm not a piece of fcking shit

anonymous 2/12/2019 8:56:07 AM

Lambgoat comment section was a mistake

anonymous 2/12/2019 10:41:09 AM

hehehehehehe at all the regulate d*ck sucking being called out except this time it's consensual

anonymous 2/12/2019 5:23:38 PM

I'm glad I'm not the only one who doesn't say the n-word in privately nor publicly. It's so easy to just not say the fcking word. Got a whole head full of other vocabulary, and well, I'm not a piece of shit. I hope she learns her lesson.

anonymous 2/12/2019 11:13:58 PM

Hope Lenny from Ecostrike is next

anonymous 2/13/2019 7:30:29 AM

Guess what. There's the amendment that protects my ... whoa what is it? Right. Fundamental freedom of speech. I will say whatever the fck I want regardless of other vocals in the dictionary. Don't censor or virtue signal me. Go suck a fcking sick you sagerrrrrrrrrr

anonymous 2/13/2019 7:31:37 AM


anonymous 2/13/2019 10:02:35 AM

Everyone in this situation is a snitch.

anonymous 2/13/2019 10:14:07 AM

The leftover merch will be donated to a nearby Atlanta shelter in the next few days" aka ragorama where they pay you

anonymous 2/14/2019 2:11:01 PM

anyone know if the tranny from bloodbather escorts?

anonymous 2/14/2019 2:12:44 PM

whats up we're bloodbather and this is my fcking world

anonymous 2/15/2019 4:32:39 PM

softcore busters eating their own.

anonymous 2/15/2019 9:08:56 PM

What's up we're bloodbather the time is now

Turnstile 2/16/2019 1:21:35 AM

we don't trust Revenge Season WE COUNT THEM OUT about because of what she said -Ts

anonymous 2/20/2019 9:38:17 AM

What do you get when you take the "c-o-e" out of hardcore? . . . . That hard r lulz

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